

【作者】 蒋俊明

【导师】 孙建社;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 政治机制是一个国家政治权力运行的过程和机理,它设定了不同政治主体参与政治系统的方式、可能途径及其过程。民主政治机制是现代社会利益关系协调的重要方式。经济转轨引发的利益分化及利益诉求多元化在我国已经并长期存在,阶层之间的利益矛盾正成为社会矛盾的主要表现形态,这是我国改革和发展必须面对的社会生态环境,既对现有政治机制的利益协调能力提出了挑战,又为其优化提供了动力。经济利益关系决定政治上层建筑,政治上层建筑又对经济利益关系产生不可替代的能动反作用,能否在利益分化过程中实现社会和谐,将很大程度上取决于政治体系的承受能力和对社会利益关系的把握及调控能力,而这些能力的提升将取决于政治机制的民主发展程度。本文在分析我国社会阶层结构的新变化、当前利益关系中的不和谐因素以及利益矛盾新态势的基础上,综合运用马克思阶级分析方法以及民主思想,以论证利益关系协调、民主政治发展之间的内在逻辑关联为前提,以实现利益关系协调与社会主义民主政治发展的双向实践互动为研究着眼点,以“公民政治权利的程序化实现、社会力量的体制式均衡吸纳、党和国家政治权威的合法性认同”为横向分析坐标,以“国家民主、政府民主和社会民主”为纵向分析层面,探讨如何通过政治资源有效配置和政治制度合理安排,实现社会利益分配和利益矛盾解决的最大公平,寻求政治体制既能充分吸纳广泛政治参与,又能维持其有序性和稳定性,保证民主发展和社会和谐同时实现的理论依据和具体对策。为构建和谐的社会主义利益关系,社会主义民主政治机制建设必须坚持的原则是:利益关系协调机制调整与生产力发展相同步,坚持党的领导与保证不同阶层人民当家作主相统一,扩大政治参与和政治稳定相兼顾。社会主义民主政治机制建设的基本路向是:在政治体制改革中实现权力结构优化,畅通利益表达渠道与完善利益整合机制,协同发展竞争民主和协商民主两种方式。本文认为民主机制可以分为国家、政府和社会三个层面,社会主义民主政治机制建设也应该从这几个方面具体展开。就国家民主层面,应当通过完善选举、代表和会议等方面的机制,来充分发挥人民代表大会在政治系统中应当具备的第一位作用,疏通代议民主机制利益表达的通道,强化人民代表的利益代表性,增强人民代表大会的利益整合效率。作为社会和国家沟通的重要渠道,以及人民代表大会的有效补充,人民政协民主政治机制在利益诉求表达和整合乃至于国家重大事务决策中有着特有的优势。基于社会变迁的现实,其完善应当从“优化界别设置,提高界别内部的组织化程度,增强政协各项决议的效率”等方面入手。推动政府民主机制的改进是利益关系得以公正协调的程序保证。现实中很多利益矛盾和群体性冲突往往是政府不恰当的行政决策和执行行为诱发的,行政透明化和民主化是解决这一问题的关键。我国政府体制改革,应当在正确处理好民主与集中、民主与分权之间关系的基础上,逐步扩大政府权力运行机制的开放性,提高政府的民意回应能力,形成公职人员滥用自由裁量权和强势群体俘获政府的预防机制,构建公众参与型的公共政策决策议程结构和执行模式。利益关系协调还需要充分利用和挖掘社会力量,积极推动公民社会成熟,扩大社会公共领域空间,发展社会民主。只有社会建设的推进,才能真正形成遏制资本和制约权力的现实力量和社会基础。就我国而言,在社会民主机制的建构中,应当充分提升“基层自治民主体系”等原有社会自治制度资源的效率,在合理界定国家(政府)与社会自治组织权力关系的基础上,强化农村村委会、工会组织及城市居民委员会的利益关系协调功能,构建农村利益矛盾、劳资纠纷矛盾以及社区利益矛盾的化解机制,在利益关系协调上形成国家(政府)与社会自治组织互补且合作的良性关系。

【Abstract】 The Stratum Differentiation and the Pluralistic Interests caused by the Stratum Differentiation exist in China for long-term. The conflict of interest between the different stratums is becoming the main manifestation of social contradictions, which is the social ecology environment. We must face the environment in the reform and development of China. It is not only a challenge to the coordination ability of the political system, but also provides the impetus for its development and optimization. The essence of stratum differentiation is the changes in the economic interest. The economic decides the politics, on the other sides, the politics’s effect to the economy development is Irreplaceable. Whether achieving the social harmony in the process of stratum differentiation will largely depends on the capacity of the political system and the ability of grasp and control the interest of different stratum. And the enhancement of this capability will depend on the degree of development of the political system of democracy. Therefore, setting up the democratic mechanism to coordinate the interests of different stratums is the important target for the development of socialist democratic politics, and the important breakthrough in China’s political system optimization.In this thesis, the analysis is on the basis of the main features of current interest as well as the new trend of the conflict of interest and integrated use of the Marxist class hierarchy analysis method as well as democratic idea as theoretical guidance. This paper makes the argumentation the internal logic associated between interest coordination and the development of democratic as a precondition. The aim of this research is achieving the mutual practice interactive between the interest coordination and the development of socialist democratic politics. On one side, the thesis researchs from the "realizing the civil and political rights in program, balanced and systematic absorbing the social forces, indentifying the legality of the party and the country’s political authority." On the other side, it also researchs from " the democratic of country, the democratic of government and the democratic of social". From these two sides, this paper analysis how to realize fair in the distribution of social interests and conflicts of interest by arranging the political system and assigning the political resources. This paper seeks a political system which can fully absorb the broad political participation, also can maintain the order and stability of itself.In the context of class differentiation, in order to build a harmonious socialist interests, the construction of socialist democratic political mechanisms must adhere to the principle:matching the coordination of interests and the development of the productive forces, uniting the leadership of the party and to ensure that the different sectors of the people are the masters, combining the promoting of the fight against corruption and the mechanisms of democratic political construction, and fully accounting the expanding political participation and political stability as well as others principles. The specific way forward mechanism for the construction of socialist democratic politics: optimizing the power structure based on the reform of the political system, building the institutionalization of democratic political mechanism, smoothing the channels of expression of interest and perfecting the mechanism of integration of interests, joint developing the competitive democracy and deliberative democracy.This paper argues that democratic mechanisms can be divided into three levels of the country, the government and society, the socialist democratic political mechanism of should commence from these specific.


