

【作者】 张春花

【导师】 俞良早;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 列宁工会建设思想是马克思主义工会学的重要组成部分。它全面继承和发展了马克思、恩格斯关于资本主义时期的工会理论,同时结合俄国实践,开创了社会主义时期工会理论的先河。无产阶级革命时期,列宁提出,俄国工会是无产阶级政党进行革命活动的基地、据点和支柱,要使俄国工会运动克服“工联主义”侵蚀、与党并肩为无产阶级革命胜利奋斗,必须坚持“灌输论”,确立党对工会的领导关系,使科学社会主义理论成为团结和增强无产阶级革命力量的思想基础。苏维埃社会主义政权建立之初,列宁提出了利用工会实现人民管理国家的思想。他认为,从工会在实现人民管理国家的地位上看,由于在社会主义条件下,工会必将发展成为包括农民在内的全体劳动群众的无产阶级组织,因此,工会是实现人民管理国家最佳方式——人民自治的主要载体,“工会国家化”是实现人民管理国家的主要途径;从工会在实现人民管理国家的作用上看,工会承担着教会和增强工人群众管理技能的教育职能,工会建设与人民管理国家的实现息息相关。在社会主义时期工会理论体系的建设上,列宁主要以“工会问题争论”和“新经济政策”两大历史实践为基础,初步探索和总结了工会的地位和作用。首先,他论证了工会在社会主义条件下存在的必然性和矛盾处境。其次,提出了社会主义时期工会具有双重属性和双重任务理论,即工会具有共产主义学校的教育属性,使其承担着教会群众做管理工作的教育任务;工会具有工人阶级组织和群众组织相统一性质,使其承担着维护无产阶级利益的保护任务。再次,列宁认为,工会可以帮助党密切联系群众、实施国家监督和反对官僚主义,从而是国家政权的最亲密和不可缺少的合作者,对巩固国家政权具有政治合作作用;工会具有“两种保护”和“维权”职能,对工人群众具有物质利益保护作用;工会既是工人群众的“代表者”,又是工人群众与国家机关和企业之间的“调解者”,对社会主义内部矛盾具有冲突调解作用;因此,列宁社会主义时期工会理论的核心内容是坚持党对工会的领导,实现党和工会的紧密合作,充分发挥工会强大的社会整合作用。最后,提出了在社会主义进程中不断加强工会思想、组织和作风建设的主要内容和途径理论。列宁工会建设思想既有理论建树又有应用实践,全面正确认识这一思想及其实践的经验与教训,是探索和构建马克思主义工会学在当代中国发展的新阶段——中国特色社会主义工会理论的重要思想源泉。

【Abstract】 Lenin’s thought on trade union construction constitutes an important part of Marxist theory of trade union. It, in an all-around way, inherits and develops Marx’s and Engel’s theories of trade union during capitalist period. Combining Russian practice, it pioneers theories of trade union during socialist period.In the times of proletarian revolution, Lenin proposed that Russian Trade Union is the base, stronghold and backbone for proletarian party to conduct revolutionary activities. In order to overcome the erosion of "trade unionism" and fight for the victory of proletarian revolution side by side with the Communist Party, Russian trade union movement must insist on "instillation theory", ensure the leading relationship between the party and trade union and make scientific socialism become the ideological basis to unify and strengthen revolutionary forces.After the establishment of Soviet socialist regime, Lenin put forward the thought of using trade union to realize people’s management of the state. He thought that, trade union will develop into a proletarian organization under socialism for laboring masses which include peasants. Therefore, trade union is the best way to realize people’s management of the state in terms of its position. Furthermore,"the nationalization of trade union" is the main path. On the other hand, in terms of its role, trade union bears the educational function of teaching and improving working class’s managerial skills. In a conclusion, trade union construction is closely linked with the realization of people’s management of the state.On the systematic construction of trade union theory during socialist period, Lenin, based on the two historic practices of "Union Debate" and "New Economic Policy", makes an initial research on trade union’s position and role. Firstly, he expounds on the inevitability and contradiction of trade union under socialism. Secondly, he proposes that trade union possesses dual features and dual tasks during socialist period. Since trade union has the educational feature as a communist school, it bears the educational task of teaching the masses managerial work. Since it also embodies the unity between working class organization and masses organization, it is involved in the mission of safeguarding proletarian interests. Thirdly, he thinks that trade union can help the Communist Party keep close contact with the masses, exercise national supervision and combat bureaucracy. Therefore, it is the closest essential cooperator of the state power. Its role of political cooperation contributes to consolidating the state power. Trade union possesses the functions of "two types of protection" and "rights-safeguarding" contributing to protecting material interests of working masses. Trade union is not only the "representative" of the working masses but also the "mediator" between working masses and state organs and enterprises contributing to mediating internal contradiction of socialism. Therefore, the core content of trade union theory during socialist period is how to insist on the leadership of the Communist Party to working masses, realize the close cooperation of the two sides and give full play to trade union’s role of social integration. Finally, he puts forward theories and methods of ceaselessly strengthening construction of ideology, organization and working style in the socialist progressLenin’s thought on trade union construction has both theoretical achievements and practical experience. Complete and correct understanding of this thought along with its practical experience and lessons is an important ideological source to explore and build up Marxist trade union theory during the new phase of contemporary development in China-trade union theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

【关键词】 列宁工会社会主义
【Key words】 LeninTrade UnionSocialism

