

The Research on System Building of China’s Ideological and Political Education from Ethical Horizon

【作者】 刘钊

【导师】 张震;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 选择以“伦理视域下我国高校思想政治教育体系构建研究”为研究题目,是希望能尝试借助伦理学科的研究成果对高校思想政治教育进行研究,尝试思想政治教育与伦理学的交叉研究,但也绝非仅限于对思想政治教育和伦理学两者“是否存在交叉部分”、“何者为交叉部分”的研究,而是从伦理视域对思想政治教育的道德性、合理性的研究。具体来说,是把高校思想政治教育整体作为一个研究对象,从宏观的层面根据思想政治教育的特性选择伦理作为一种研究角度切入,以“价值分析”(亦即求善)的方式来把握思想政治教育,透过表层研究思想政治教育,通过对思想政治教育本身是否合理的道德追问来揭示其内蕴的利益矛盾和冲突,关注隐含在思想政治教育全过程的诸多制度和技术层面背后丰富而又复杂的伦理关系和利益需求,寻找教育管理本身所蕴涵的伦理性质和伦理特征,对教育活动给予道德评价,使教育获得理想的发展。以马克思主义伦理思想为指导,围绕思想政治教育与伦理的关系,建构伦理视域下思想政治教育分析模式,并借助分析模式尝试提出构建伦理视域下思想政治教育体系。这种体系的构建并不是对原有思想政治教育体系的彻底否定和颠覆,而是在原有体系的基础之上的创新和发展,着力于通过伦理这一特殊的视角构建一种有特色的思想政治教育体系、一种具有伦理精神的思想政治教育体系。这种体系内蕴着伦理精神、体现着伦理关怀、彰显了伦理特色,各个组成部份按照其内在联系和固有规律互相衔接、配合,互相渗透、协调,各利益主体在一个整体目标下共同发挥自己的主观能动性,在最大程度上提高思想政治教育的实效性,使大学生思想政治教育工作收到更佳效果,达到整体最优的目的。本文主要涉及以下内容:第一,对伦理视域进行概念界定。指出伦理视域是一种高校思想政治教育研究的一种路径,这种路径其实在思想政治教育研究已经被人们自觉或不自觉地加以运用,只是“伦理路径”作为一种概念没有惯常使用。伦理路径主要关注在思想政治教育过程中,不同利益的参与主体在接触和碰撞中产生的各种各样复杂的伦理关系。第二,伦理视域下思想政治教育研究的理论源流。分别对我国古代思想家、西方思想家、马克思主义以及我国共产党人对思想政治教育伦理思想的相关论述进行考察,从理论上对思想政治教育伦理思想追根溯源,达到全面把握思想政治教育和伦理教育的文化传统和实践经验的目的。第三,伦理视域下高校思想政治教育分析模式的构建研究。对伦理视域下构建高校思想政治教育分析模式的必要性、指导思想、目标、原则进行论述,并着重探讨分析模式运行的内在机理。第四,对高校思想政治教育体系的现状进行概述并运用分析模式从伦理视域探讨高校思想政治教育体系面临的问题。第五,伦理视域下高校思想政治教育体系的构建。分别从教育目标、教育主体、教育客体、教育内容、教育实施手段、教育伦理评价、伦理环境等入手对高校思想政治教育体系构成部份的伦理特性和伦理要求进行论述。

【Abstract】 Choosing "The research on system building of China’s ideological and politicaleducation from ethical horizon" as the research topic, the author is trying to use theethical discipline research achievements into the research of ideological and politicaleducation in colleges and universities, and trying to make the crossover study betweenideological and political education and ethics. The crossover study isn’t limited to thestudy of the two branches considering "whether there is a cross section" or "what iscross section" and " what is the revelation and significance",but to the study ofideological and political education from the perspective of ethics, morality andrationality. In concrete, this thesis takes the ideological and political education in wholeas a research object and chooses ethics according to the characteristics of ideologicaland political education from the macro level as a research angle. Then use the "Valueanalysis"(just for good)method to mention the ideological and political education, andreveal the intrinsic contradiction and conflict of interest through asking the ideologicaland political education itself a ethical question---whether it’s reasonable---to concernthe rich and complex needs implicit in the whole process of ideological and politicaleducation system and technology. At last, this thesis is trying to find the ethic nature andethic characteristic the education management itself embodies, give moral evaluation oneducation activities and promote education achieving the ideal development.This thesis attempts to put forward to build an ideological and political educationsystem from ethical horizon which is guided by Marxism ethical principles andfollowed by the relationship between the ideological and political education and ethics.It extends analysis from history to reality, from theory to practice, from macroscopic tomicrocosmic research train of thought, on the constructing ethics sight of ideologicaland political education under the analysis model. The construction of this system is notthe complete negation of the original ideological and political education system andsubversion, but on the basis of the original system to make further innovation anddevelopment. It focus on building a distinctive ideological and political educationsystem, a kind of ethical spirit of the ideological and political education system, from the particular angle of ethics. This system contains ethical spirit, embodies the ethicalcare and reveals the ethical characteristics. The various parts cooperate, penetrate andcoordinate with each other according to its inner link and the inherent law and variousinterest entities play their own subjective initiative under an overall goal, which greatlyimproves the efficiency of ideological and political education to receive better result onthe college students’ ideological and political education work and achieve the goal ofoverall optimal.This thesis mainly involves the following contents: First, the definition of ethicshorizon. In this part, the author points out that the horizon of ethics is a kind ofideological and political education research a kind of path, the path in the ideologicaland political education research has been applied to consciously or unconsciously, but"ethical path" just as a concept is not often used. Ethical path focuses on the variouscomplexes ethical relationships in which different interest participate subjects contactand collide during the process of ideological and political education. Second, the theoryof ideological and political education research origin from ethical horizon. In this part,the author traced back from the theory of ideological and political education ethics andobserved separately ranging from our ancient thinkers, western thinkers, the Marxismand China’s communists on the relevant expositions of ideological and politicaleducation ethics thought, so as to fully grasp the ideological and political education andethical education of traditional culture and practical experience. Third, the research onthe ideological and political education system in colleges and universities under theethical horizon. In this part, the author discussed the necessarily, the guiding thought,the purpose and the principle of the system and focused on resolving the innermechanism of the ideological and ethical analysis mode. The forth part, the author givea general description on the current ideological and political education system incolleges and universities and point out the facing problems from the ethical horizon.The fifth part, the author trying to build the ideological and political education system incolleges and universities from ethical horizon. It is discussed respectively from theeducation target, education subject, education object, education content, educationmethod, education ethical evaluation and ethical environmental.


