

The Study on the Behavior and Incentive Machanism for the Adoption of JUNCAO Technology

【作者】 郑金英

【导师】 刘伟平;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代以前,世界各国都以林木中的阔叶树为主要原料,来栽培香菇、木耳、灵芝等食(药)用菌。然而阔叶树资源紧缺,培植周期长,且不易人工栽培。随着食用菌产业的快速发展,特别是食用菌工厂化企业的迅猛发展,“菌林矛盾”日趋突出,资源遭到破坏,生态环境日益恶化,食用菌产业也面临原料短缺的威胁。在此背景下,福建省大力推广菌草技术,具有重要的现实意义。本文从采用者的角度,对农户和工厂化的菌草技术采用行为进行分析,探究影响菌草技术采用的因素,从而诱导采用者(农户和工厂化企业)的行为,促进对菌草技术的采用,实现以草代木,节约木材资源,解决“菌林矛盾”,保护生态环境,促进食用菌产业的可持续发展。本文研究的是基于菌草技术采用行为的政府激励政策,主要从采用者行为的视角来进行探讨。采用的方法有规范与实证研究结合、实地采访和问卷调查、典型案例分析、计量经济模型等。本文的思路如下:首先对以往的研究文献进行综述,并界定了菌草技术的相关概念,从背景描述到理论分析,再到实证研究,最后进行总结并提出政策建议。研究主要包括了以下五个部分:第一部分分析了福建菌草技术发展的背景,并总结了菌草技术在实践中的运用情况。第二部分从农业技术扩散系统、政府的宏观目标、生产者的微观动机等方面分析福建菌草技术的扩散机制;第三部分对微观生产者之一(农户)的菌草技术采用行为进行研究,分析菌草技术采用的影响因素;第四部分对微观生产者之二(工厂化企业)的菌草技术采用行为进行研究,分析菌草技术采用的影响因素。第五部分阐述政府激励政策的内涵及作用机制,研究应用政府激励机制促进菌草技术采用与扩散的理论依据和政策效率,并提出政府激励政策的优化对策。研究结论表明:第一,随着食用菌产业的迅猛发展,食用菌的生产原料由原先利用林业废弃物,发展到通过大量砍伐阔叶林来获取,造成“菌林矛盾”日益严重,因此推广菌草技术尤为迫切;第二,政府农业技术扩散的宏观取向与生产者行为存在差异。政府着眼于社会和生态效益,而生产者则追求自身收益最大化,只有当他能从中获取较高收益时,菌草技术才能被采用;第三,农户菌草技术采用行为与“是否兼业”、“菌草技术的难度”等变量呈负相关关系,与“获得政府补贴”、“技术指导或现场示范”、“木材管制”、“种植年限”、“参加食用菌专业合作社”等变量呈正向关系;第四,食用菌工厂化企业由于生产经营的特点以及较强的信息处理和技术试验创新能力,因此采用菌草技术有一定的优势。同行之间的信息交流、竞争压力也是影响采用的重要因素;第五,菌草技术采用结果具有很强的正外部性。但是采用者在采用菌草技术初期会提高成本、增加风险,因此在市场机制单独发生作用时,采用者会从自身利益角度出发,不会自觉采用菌草技术,菌草技术很难自发地扩散。所以在技术应用的前期,必须依靠政府推动和财政激励,以及政府推广部门前期先导性的示范推广,引导和带领农户和企业采用菌草技术。上述研究结论具有很好的政策意义:第一,继续实施对菌草技术的财政激励政策,特别应加大补贴力度,扩大受益对象的范围,优化补贴路径,种草和用草同时激励,实施典型奖励,发挥示范效应作用;第二,加大培训服务激励,减少农户和企业菌草技术采用的风险;第三,扶持菌草专业合作社,实现草粉供应的产业化规模化;第四,鼓励菌包生产企业采用菌草技术,实现企业与农户的优势互补;第五,强化约束机制,引导农户和企业树立良好的生态环境保护观念。

【Abstract】 In the1980s, countries in the world used broad-leaved trees as main raw material to cultivate mushrooms, fungus and other edible fungus. However, the broad-leaved trees are scare of resources, with a long cultivating cycle and difficulty in artificial cultivation. With the rapid development of mushroom industry, especially the rapid development of enterprises of edible fungi factory,"fungus and forest contradiction" becomes increasingly prominent. The resources are destructing, the ecological environment is deteriorating, and the mushroom industry is also facing the threat of shortage of raw materials. In this context, Fujian Province promotes the JUNCAO technology, which has considerable practical significance. The article is from the perspective of adopters (the farmers and factory), to analyze their adoption of JUNCAO technology, and explore the affecting factors. The purpose of this research is to induce the behavior of farmers and factory enterprises and promote their adoption of JUNCAO technology. It is aimed to alternate wood with grass, save timber resources, solve the "fungus and forest contradiction", protect the ecological environment, and promote the sustainable development of the mushroom industry.In this paper, the research is based on government incentives of JUNCAO technology adoption behavior, from the perspective of adoptors. We use methods such as combination of normative and empirical research, field interviews and questionnaires, the typical case studies and econometric models. The idea of this paper is as follows. It first reviews some previous researches, and defines the related concept of JUNCAO, describes the background and the theoretical analysis, then it makes the empirical research, and finally summarizes and makes policy recommendations. The study includes the following five parts. The first part discusses the background of Fujian JUNCAO technology development, and summarizes the practical adoption of JUNCAO technology. The second part studies Fujian JUNCAO technology diffusion mechanisms, from the perspectives of agricultural technology diffusion system, government’s macro objectives and micro-motives of the producers respectively. The third part explores JUNCAO technology of one of the micro-producers (farmers) and the affecting factors. The fourth part discusses JUNCAO technology of the other the micro-producers (factory enterprises) and the affecting factors. The fifth part explains government incentives and its mechanism of action. It explores the theoretical basis and the efficiency of government policies, and proposes optimization method of the government incentives.The study comes to some conclusion. First, with the rapid development of the mushroom industry, edible fungus originally use forestry waste as raw materials, but later edible fungus get materials through a lot of felling of broad-leaved forest, which leads to increasing seriousness of "fungus and forest contradiction". Therefore, it is urgent to promote JUNCAO technology. Second, there are differences between the macro orientation of government agricultural technology diffusion and producer behaviors. Government focuses on social and ecological benefits, producers pursue their own revenue maximization. Only when producers can get higher income, JUNCAO technology can be adopted. Third, the farmers’ adoption behavior of JUNCAO technology is negatively correlated with the variables such as "part time" and "difficulty", and it is positively correlated with variables such as "government subsidies","technical guidance or on-site show","timber control","planting years"," mushroom professional cooperatives" and other variables. Fourth, because of the characteristics of the production and management and a strong information processing and technical testing innovation capability, the mushroom factory enterprise has certain advantages in JUNCAO technology adoption. Exchange of information between peers, competitive pressures also affects the adoption. Fifth, the results of JUNCAO technical adoption have strong positive externalities. But when adopters initially adopt JUNCAO technology, the cost and the risk will increase, so adopters will not consciously adopt JUNCAO technology from their own interest when the role of market mechanisms operates alone. JUNCAO technology is difficult to spread spontaneously. As a result, in the early stage of technological applications, we should rely on government promotion and financial incentives, as well as the guide and demonstration from government promotion department, and induce farmers and enterprises to adopt JUNCAO technology.This research has major policy significance. First, we should continue to implement fiscal incentives of JUNCAO technology, in particular, to increase subsidies and expand the scope of the target beneficiaries. The subsidy path should be optimized and the grassing and adopting grass should be encouraged at the same time. The typical reward should be implemented, so it can play the role of the demonstration effect. Second, we should increase the incentive of training services, and reduce the risk of farmers and businesses JUNCAO technology adoption. Third, we should support JUNCAO professional cooperatives, and achieve the industrialization large-scale of meal supply. Fourth, we should encourage fungi package manufacturers to adopt JUNCAO technology, and achieve advantages complementary between the enterprises and farmers. Fifth, we should strengthen the constraint mechanism and guide farmers and enterprises to establish a good ecological environment protection concept.

  • 【分类号】F323.3;F326.12
  • 【下载频次】260

