

Reseach on the Effect of Comprehensive Agricultural Subsidies Implement in Fujian

【作者】 魏茂青

【导师】 郑传芳;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农资综合补贴是国家为了调动农民种粮积极性,弥补农民的农资增支,降低种粮成本而给予农民的直接补贴,即农资综合直补政策的直接目标是弥补农民的农资增支,根本目标是促进粮食增产和农民增收。福建省从2006年开始实施农资综合补贴政策,涉及82个县级行政单位(占全省县级行政单位的96.5%)的农户。农资综合补贴政策实施以来政策效果如何?在农资综合补贴政策的支持下农户的粮食生产行为发生了什么样的变化?农资综合补贴政策是否增加了农户的收入等等问题都是对政策效果的考量。为研究探讨福建省农资综合补贴政策实施效果,本文重点研究如下方面的内容:1、农户对农资综合补贴政策的认知本研究利用农户的调查数据,通过统计描述得出了三点结论:(1)农户对农资综合补贴政策内容的认知程度不高。农资综合补贴政策已经实施了7年,但还有近15%的农户不知道购买农资可以享受补贴。有70.2%的被调研农户不太了解和不了解农资综合补贴政策,有88.2%的调研农户无法准确知道农资综合补贴所涉及的补贴范围。(2)农户对农资综合补贴政策目标的认知出现分化。大多数的农户对农资综合补贴政策的评价是积极的,但仍有10%左右的农户对政策评价不高。很大比例的农户认为农资综合补贴政策对农户增加粮食生产缺乏激励,但大多数农户却认为农资综合补贴政策促进了农民增收。(3)农户个人特征、家庭特征会影响农户对农资综合补贴政策认知,政策的宣传和执行落实力度等因素对农户认知的影响尤为重要。2、农户对农资综合补贴政策满意度及其影响因素研究本研究利用农户调查数据,分析农户对农资综合补贴政策实施的满意度,并运用Logistic回归模型对农资综合补贴政策满意的影响因素进行分析。研究发现,农户对农资综合补贴政策的满意度为56%,也就是在总体的调研样本农户中,有56%的调研农户认为农资综合补贴政策是好与很好的,大多数的农户对农资综合补贴政策的评价是积极的。影响农户对农资综合补贴政策的满意度的因素有很多,耕地面积、粮食直补政策、农药化肥的直补政策、良种直补政策是影响农户对农资综合补贴政策满意度的显著性因素。3、农资综合补贴政策对农户粮食生产行为的影响运用Logit模型和多元线性回归模型对影响农户粮食生产决策因素的实证研究表明,影响农户种粮生产决策的显著性因素包括农户粮食生产收入预期、农户农业劳动力人数、农户从集体承包的耕地面积、农户对国家粮食最低收购价标准的评价、农户对粮食直接补贴标准的评价、农户对农资综合补贴政策的评价。其中,农户粮食生产收入预期是贯穿于农户是否扩大水稻种植面积以及扩大多少水稻种植面积的最为关键的因素。农户对国家粮食最低收购价标准、粮食直接补贴、农资综合补贴的评价越高,满意度越高,农户的种粮生产收入预期就越高,农户就越倾向于扩大水稻的种植面积。4、农资综合补贴对农户收入增长的影响根据影响农户收入增长的多元回归结果显示农资综合补贴对农户收入增长的影响是显著的。农资综合补贴与农户的收入增长呈现正向关系。农资综合补贴作为农户种粮收入的一部分,对农户收入的增长起着重要的作用。研究发现,农资综合补贴政策实施中还存在着农资综合补贴水平有待提高,农资综合补贴资金发放程序缺乏公开性、规范性,部分种粮农户的利益得不到保障等问题。为提高农资综合补贴政策的实施成效,本研究提出加大对农资综合补贴政策的宣传力度、按实际粮食播种面积发放补贴、提高农资综合补贴水平以及灵活创新补贴方式等对策建议。

【Abstract】 The comprehensive agricultural materials subsidy (“the Subsidy”) isdirectly given by the State to the farmers to stimulate their enthusiasm,offset the increase in their expenditure and lower their cost in grainproduction. That’s to say, the Subsidy aims directly to offset the farmers’increase in expenditure for agricultural materials, and ultimately to boosttheir grain yield and income. Since2006, Fujian Province began to implementthe Subsidy policy, which involved farmers from82county-leveladministrative territories (accounting for96.5%of all the county-leveladministrative territories in the province). What’s the effect of the Subsidy?What changes have taken place in the grain production behaviors of farmerssupported by the Subsidy? Has the Subsidy increased farmers’ income? Allthese questions test the effectiveness of this policy.In an effort to explore the effectiveness of the Subsidy of Fujian Province,this paper places emphasis on the following respects:1. Farmers’ Understanding of the Subsidy policyBased on the farmers-related survey data, this research comes up withthree findings as follows:(1) the farmers’ awareness of the Subsidy policyremains low.7years after the Subsidy policy was put into effect, nearly15%of the farmers surveyed still do not know their accessibility to the Subsidy inpurchasing agricultural materials;70.2%do not know well or at all the detailsof the Subsidy policy;88.2%do not know exactly the coverage of the Subsidypolicy.(2) the farmers’ understanding of the Subsidy policy began to bedivided. A majority of them commented positively on the Subsidy policy, but10%did not think highly of it. A large proportion of the farmers believed thatthe Subsidy policy fails to incentivize them in grain production, but amajority of them believed the Subsidy policy boosted their income.(3) thepersonal and family conditions of the farmers have an impact on theirunderstanding of the Subsidy policy, and the communication andimplementation of the policy exert an particularly important impact on thefarmers’ understanding.2. Farmers’ Satisfaction with the Subsidy Policy and the Factors inRelationBased on the data obtained from surveys among the farmers, thisresearch makes analyses on the farmers’ satisfaction with the Subsidy policy,and furthermore, on the factors that affects such satisfaction based on theLogistic regression model.The research finds that the farmers’ satisfaction with the Subsidy policystood at the level of56%. This means that, among all the farmers surveyed,56%of them believed that the Subsidy policy is good or very good. In otherwords, a majority of the farmers commented positively on the Subsidy policy.The factors that affect the farmers’ satisfaction with the Subsidy policy are many. In fact, the growing area, direct grain subsidy policy, directfertilizer and pesticide subsidy policy and direct fine seed subsidy policy areoutstanding in affecting the farmers’ satisfaction with the Subsidy policy.3. The Impact of Subsidy Policy on the Farmers’ Grain ProductionBehaviorsEmpirical research based on the Logistics model and the multiple linearregression model finds that the prominent factors affecting the farmers’ grainproduction decision making include the farmers’ anticipation on their incomefrom grain production, the labor force available for agricultural production,the area of land contracted, the farmers’ view on the state minimum pricefor grain purchase, the farmers’ view on the direct grain subsidy rate, and thefarmers’ view on the comprehensive agricultural materials subsidy policy, etc.Of them, the farmers’ anticipation on their income from grain production isthe most crucial factor that works throughout the farmers’ decision makingprocess regarding whether or not and to what extent to increase the growingarea. The higher the farmers’ satisfaction level with the state minimum pricefor grain purchase, the direct grain subsidy and the comprehensiveagricultural materials subsidy, the better the farmers’ anticipation on theirincome from grain production and the higher their enthusiasm in increasingtheir rice growing area.4. The Impact of the Subsidy on the Farmers’ Income GrowthThe multiple regression model for the farmers’ income growth showsthat the Subsidy has a significant impact on the farmers’ income growth. TheSubsidy is in a positive relationship with the farmers’ income growth. As apart of the income from grain production, it plays an important role inboosting the farmers’ income.The research also finds out the following problems while implementingthe Subsidy policy: the Subsidy rate needs to be raised; the Subsidydistribution procedures are not transparent and standardized; and somefarmers’ interest is not secured, etc.In an attempt to enhance the effect of the Subsidy policy, this researchproposes the following countermeasures to the foregoing problems:intensifying publicity of the Subsidy; distributing the Subsidy according to theactual growing area; raising the Subsidy rate; and flexibly innovating in theSubsidy methods, etc.

  • 【分类号】F323.9
  • 【下载频次】579

