

Study on the Satisfaction of Rural Migrant Workers

【作者】 黄莼

【导师】 张文棋;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 农民工是我国产业工人的重要组成部分,在我国城市化进程中发挥着重要作用,他们对工作、生活的满意度关系到我国和谐社会构建、产业转型升级等方方面面。基于此,本研究试图通过对农民工工作满意度和生活满意度进行分析,从而有针对性地提出能切实提升农民工工作、生活幸福感的措施。本研究以在本乡镇以外从业6个月以上的外出农民工为研究对象,以马斯洛需求层次论、赫兹伯格双因素理论和亚当斯的公平理论为基础,分析农民工的需求层次、农民工对工作满意的需求及农民工在城市工作生活的公平需求,并提出研究假设。结合研究假设,综合国内外文献,本研究提出农民工工作满意度和生活满意度评价结构。农民工的工作满意度由七个维度构成:对工作条件的满意度、对工作回报的满意度、对管理措施的满意度、对管理者行为的满意度、对与同事合作关系的满意度、对工作本身的满意度和对培训与发展的满意度。农民工生活满意度由七个维度构成:对生活条件的满意度、对居住环境的满意度、对社会保险的满意度、对公共服务与管理的满意度、对子女教育的满意度、对业余娱乐与生活的满意度和对社会交往的满意度。本研究以半结构化访谈结合问卷调查方式,通过对福建省船舶制造企业农民工进行预调查,参照国内外现有量表和预调查结果自编农民工工作满意度量表和农民工生活满意度量表。采用农民工自评的方式,对样本农民工进行满意度评价实证研究,结果显示,工作满意度问卷量表具有较好的信度和效度,生活满意度量表具有可以接受的信度和效度。本研究采用多元逐步回归分析法,以满意度评价维度为自变量对农民工满意度进行回归分析,找出了影响农民工满意度较为显著的因素;选择影响农民工满意度显著的工作回报、工作条件、培训与发展、居住环境、子女教育和社会保险等6个因素进行描述性分析。本研究选择以性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻情况、打工时间、是否举家外出、工作类型、工作技能类型、城市融合心理认知度、老家生活情况等10个农民工个体特征为自变量,对农民工满意度进行多元相关分析,选择与农民工满意度相关性较为显著的7因素进行单因素方差分析。本研究的结论:1.农民工满意度评价结果、回归分析结果和相关分析都验证了本研究设计工作满意度量表和生活满意度量表评价结构的合理性以及农民工满意度量表的有效性。2.农民工对工作、生活和总体情况基本满意,但与比较满意和很满意有较大差距。其中,农民工最为不满意的五个因素依次为:对培训与发展的满意度、对社会保险的满意度、对子女教育的满意度、对居住环境的满意度和对工作回报的满意度;农民工比较满意的五个因素依次为:对与同事合作关系的满意度、对社会交往的满意度、对工作本身的满意度、对管理者行为的满意度和对管理措施的满意度。3.回归分析结果显示,工作条件、培训与发展、管理者行为和居住环境等因素对农民工总体满意度影响相对较大,而管理措施、公共服务与管理、工作本身、社会交往等因素对农民工总体满意度影响相对较小;管理者行为、工作回报及培训与发展等对农民工工作满意度影响较大;子女教育、生活条件及居住环境对农民工生活满意度影响较大。4.以sig<0.01为检验标准,城市融合心理认知度、工作类型和老家生活情况这3个因素正向显著影响农民工总体满意度;城市融合心理认知度、工作类型、工作技能类型对工作满意度有正向显著影响;城市融合心理认知度对农民工生活满意度有正向显著影响。本研究的创新之处:1.运用激励理论分析农民工的需求,确定了农民工工作满意度和农民工生活满意度评价结构,自编了农民工工作满意度和农民工生活满意度问卷量表。2.首次引入农村老家生活情况变量作为农村因素分析其对农民工满意度的影响,发现其对农民工满意度有正向显著影响,这对研究农民工问题提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 The study object is the rural migrant workers who work outside their township out of more than6months. Based on three Incentive theories of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Adams’s Equity Theory, the hierarchy of needs, job satisfaction and equity of needs of rural migrant workers are analyzed. Research hypothesis are Proposed.Combining the research hypothesis and compositing the literatures, the evaluations structure of Job satisfaction and Life satisfaction are determined. Seven dimensions of Job Satisfaction are proposed, which are working conditions, management measures, work pay, supervision behavior, co-workers interaction, work and training and development. Seven dimensions of Life Satisfaction are proposed, which are life conditions, the living environment, social insurance, public service and administration, children education, amateur entertainment and life and social interaction.Referring domestic and international scales and interviewing with semi-structured methods and pre-surveying of rural migrant workers in Shipbuilding enterprises in Fujian Province. The job satisfaction scales and the life satisfaction scales are made by self. Empirical researches by self-assessment on the samples of rural migrant workers are made. The results show that job satisfaction questionnaire scales have good reliability and validity degree, life satisfaction scale has acceptable reliability and validity degree.Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, regression analysis is made with the constituent elements of the satisfaction as independent variables for satisfaction of rural migrant workers. Descriptive analysis are made on six significant factors affecting rural migrant workers satisfaction, these factors are working conditions, work pay, training and development, the living environment, social insurance, children education.Choosing10individual characteristics factors which is gender, age, education, marital status, working time, work with whole family, work type, the type of job skills, cognitive of urban integration, rural home living conditions as independent variables, the multiple correlation analysis on satisfaction of rural migrant workers is made. Single-factor analysis of variance is made on satisfaction of rural migrant workers with7significant factors. Main conclusions of the study:1. Based on the results of evaluations of satisfactions of rural migrant works, reasonableness of the evaluation structures on job satisfaction and life satisfaction scales are tested by regression analysis and correlation analysis of significant factors.The rural migrant workers are satisfied but they are not very satisfied. Among them, most rural migrant workers are not satisfied with the five factors that are training and development, social Insurance, children education, the living environment, work pay. They are satisfied with the five factors that are co-workers interaction,work, Supervision behavior, management measures.Five factors including working conditions,training and development,supervision behavior, living environment are more significant impact on total satisfaction of rural migrant workers. Five factors including management measures, public service and administration, work,social interaction are less significant impact on total satisfaction of rural migrant workers. Three factors including supervision behavior, work pay, training and development are more significant impact on job satisfaction. Three factors including children education, life conditions and the living environment are more significant impact on life satisfaction.Based the test of sig<0.01, three factors including Cognitive of urban integration, work type, rural home living conditions are significant positive impact on the total satisfaction of rural migrant workers. Three factors including Cognitive of urban integration, the type of job skills and work type are significant positive impact on the job satisfaction. Urban integration is significant positive impact on the life satisfaction.Chief creative of the study:1. Base on the incentives theories, the needs of rural migrant workers are analyzed. Evaluation structures of job satisfaction and life satisfaction are determined, the job satisfaction scales and the life satisfaction scales are made by self.2. Rural home living conditions as a variable is first introduced to the study of rural migrant satisfaction, the finding is Rural home living conditions is significant. This result can provide a new way of thinking to the research of rural migrant works.

  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【下载频次】601

