

Rh Esearcon the "Ternary Structure" Mode of Rural Finance System in China

【作者】 武霞

【导师】 刘俊奇;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 金融学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 大量的研究和事实经验告诉我们,良好而健全的农村金融体系可以积极有效地促进农村经济的发展,相反,自身存在诸多缺陷且并不健全的农村金融体系不但不会拉动经济发展,还将会对农村经济产生负面的作用。面对“三农”问题已然成为当前高速发展的中国经济所要面对的重点和难点的客观事实,农村金融体系的完善无疑将为我们解决“三农”问题找到一个突破口。我国目前的农村金融体系从“机构观”来看具有同世界上许多国家一样的农村政策性金融、合作性金融和商业性金融的“三元架构”的完整体系,但从“功能观”来看却没有发挥出相应的功效,对我国特有的这一问题的研究和分析、总结,正是我们对农村金融体系完善的主体和现实出发点。文章首先对相关的概念和文献进行梳理回顾,对目前我国农村金融体系呈现出的“三元架构”模式进行了界定并总结了这一模式的特点,逐一分析了构成这一模式的三要素——农村政策性金融、合作性金融和商业性金融的发展历程与功能特点,同时认为“三元架构”模式形成的原因理论上源自金融服务需要分工,农业供给本身的公共产品特性和农村金融服务中明显的信息不对称问题;实践中源自一方面“三元架构”体系中三种元素具有各自不可弥补的缺陷,需要相互协调补充;另一方面是农业发展的不同阶段对三种要素的功能有不同的需求。在对“三元架构”模式进行了理论剖析之后,我们又对这一模式的各组成部分的现实情况进行了定性的分析。政策性金融当前业务覆盖面低,基本的金融资源配置功能都不能很好发挥的情况下,没有起到诱导商业性金融和合作金融增加对农业投入的作用;农村商业性金融离农现象明显,自身也存在不良贷款率高、资本结构不合理的可持续发展困境;农村合作性金融在三者中支农业务覆盖面是最高的,但效率极低,目前存在商业化趋势,对农村业务不积极,自身扭曲的治理结构阻碍其发展,同时,较高的不良贷款率使得自身可持续发展受到威胁。总体来看,目前我国农村金融“三元架构”体系整体效率低下,功能发挥不全,重视单个金融机构改革,忽视了整体的协调配合,重视组织形式改革,忽视了功能的提升。同时,为了用数据更直观的反映这一体系的运行效率现状,文章采用定量分析的方法对我国农村金融体系“三元架构”模式的总体效率和区域效率进行了实证研究,通过实证研究得出以下结论:(1)总体效率分析中的格兰杰因果检验表明,只有农村金融体系的规模效率的前期提高是农业发展和农民收入水平提高的Granger原因,而农村金融体系结构效率和资源配置效率的前期变化均不是农业发展、农民纯收入变化和农村经济发展的格兰杰原因,这一结论表明农村金融体系目前对农村经济的影响主要依赖投入规模的增加。脉冲响应函数分析表明农村金融体系规模效率对农业发展、农民纯收入、农村经济发展的影响在农村金融体系三种效率中占主导地位,农村金融体系结构效率、农村金融体系资源配置效率对农村经济的三个方面的影响占次要地位。这也进一步表明我国农村金融仍处在依赖投入规模扩张发展的初始阶段,金融体系结构效率有待优化,金融体系资源配置效率有待提高。(2)区域效率分析表明,中、东、西部农村金融体系资源配置效率存在明显差异,东部地区的整体效率高于中部,而中部地区的总体效率高于西部。西部地区与中、东部地区的差异不仅表现在纯技术效率上(相关配套制度有待完善和金融组织的管理水平低下)也表现在规模效率上(金融资源投入仍显不足)。定量分析的最终结论是当前我国农村金融体系效率提高主要依赖金融资源投入规模的扩大,另一方面这种金融资源投入的规模却严重不足,如何扩大农村金融体系的投入规模,提高覆盖面,就成为了农村金融体系发展的首要问题。同时技术效率的差异要求农村金融体系内各金融机构提高自身综合实力和管理水平;另外,由于区域间存在效率差异,在农村金融相关政策制定上不能“一刀切”。文章最后一部分探索了对于“三元架构”的农村金融体系完善的解决之路。总体目标为依照完善适应我国农村经济发展的“三元架构”体系、各构成要素最终实现体系功能上的协调和自身可持续发展。建议政策性金融恰当处理财政功能与金融功能,加大支农业务覆盖面的同时,实现自身融资渠道的多元化,逐渐变直接参与为间接干预,着重完善诱导功能;建议对农信社为代表的合作性金融实施改革,符合条件的可以通过商业银行式的股份制改革,转化成商业性金融组织,不符合条件的农信社进行股份合作制改革,一方面保存了合作的本质,另一方面实现增资扩股。明确农村商业性金融的定位,通过政策诱导增加“三农”业务覆盖面,同时优化商业性金融资本结构,提高自身可持续发展能力。提出“三元架构”模式的两种创新探索一是股份合作制改革后的合作性金融建议与政策性金融联合办成“上官下民”的高效组织形式;一是动员“三元架构”体系内的所有要素,共同构建“金融互联网”。同时尽快改善相关配套环境,为解决“三农”问题打好金融的基础。

【Abstract】 Facts and researches have indicated that complete and perfect financial system hasthe positive promotion to the economic development, on the contrary, incomplete andimperfect financial system has not only no promotion but also the negative influence oneconomic development.“Three rural issues” which is the problem need us to face in theprocess of China’s rapid economic growth has been both an emphasis and a nodus. Sothe work to perfect the rural financial system would be the breakthrough to the “Threerual issues”.The rual finance system in China has the complete structures with includespolicy-based financial institutions、Cooperative financial institutions and CommercialFinancial Institutions on the concept of “Financial institution perspective”, but it didn’tfunction completely and perfectly. Therefore, our research begins from this specific issuein China, and all the researches, analysis and conclusions surround the issue.Fistly, the author combes the the relative concepts and literature, then gives a newconcepts of “Ternary structure”, and summarize the charateristics of the “Ternarystructure”. Analyze the development course and the functional characteristics of the threeelements one by one. The article agues that the theoretical causation of the “Ternarystructure” are the theory of labor division, public product and the asymmetry information;the immediate causation is the irreparable defect of the three elements which need tosupplement and coordinate each other; the root causation is there are different functionalneeds to the three elements in different stages of the argriculture development.Secondly, we analyzed the situation of the three elements. The study shows that thepolicy-based financial institutions have the low service coverage, and didn’t meet thedemand of resource distribute function and the guidance function on the input ofcooperative financial institutions and commercial financial institutions to the rural areas.The commercial financial institutions have the low input to the rual economic, the highnon-performing loan ratio, and the unreasonable capital structure. These all place thecommercial financial institutions in the predicament of the sustainable development. Thecooperative financial institutions have the highest service coverage to the rual economicamong the three elements, but they also have the lowest efficiency and unreasonable governance, they are tending toward commercialization and are not active to face therural service. Meanwhile the cooperative financial institutions are also perplexed by thehigh non-performing loan ratio. Above all, the efficiency of the “Ternary structure”financial system is low, and the functions of the system are insufficiency. The reform ofthe financial system only fouced on the single institution and the type of organization,but ignored the cooperation among the three elements and the improvement of thefunctions.In order to give a more intuitive reflection to the situation, we use the method ofquantitative analysis to study the overall efficiency and the regional efficiency of the“Ternary structure” until finally making the following conclusions.1. The conclusion of Granger causality test shows us that the scale efficiency of therural financial system is the Granger causation to the agriculture development and thefamers’ net income, but the structure efficiency and the resource distribution efficiencyof the system are not the causations to the agriculture development, the famers’ netincome and the development of rual economic. This concusion indicates that theinfluence of the rural finacial system to the rual econmics is mainly foucs on the level ofthe input.Other conculsions to the overall efficiency are based on the impulse responsefunction. It shows us that the scale efficiency of the rural financial system makes themain effect to the agriculture development, the net income of farmers and the rualeconomic development. But the structure efficiency and the rescource distributionefficiency of the system make the secondary effects. These conculsions further indicatesthat the rural finacial system of China is still at the early stage. The structure efficiency ofthe “Ternary structure”system needs to be optimized, and the resources distributionefficiency of the “Ternary structure”system needs to be improved.2. The regional efficiency anlysis indicates that there are visible differences aboutthe resources distribution efficiency among the eastern,the middle and western districtsin China. The efficiency of the rural financial system in eastern districts is higher thanthat in the middle district, and the efficieny in the middle district is also higher than thatin the western district. The low efficiency of the system in western district can be showednot only in the technical efficiency which means the shortage of institutional supply, butalso in the scale efficiency that means the resources input is lack. The final conclusion of the quantitative analysis is that the influence of the ruralfinacial system to the rual econmics is mainly foucs on the level of the input, but theinput is gravely insufficient. How to enlarge the scale of the input, and increase thecoverage of the service becomes the first issue which needs to be solved during thedevelopment of the rual financal system. Meanwhile, the financial institutions needto improve synthetical strength and reduce the regional differences. Otherwisepolicymakers should avoid the phenomenon of "one size fits all".Finally, the author tries to explore a proper way to perfect the “Ternary structure” ofrural finance system. To adapt the agriculture economic development, to coordinate thefunctions of the three elements, and to achieve sustainale development of the threeelements are the overall goals. At the same time, author suggests that the policy-basedfinancial institutions need to deal with the fiscal fuction and the financial function. Theyalso need to increase the service to the rural economic, and enhance the guidancefunction; the cooperative financial institutions should reform themselves, some of themcan become the joint share system if they have the sufficient conditions, and otherscan reform to the joint stock cooperative system. This reform can not only save thenature of the cooperative financial institutions, but also achieve the aim to increase thefunding and expand the stock. The commercial financial institutions should locate theposition clearly, and increase the service in the rual areas. Meanwhile, they also need tospeed up the reforms and improve the ability of sustainable development. Otherwise, theauthor raised two types of innovation model. One type is that makes the cooperativefinancial institutions corporate with the policy-based financial institutions to be an effientform of organization, in which that the policy-based finiancial institutions lead andmanaged the cooperative financial institutions. The other type is that calls up all theelements of the rual financial system to build a “finacial linkage net”. In addition, relatedsupporting system should be completed.All of these can play a good financial foundationto solve the problems of the“Three rual issues”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

