

Incentive Strategies for University Music Teac Hers in Harbin

【作者】 刘可祎

【导师】 郁正民;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 以大学为核心的高等教育是整个教育系统中起到提纲挈领作用、服务于国家和民族创新的重要组成部分。但是由于地缘劣势,哈尔滨高等音乐教育还存在着较大的提升空间。大学的核心是人才建设,在哈尔滨这样的经济欠发达地区,激励策略的优化对于培养和吸引高水平人才,促进高等音乐教育的发展,就显得尤为重要。因此,本文以哈尔滨高校音乐教师激励策略为研究对象,希望通过本研究能够对高等音乐院校教师这一特定被激励主体的激励问题进行具体研究,能够找到适合其群体特殊性的激励机制,并由此产生具有可操作性、行之有效的激励措施。本文通过对高校音乐教师这一特定群体的研究,不仅丰富现有的激励理论,尤其是丰富音乐教学论中教师激励部分的相关论述,并且可以将经典的激励理论进行中国情境下的情境化检验。同时,还可以为哈尔滨市高等音乐院校的教师激励献计献策,对其相似的经济落后省份的音乐院校激励工作提供理论和实践上的参考,促进其高等音乐教育的发展。鉴于本文研究的对象是高校音乐教师的激励问题,而激励的效果与高校音乐教师的主观感受有着密切的关系,因此在研究方法层面,本文选择问卷调查法这样一种行之有效的主观态度获取方法。在调查问卷的设计上,不仅大量的参考前人的经典激励理论,在他们的基础上提出研究假设,并且注重调查问卷与高校音乐教师教学科研实际的契合程度,通过非结构性访谈这一研究方法,保证了基于理论的研究设计与客观激励状态的有机融合。应用问卷调查的方法,本文分别就薪酬福利、环境激励和职业发展三方面的激励状态进行了分析,对于薪酬体系、住房福利、教学科研环境、公平竞争环境、职称评定、进修学习和发展平台等七个激励问题,从满意度和存在问题两个角度进行了研究。研究表明,对于七个方面的激励问题满意度最低的是科研教学环境(平均满意度为2.84),向上依次是住房福利(平均满意度为2.98)、薪酬体系(平均满意度为3.05)、公平竞争环境(平均满意度为3.67)、职称评定(平均满意度为3.95)、发展平台(平均满意度为4.22)和进修学习(平均满意度为4.36)。就各个方面的主要问题而言,被调查音乐教师主要关注薪酬不能体现经验和能力的积累、住房水平偏低、课堂教学环境不完善、科研硬件环境不完善、竞争操作程序不够规范透明、因人而异、评职条件过于苛刻、没有体现音乐学科的特色、进修资助不足和学术能力不强所带来的发展平台不佳等各方面问题。在明确激励问题优先级原则的基础上,分别从教师关注度高、教师满意度、需求层次、经费投入,特殊群体的激励等五个维度进行分析,得到两阶段激励策略,第一阶段解决薪酬体系、科研教学环境和公平竞争环境等方面的问题,第二阶段解决住房福利、职称评定、进修学习、发展平台等方面的问题。通过对前文教师关注问题的分析,得到一系列的对策建议,主要包括:提升薪酬总量、提升薪酬与绩效的匹配程度、细化并量化薪酬指标的薪酬体系策略,加强公共电子资源的查阅条件、加强学院行政服务的配套工作和使用培训的科研教学环境策略,清晰明确竞争规则、一视同仁、建立问责和追溯机制的公平竞争环境策略,强化具有音乐学科特色的评职调教的职称评定策略,提升教师进修学习的资助力度的进修学习策略,和通过媒体的力量来建立学院的无形资产发展平台策略。

【Abstract】 It is the most important part that the higher education basing on the university as acore has framing effect, serving the country and national innovation in the wholeeducation system. Due to geographical disadvantage, Harbin higher music educationexists a large room to improve. The core of the university is the talent cultivation, insuch a less developed economic area like Harbin, the optimization of the incentivestrategy is particular important for cultivating and attracting high level talent to improvethe development of higher music education.So this article focuses on Harbin university music teacher’s incentive strategy asthe research object. Hope that through this studies that can make the concrete researchabout the teachers of higher music who become special incented subject incentiveproblem, find the incentive mechanism for its particular group, and then produce theoperable and effective incentives. This paper for the higher music teacher who specificgroup’s research, not only enrich the existing the incentive theory, especially enrichmusic teacher inspiring part of the teaching theory related, and also make the classicalincentive theory into the Chinese situation inspection. At the same time, to makecontribute for Harbin’s higher music teacher’s incentive, and offer the reference ontheory and practice to the similar economic backward province music universityincentive work, to promote the higher education development.Due to the fact that the object of this article is the higher music teacher’s incentiveproblem, the effect of the incentive and the subjective feeling of higher music teacherhave a close relationship. So in the aspect of research method, this article choosesquestionnaire that a kind of effective method to get the subjective attitude. On thedesign of questionnaire, not only a large number of referencing previous classicalincentive theory, on the basis of theirs proposed research hypotheses, but also payattention to the matching between the questionnaire and the teaching and researchpractice of the higher music teacher. By this studying method of non-structural ensuresthe organic integration between the studying design and objective incentive status.Using the method of questionnaire, this paper from the following the incentivestatus of three aspects salary and welfare、 environmental incentive and career development to analyze. As for compensation system, housing welfare, teachingenvironment, fair competition environment, title evaluation, further learning anddevelopment platform and so on like these seven incentive problems, from two points ofsatisfaction and the existing problems to discuss. Studies show that the least satisfyingin these seven incentive problems is the teaching environment (satisfaction is two pointeight four on average), upward order is housing welfare (satisfaction is two point ninetyeight on average), compensation system (satisfaction is three point five on average), faircompetition environment (satisfaction is three point sixty seven on average), titleevaluation (satisfaction is three point ninety five on average), developmentplatform(satisfaction is four point twenty two on average), further learning(satisfactionis four point thirty six on average).In terms of the main problem of all aspects, the music teachers who are surveyedmainly focus on compensation can not reflect the experience and ability ofaccumulation, housing level is low, the classroom teaching environment is not perfect,operating procedures are not standardized and transparent, very from person to person,the condition of evaluable job is too harsh, not reflect the characteristics of music, thestudy inadequate funding, and academic ability is not strong bring the developmentplatform is not good and so on all kinds of problems.Based on a clear incentive problem of the principle of priority, to analyze from thefollowing five dimensions: high attention from teachers, the teachers satisfaction,hierarchy of needs, funding input, the motivation of special group, get two stages ofincentive strategy, the first stage is to solve the salary system, the scientific research andteaching environment and fair competition environment and other aspects problems.The second stage is to solve the housing welfare, title evaluation, further learning, anddevelopment platform and other aspects problems.Through the analysis of the previous teachers concern problems, get a series ofsuggestions mainly concluded improve the total compensation、improve the matchingdegree competition and performance、detailed and quantitative compensation systemstrategy of compensation index, strengthen the access condition of the public electronicresources、strengthen administrative service of supporting the work and use the trainingof scientific research and teaching environment strategy, clear rules of competition,make no exception, establish a fair competitive environment strategy accountability and traceability mechanism, strengthen the title evaluation strategy with the characteristic ofmusic, improve the learning strategy of teachers’ assistance for further study, andthrough the power of the media to establish intangible assets development platformstrategy.

【关键词】 激励策略高等院校音乐教师
【Key words】 Incentive StrategiesUniversityMusic Teacher

