

Ethical Review and Empirical Research on Fairness of National College Entrance Exam

【作者】 张和生

【导师】 曹刚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 高考关系到入学起点公平和教育资源、机会分配公平,是教育公平的重要方面。在我国独特的体制环境和文化语境中,高考已成为一个超越教育的社会密切关注的公共问题。本文从行政伦理的视角全面审视我国高考制度,运用理论与实证、定量与定性研究相结合的方法,系统阐述高考公平价值的实质及其伦理规范,深入分析高考公平问题的现状及原因,从社会管理创新的角度提出多元化高考改革模式及相关政策建议,力求回答高考改革的理论和现实问题;同时对高考公平性评价进行探索,为教育制度伦理评价提供实践范例。随着利益诉求和人才需求多元化,高考制度弊端日益突出。人们要求改革的呼声不断也争议不断,改革难以形成共识,陷入“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”的困境。这种理论上的混乱、实践上的“折腾”,很大程度缘于对高考价值取向的偏差和盲目,尤其是对高考制度及其现象缺乏整体的人文关照。因此,有必要重新省察和规范高考的价值性、合理性。高考作为一种以能力为本位的人才选拔制度和高等教育资源分配机制,不仅关系到入学起点公平和教育机会公平,还关系到社会的合理流动和分层。维护公平是高考制度演进的逻辑基点和核心价值取向,也是保证高考制度正当性、合法性的前提和基础。这是本文的立论基础。本文在梳理社会公平理论特别是罗尔斯正义理论的基础上,把握社会公平、教育公平、考试公平的社会实质及其价值规范,立足于社会转型的大背景,对包括高考在内的考试制度的演进逻辑进行历史的考察,阐述高考公平的本质属性和政策内涵,即作为程序正义的高考制度是一种形式公平,基本要求包括机会分配的标准统一、合理,参考者的权利平等,考录程序公正、透明等。同时,从伦理视角对高考公平的价值原则、政策意义等进行深入探析,展望了基于公平取向的高考制度转型趋势,即从“为国选材”到“为民量才”的转变。高考公平问题贯穿于高考的全过程和各个方面,主要表现在高等教育入学机会分配的区域不公平、考生享有的权利不均等、高考各个环节出现各种不正当行为、竞争结果差异失衡等诸方面。本文从物质条件、制度体制、社会文化等方面分析这些问题产生的根源,并对其极大的消极影响和社会危害进行了伦理反思。在此基础上,对高考公平与效率的阶段性价值追求进行了理论探究,认为现阶段高考改革必须坚持“公平优先,兼顾效率”,并提出了推进高考公平的基本原则、改革策略、体制建构、政策设置和实施路径。最后,对检验高考改革绩效、保证高考决策科学化的高考制度公平性评价进行了探索和实证研究,提出了高考公平指数的概念及其测评指标体系,并以湖南为样本进行了试测。图16幅,表22个,参考文献217篇

【Abstract】 It is an important aspect of education fair that National College Entrance examination ("NCEE" for short) related to the enrollment fair starting point and educational resources, opportunities, fair distribution. Under the condition of Chinese unique institutional environment and cultural context, NCEE has become beyond education itself and our society has paid much close attention to public issues.This treatise review overall our NCEE system from an ethical perspective, by using theoretical and empirical,Qualitative and quantitative methods, in order to grasp the fair entrance, diversification of the college entrance examination reform mode of thinking of social management and related policy recommendations, while explore the fair entrance evaluation sought to answer theoretical and practical problems of NCEE reform, and provide practical paradigm for ethical evaluation of our education system.With interest demands and diversified demand for talent, the drawbacks of NCEE system is becoming increasingly prominent. People constantly desire reform of the controversial reform is difficult to form a consensus, fall into the plight of the stop-gap measures. This chaos theory,"toss" practice, largely due to the deviation of the value orientation of the entrance examination and blind to the lack of overall care of the humanities, especially in the college entrance examination system and its phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to re-introspect and regulate the value of college entrance examination rationality.College entrance examination as a competency-based personnel selection system and higher education resource allocation mechanism, is not only related to the enrollment starting point for a fair and equitable education opportunities, but also related to the rational flow and stratification of society. The basic viewpoint of this article is as follows:Maintenance of fair and logical basis points and the core value orientation of the evolution of the college entrance examination system, ensuring the premise and basis of legitimacy, the legitimacy of the college entrance examination system.On the basis of combing the theory of social equity,especially Rawls’ justice theory and understanding social justice and its value specification and based on the background of social transformation, this essay discusses the essence and political innovation of NCEE fairness, which means NCEE system is procedural justice requiring uniform and reasonable standard distribution of opportunities, equal rights of candidates,fair and transparent exam procedures. At the same time,this essay imagines the transformation based on fairness orientation,that is, from the country before the election to amount changes of serving the people in an ethical perspective on NCEE fair value principles, policies analysis.The problem of fair entrance examination has oozing through the whole process of college entrance examination and all aspects, mainly in the area assigned to unfair higher education opportunities, unequal candidates enjoy the rights, the college entrance examination in all aspects of the misconduct, the competition results in urban and rural sectors of other aspects of the imbalance, and the root cause of these problems from the material conditions, institutional factors, social factors and ethical reflection of its highly negative impact and social harm. On this basis, the pursuit of entrance examination stage values of fairness and efficiency theory to explore at this stage entrance examination reform must adhere to the "fair priority, taking into account the efficiency, and the basic principles of promoting fair entrance, reform strategies, institutional construction. policy setting and implementation path. Finally, to test the performance of the college entrance examination reform to ensure the college entrance examination system of college entrance scientific decision-making fair assessment conducted exploration and empirical research, the fair entrance Index concept and a set of index system, and sample test measured Hunan example.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期
  • 【分类号】G632.474;B82-05
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】3911
  • 攻读期成果

