

【作者】 高昕

【导师】 潘慧;

【作者基本信息】 北京协和医学院 , 临床医学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目的本课题依据北京市丰台区妇幼保健院2008至2012年有关婴儿游泳的数据资料,研究婴儿在出生42天至12个月时游泳,对其身心发育的影响。针对新生儿期婴儿游泳与非新生儿期婴儿游泳,对其体格及神经心理发育的影响可能存在的差异,本研究力求科学分析、客观测评非新生儿期婴儿游泳对其体格及神经心理发育等方面的影响,以严谨方法实事求是得出可靠结论。在当前婴儿游泳热潮中作出冷静思考,以期避免因理论上的误导而造成有关医疗保健资源的浪费或带来不必要的损失。方法采用回顾性对照研究方法,在北京丰台妇幼保健院,共收集2008~2011年出生婴儿数据样本182例,其中游泳干预实验组58例(男28例、女30例,在出生42天至12月龄游泳1次~53次),对照组124例(男60例、女64例,未游泳)。采用门诊体重检查、卧位身长或立位站高检查以及Gesell发育量表诊断法检测发育商数,定量评估实验组与对照组儿童体格发育及神经心理发育的情况。应用Excel以及SPSS软件进行数据统计。结果在体格发育方面,2~24月龄婴儿,游泳组与对照组两组体重、身长与生长速度差异均无统计学意义(独立样本t检验,p>0.05)。两组年均体重增速、体重SDS、身长增速、身长SDS差异均无统计学意义(独立样本t检验,p>0.05)。游泳≥10次组、游泳<10次组与对照组,三组间体重、身长与生长速度差异均无统计学意义(单因素方差分析,p>0.05)。在神经心理发育方面,适应性、大运动、精细运动、语言、个人-社交等五项Gesell评分分析,游泳组游泳后与对照组同月龄期,两组差异无统计学意义(独立样本t检验,p>0.05)。游泳组在游泳前后,差异均无统计学意义(配对t检验,p>0.05);对照组同比差异亦无统计学意义(配对t检验,p>0.05)。结论本研究通过分组数据的统计分析显示,在体格及神经心理发育方面,游泳组婴儿与对照组婴儿差异均无统计学意义。出生42天~12月龄婴儿游泳,对2-24月龄体格及神经心理发育影响不显著,未见明显促进或抑制作用。

【Abstract】 ObjectivesTo explore effects of infant swimming during the time from42days old to12months old on children’s physical and psychological development based on infant swimming data between2008and2012in Beijing Fengtai Hospital for Maternal&Child Health. To study possible differences of effects of neonatal-period infant swimming and non-neonatal-period infant swimming on their physical and psychological development, aiming to evaluate effects of non-neonatal-period infant swimming on their physical and psychological development and to achieve reliable conclusions with practical, realistic and rigorous approach and scientific analysis. To give cool-headed consideration to the current hot campaign in infant swimming so as to avoid unnecessary loss or waste of related medical and healthcare resources brought about by theoretical misleading.MethodsThe method of retrospective case-control study was employed. Sample data of182infants born between2008and2011were collected in Beijing Fengtai Hospital for Maternal&Child Health. The182children were divided into two groups with58in the swimming group (28males and30females, who swam1to53times respectively during the time from42days old to12months old) and124in the control group (60males and64females who did not swim during their infant time).Clinical scales were used to measure the body weight and the lying length or standing height of the children in both groups. Gesell development diagnosis schedule was used to check their developmental quotients so as to make quantitative evaluation of the physical and neuropsychological development of the children in the two groups.Excel and SPSS were made use of for statistics and data analysis. ResultsOf the two groups of infants of2-24months old, there is no statistical significance (independent samples t-test, p>0.05) in such physical development as body weight, body length or growth rate. There is no statistical significance (independent samples t-test, p>0.05) between the two groups in terms of average annual growth rates of body weight and body length, weight SDS or length SDS.It is not statistically significant (one-way ANOVA, p>0.05) in terms of body weight, body length or growth rate between the three groups:the group of infants who swam ten times or more, the group who swam less than ten times and the control group.In neuropsychological development, there is no statistical significance (independent samples t-test, p>0.05) between the control group and the swimming group of the same-month-old infants in terms of the five Gesell assessments indicators of adaptive capacity, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language development and development of personal-social abilities. There is no statistical significance (paired-samples t test, p>0.05) concerning pre and post swimming intervention in the swimming group and no statistical significance (paired-samples t test, p>0.05) is shown compared with the control group.ConclusionsThe study indicates that, with statistical analysis of packet data, there is no statistical significance between the swimming group and the control group in physical or neuropsychological development. And there is no obvious effect of42d-12m infant swimming on the physical or neuropsychological development of2m-24m children, as no obvious promotive or suppressive effect is seen.

  • 【分类号】R174
  • 【下载频次】219

