

The Digestibility and Applications from African Locust Bean (parkia Biglobosa) Seeds


【导师】 姚卫蓉;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 非洲槐豆,拉丁名Parkia biglobosa,是一种豆科树种,其种子在几内亚和西非国家是一种大众化食品佐料,富含蛋白质和淀粉。淀粉从营养学或消化性角度讲,分为快消化淀粉(RDS)、慢消化淀粉(SDS)和抗性淀粉(RS),而RS又分4种类型。越来越多的研究集中在采用食品加工技术降低淀粉的消化性,其生理价值在于增加饱腹感、恒定葡萄糖的代谢速度、糖尿病管理和满足心理需求等,从而有益于人体健康、降低肥胖症、心血管疾病、糖尿病和癌症的风险。本论文主要研究非洲槐豆淀粉的消化性及其在食品中的应用。首先研究了非洲槐豆淀粉的提取工艺。研究了三种不同溶剂提取槐豆淀粉对淀粉得率和其他营养成分的影响,包括0.5%NaOH,1.5%Na2S2O5和去离子水,发现当采用5倍水提取时,淀粉得率最高,为32.86%,而其中的蛋白含量较低,为0.12%。采用Englyst方法分析表明,采用上述三种溶剂提取得到的槐豆淀粉中RDS, SDS, RS含量分别为11.56%-9.08%,52.29%-50.26%和24.56%-23.12%。接着分别采用物理和化学方法对原淀粉进行改性处理。为了了解槐豆淀粉消化性的物质基础,采用α-淀粉酶和淀粉葡萄糖苷酶对槐豆淀粉进行预处理,分别采用X-射线衍射、差示量热扫描(DSC)和示差量热扫描(DSC)对不同预处理时间得到的残留物进行解析,认为可能是淀粉晶体区和无定形区的层状结构是槐豆慢速消化特征的来源,而与结晶区相比,无定形区更容易被消化。接着论文采用物理和化学手段对槐豆淀粉进行改性。研究了湿热物理处理技术(HMT)改性制备RS,不同水分含量(15%,20%,25%和30%)的槐豆淀粉在110oC下湿热处理16h后,RS最高可达31.96%;原淀粉经焦糊精化(PD)和交联(CL)两种化学改性处理后,RS含量可分别达到30.43%和30.69%。非洲槐豆富含蛋白,仅仅利用淀粉有点可惜。因此,本论文基于中国传统食品豌豆沙的生产工艺,研究了豆沙制备工艺对槐豆淀粉消化性的影响,包括槐豆/水的比例,浸泡和蒸煮等。研究结果表明,当淀粉和水的比例为(1:4, W/V)、浸渍12h、再经110°C蒸煮后,槐豆淀粉中RDS、 SDS和RS的比例分别为13.23%,44.33%和27.11%,有效提高了RS含量。经X-射线衍射、DSC分析表明,RS的主要成分是直链淀粉,而SDS中主要是支链淀粉。由于物理改性方法提高RS含量的方法更安全、方便,也更接近家庭制作过程,本论文将豆沙制备工艺中的主要过程,即将浸泡工艺应用到槐豆粉而不是槐豆淀粉的制备,得到高蛋白、高灰分和高纤维素的槐豆粉。28°C下将槐豆分别浸泡于下列溶液中12h,包括去离子水(pH=5.3),柠檬酸(0.1%pH=2.6)和碳酸氢钠(0.07%, pH=8.4),再于90°C下蒸煮3h,并在4°C下冷藏72h,可得到RS含量为17.51%的槐豆粉。然后将该槐豆粉应用到面包的制作中,分别替代小麦面粉0%,5%,10%,15%,20%,30%和40%,然后评价其加工性能、近似组成、消化性和感官性能。研究结果表明,经200°C烘焙45min,未添加槐豆粉小麦面包中的RS含量为1.67%,而添加了槐豆粉小麦面包中的RS含量为7.74%-8.68%;而经130°C烘焙90min的面包中,未添加和添加槐豆粉的两种面包中RS含量分别为3.61%和7.72%-10.54%。同时,由于添加了槐豆粉,面包中粗蛋白、灰分和粗纤维的含量分别从7.89%上升到15.68%,从0.91%上升到2.54%,从1.41%上升到4.97%;面包的色泽随着槐豆粉加入量的增加而变深;感官评价结果表明添加5%-15%槐豆粉的面包之间在感官性状上没有显著性差异,接受度较高。本研究结果表明,非洲槐豆经过加工处理可得到较高RS含量,并可应用于面包制作降低其消化性,有望用于人体代谢性疾病的控制。

【Abstract】 African locust, called Parkia biglobosa in Latin, is a kind of leguminous tree, its seed is apopular food condiment in Guinea and other West African countries, which is rich in proteinand starch. For nutritional purposes, starch in foods may be classified into three typesaccording to in vitro digestibility: rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch(SDS), and resistant starch (RS), and there were RS1-4based on the process. More and moreresearches were focused on the modified digestibility of starch to be lowly digestible duringthe processing, its potential health benefit is satiety, stable glucose metabolism, diabetesmanagement, and mental performance, which will be benefical to human body for fightingcertain diseases serious (obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer). In this study,the digestibility and applpication of starch from Parkia biglobosa bean were studied.Firstly, different solvents were used to extract the starch from the beans, including0.5%NaOH,1.5%Na2S2O5and water, and the highest yield of starch (32.86%) could be obtainedwhen5folds of water to flour is used, while protein content of the starch obtained was low(0.12%). In vitro digestibility analysis by Englyst method showed that their RDS, SDS, RScontents were11.56%-9.08%,52.29%-50.26%and24.56%-23.12%respectively bythe above different solvent extraction.To understand the formation of digestibility of Parkia starch, it was prehydrolyzed by α-amylase and amyloglucosidase at different prehydrolysis time before modification. Theresuidal of different prehydrolysis time were analyzed by X-ray, SEM and DSC, it showedthat the layered structure of crystalline and amorphous regions is likely the fundamentalstructural basis for their slow digestion property and the amorphous region was moresusceptible to digestion than the crystalline regions.And then the Parkia starch was modified by different methods were studied, includingphycial and chemical method. To produce RS, the Parkia starch was treated by heat-moisturetreatment, a physical modification. The Parkia starch was subjected to different heat-moisturetreatment (HMT) at different moisture contents (15%,20%,25%, and30%) at110oC for16h. The result showed that compared with native starch, the RS content of HMT starchesincreased significantly (P <0.05), the RS content could be the highest of31.96%when themoisture content was20%. To produce RS, the Parkia starch was modified by chemicalmodification; the effect of pyrodextrinization (PD) and cross-linking (CL) treatment on in vitro formation and digestibility of RS were used. The yield of RS with30.43%and30.69%respectively were obtained by pyrodextrinization (PD) and cross-linking (CL) respectively.Based on the above three modified method, all the RS content could be higher. However, theAfrican locust bean was rich in protein; if only use the starch compent, it is regret. So,following the sweet bean paste production which is normally made of pea in China, the beanpaste production is processed. The effect of cooking process conditions (bean/water ratio,soaking and cooking) on the Parkia starch digestibility was studied. The results exhibited thatwhen the bean mixed with water as1:4(W/V), soaked for12h, and then cooked at110°C,the sweet bean paste production with higher level RS content was obtained, and thedigestibility of Parkia starch was13.23%,44.33%and27.11%of RDS, SDS and RS,respectively. X-ray, DSC analysis showed that amylose is the molecular basis of RS, andamylopectin plays a key role in the structure of SDS and is the main constituent of SDS.And the physical methos of modification RS is more safe, convient, and very near to thehome preparation, the main procedure of the sweet bean paste production, the soakingprocedure was used to produce Parkia flour but not starch, because of its higher potein, ashand fiber with more valuable to human. The bean was treated by soaking at28°C for12h indistilled water (pH=5.3), citric acid solution (0.1%pH=2.6) and sodium bicarbonatesolution (0.07%, pH=8.4), cooking temperature (90°C) for3h and then placed in arefrigerator4°C for72h. The Parkia flour with high RS content (17.51%) was obtained, andthen it is applied to bread production by replacement of wheat flour with0,5%,10%,15%,20%,30%and40%. Processing, proximate composition, digestibility of starch in bread andsensory quality were evaluated. The RS content was1.67%in wheat bread and7.74%-8.68%in Parkia bread baked at200°C for45min, while3.61%in wheat bread and7.72%-10.54%in Parkia bread baked at130°C for90min. Color of the bread was remarkablyaffected by addition of different levels of Parkia flour. Sensory evaluation results indicatedthat bread with5%-15%Parkia flour were rated the most acceptable and there was nosignificant difference in their acceptabilityOur result showed that Parkia flour with high RS could be used in bread to change itsdigestibility, which will be valuable for the human with metabolic disease.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

