

Research on Exploiting and Using Political Resources of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 何妍

【导师】 傅菊辉;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在党的十六届四中全会上,胡锦涛总书记明确提出了要大力加强党的执政能力建设,会上明确提出了执政理论体系建设的问题,创造性地提出了执政理念、执政基础、执政方略、执政体制、执政方式、执政资源、执政环境七个基本范畴。这就构建成了中国共产党执政理论体系的基本框架,标志着中国共产党对执政规律的认识进入了一个新的阶段。执政资源建设是加强党的执政能力建设七个方面的重要内容之一,政治资源不仅是执政党执政资源的重要组成部分,而且它也是执政党最直接和最核心的资源。一个政党要长久地保持它的执政地位,就必须有强大的政治资源体系予以支撑。中国共产党的执政能力建设要得到长足的发展,必须重视政治资源的开发和利用。在这样的背景下,本文主要论述了中国共产党执政有那些政治资源、如何去开发和利用这些政治资源。中国共产党执政的政治资源可以分为国内和国际政治资源,也包括硬性和软性两个层面。硬性的政治资源主要指权力资源、群众资源、国有企业、跨国移民资源等,软性的政治资源主要指国际国内制度资源、信息资源、政治文化资源、党和国家的形象资源等。这些中国共产党执政需要的硬性的和软性的国内、国际政治资源又可以归纳成四种形态的政治资源:基础性政治资源、运行性政治资源、观念性政治资源和保障性政治资源。这些政治资源协同作用,共同维系着执政党的执政资源体系的运行。在中国共产党的执政实践中,中国共产党执政与开发和利用政治资源的关系密切。中国共产党是执政的主体,开发和利用政治资源是客体,中国共产党的施政纲领、方针政策都要通过开发和利用政治资源起作用,因此,中国共产党要想长久执政就离不开有效地开发和利用政治资源。由于执政环境的变化,在不同的阶段开发政治资源的过程中呈现出了不同的内容和特点,同时中国共产党执政也遇到了一些问题和挑战。因此,既要从历史的脉络考察中国共产党开发和利用政治资源,也要从现实的角度分析开发和利用政治资源的现状。面对中国共产党在执政实践中开发和利用政治资源遇到的问题,如何开发和利用政治资源的总的思路是:一是要制定长期开发利用政治资源的发展战略规划;二是要总结中国共产党自身开发和利用政治资源的经验教训;三是要积极吸取国外政党开发利用政治资源的经验和教训;四是要采取积极措施防止政治资源的流失;五是要以制度为创新整合现有的政治资源;六是要采取多种形式不断开拓新的政治资源。在具体的开发和利用政治资源的时候,具体针对不同类型的政治资源提出了一些措施。

【Abstract】 In sixteen of the party4in on plenary meeting, General Secretary HuJintao putforward clearly to want to strengthen the ruling ability construction of the party. Heclearly put forward seven basic categories,such as the theoretical systemconstruction, creatively put forward the idea of ruling, the ruling basis, governingstrategy, governance structure, governance, governing resources, ruling environment.The construction of our party’s governing theory has become the basic frame of thesystem, it indicates our party to be in office regular understanding to enter a newstage. A party want to maintain its ruling position for a long time, it must havestrong political support resources system. Therefore, in the construction of socialismwith Chinese characteristics under the background, our party’s ruling abilityconstruction can obtain great progress, it must attach the political development andutilization of resources.Our party’s political resources can be divided into domestic and internationalpolitical resources, political resources, the Communist Party of China domesticpolitical resources include hard and soft in two dimensions. Rigid political resourcesmainly refers to the power resource, the resource, state-owned enterprises, softpolitical resources mainly refer to system resources, public political psychology,political culture resource, information resource, the party and the country’s imageresources. The Communist Party of China international political resources includinginternational system resources, strategic resources, transnational Migrant Resource,at the same time, these hard and soft domestic, international political resources canbe divided into four forms of political resources: basic political resources, politicalresources, operation of the concept of political resource and protection of politicalresources. These political resources together maintain a ruling party’s rulingresources system. The Chinese Communist Party is the ruling body, the developmentand use of political resources is an object, our party’s policy agenda and policy willbe through the development and use of political resources play a role. Therefore, theChinese Communist party wants to govern permanently without effectivedevelopment and use of political resources, they both have close relationship.Because of the changes of the ruling environment, under the different stages thepolitical resources can be the different content and characteristic. At present ourparty being in power in the development and use of political resources situation encountered some problems and challenges. Therefore, we not only review politicalresources from the history, we but also construe the development and use of politicalresources from the realistic angle.In the face of the Communist Party of China in thepractice of development and utilization of political resource problems, how todevelop and use of political resources of the total train of thought is: one is todevelop long-term development and utilization of political resources in thedevelopment of strategic planning; two is to summing up our party oneselfdevelopment and use of political resources lessons; the three is to actively absorbforeign development and utilization of resources of party politics lessons andexperience; the four is to take measures to prevent the loss of political resources;five is to take the system as the innovative integration of existing political resources;the six is to take a variety of forms and constantly open up new political resources.In the development and use of political resources, we put forward some measuresaccording to the different types of political resources.

【关键词】 中国共产党政治资源开发利用
【Key words】 Communist Party of ChinaPolitical resourcesExploitingUsing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

