

On the Requirements for Practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development

【作者】 陈澎

【导师】 罗争玉;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 科学发展观是具有中国特色的的世界观和方法论,它继承和发扬了马克思主义的发展观并充分运用于中国的发展实践,它的形成和提出,是以我国仍处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情和30多年改革开放的实践为依据的,并在此基础上不断总结了发展的经验教训,总结了共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律。科学发展就是要用科学的思维和方法来应对、解决当代中国前进道路上所遇到的各种新情况、新问题的伟大实践。因此,科学发展观重在实践,贵在落实。离开了实践载体,贯彻落实科学发展观只能是一句空话。全国各地在推进科学发展的探索和实践中,积累了不少带有共性的普遍经验,这些经验有利于丰富科学发展观的思想内涵,从而更好地指导各地科学发展的新的实践。结合湖南省近年来的发展实践,深入研究科学发展观的实践要求可以得出以下结论:实践科学发展观需要以实事求是、与时俱进的精神来对待,必须弄清国情、省情、区情的实质,把握世情、国情、省情的变化趋势,在此基础上提出符合当地实际的发展战略并付诸实践,真正推动全面、协调、可持续发展;实践科学发展观需要积极创新,要因地制宜,采取切实可行的措施,营造敢为人先、宽容失败的文化环境,营造尊重人才、尊重创造的社会环境,营造激励创造、支持创造的制度环境,激发本地区的自主创新能力,推动本地区转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提高发展质量;实践科学发展观需要具有战略思维,增强从全局中谋划本地区科学发展的能力,增强从本地区长远发展目标出发谋划当前科学发展的能力,增强从“中心”谋划全局工作的能力;实践科学发展观需要实现人本发展,要在实际工作中牢固树立以人为本的执政理念,坚持发展依靠人民,把以人为本贯穿到经济社会发展的各个方面,贯穿到领导干部的各项具体工作中,真正把改善民生作为科学发展的根本出发点和落脚点;实践科学发展观需要提高干部队伍素质,要用科学发展观武装干部头脑,建立科学的领导干部政绩考评制度体系,约束和激励各级干部用过硬的作风践行科学发展观。科学发展观本身是基于实践基础上的理论创新,研究和探讨“科学发展观的实践要求”,是科学发展观的实践性所决定的,这项重大课题需要坚持不懈地开展下去,以不断丰富的理论来指导新的实践。

【Abstract】 The scientific outlook on development is an intensive expression of theapplication of the world outlook and methodology of Marxism in China’sdevelopment. It is formed and proposed in accordance with the basic nationalconditions of China, which shows that China is still at the preliminary stage ofsocialism, and the practical experience of reform and opening up in more than30years. Based upon this foundation, experience and lessons for development are drawn,and the administration system of the Communist Party of China, the system for thesocialist progress and the pattern for the advancement of human society are summedup. Scientific development is a great practice of scientific thinking and methods withan aim to deal with a variety of new issues emerged in contemporary China on itsroad ahead. Therefore, the scientific outlook on development focuses on the practiceand implementation. If isolated from the practice, which acts as the carrier, theimplementation of it can only be empty talk.In exploration and practice of promoting scientific development across thecountry, a lot of general and widely-applicable experience is accumulated, which isconducive to enrich the ideological content of the scientific outlook on developmentto better guide its implementation in different regions. Combined with thedevelopment of Hunan Province in recent years, the following conclusions can bedrawn based upon an in-depth study of the scientific outlook on development: toimplement the scientific outlook on development calls for a spirit of seeking truthfrom facts and advancing with the times, a thorough understanding of the national, theprovincial and the regional situations, and a solid grasp of the trend in which newchanges arise both at the global, the provincial and the provincial levels. Only uponsuch foundation can the development strategies be proposed and put into practice inaccordance with local situations to truly propel comprehensive, coordinated andsustainable development. To follow the scientific outlook on development requirespragmatic and feasible measures in the light of the local conditions to create a cultureupholding a pioneering spirit and tolerance towards failure, a society advocatingrespect for talent and innovation, and a system spurring and supporting innovation inorder to consolidate the capacity for independent innovation in the region, facilitatethe transformation of the development concepts, innovate the development model and improve the development quality. To carry out the scientific outlook on developmentneeds strategic thinking to enhance the ability of planning regional scientificdevelopment from the perspective of the bigger overall situation, outlining scientificdevelopment plan for today in respect to the region’s long-term goals, and chartingthe master working plan from the “center”. To fulfill the scientific outlook ondevelopment requires human-centered development, which calls for a firm rooting ofa people-oriented governing philosophy in practical work and adherence to theprinciple that development must rely on the people, integrating the principle ofputting people first into every aspect of economic and social advancement and intothe specific work of leaders and cadres. Such principles take improving people’slivelihood as the fundamental starting point and the ultimate goal of scientificdevelopment. To implement the scientific outlook on development calls for theimprovement of the quality of cadres, equipping them with a mindset centered uponthe scientific outlook on development, and establishing a scientific system to evaluatethe performance of the cadres to urge and motivate cadres at all levels to practice thescientific outlook on development with excellent style.The scientific outlook on development is an innovated theory based on practice.Research on the “practical requirements of the scientific outlook on development”represents the pragmatic nature of the concept, and should therefore be carriedforward to guide new practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

