

Study of the Chinese Transformation of Society Public Reason

【作者】 张平

【导师】 刘启良;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 公共理性自罗尔斯发表《正义论》、《政治自由主义》之后便大放异彩,经过近四十年的发展,已经成为现代政治哲学、公共哲学的核心范畴和公共生活的合法性基础。广义上的公共理性,既是一个实体性概念,又是一个蕴涵丰富方法论意义的范畴,既是一种理念,也是一种分析性框架,且存在诸多歧议。作为理性主义家族成员,具有理想性、历史性、发展性、多元化、扩展性等诸多特征。公共理性是多元差异社会共存共荣的合法性基础;是社会行为主体(包括各类共同体及其成员个人)为了追求公共利益、根据公共价值原则、经过审慎的公共思维而进行公共推理(包括辩谈)、公共行动(参与)的一种能力,是行为主体作用于国家公共权力领域和公民社会公共生活领域(在古代为公私领域合一)的一种合作治理、共同生活的实践机制。公正是公共理性的基本原则。上述对公共理性概念的界定适用于古今中西,是对公共理性概念最一般的广义上的界定,这种界定虽然比较宽泛,但并不否认古今中西公共理性之间的本质区别。狭义上的公共理性,即现代公共理性,是指民主制度框架内的公民依据现代公共价值原则进行推理、共治的能力和机制。伴随着人类社会文明发展,公共理性理论也经历了传统、转型和现代的演化过程。目前,西方已经完成工业化、实现现代化,进入后工业化、信息化时代,公共理性现代特征显著,而中国则建立社会主义市场经济体制不久,正处于工业化发展中期,公共理性转型特征凸显。现代公共理性与传统公共理性的本质区别主要源于生成环境上的根本变化,即:以工业文明和市场经济为基础而非以农业文明和小农经济为基础,以现代民主政治为制度环境而非以专制政治为制度环境,国家、社会、市场“三分”社会结构而非国家、社会、市场“一体化”社会结构,公私领域两分而非公私领域界限模糊,公民主体而非臣民主体。就中国而言,传统公共理性的表现形态为道德理性,虽然它与现代性格格不入,对现代化进程形成某种制约,但其合理成分仍不失为中国转型社会公共理性和中国现代公共理性建构的重要资源。现代文明社会是人类的共同理想。现代公共理性作为现代性的伴生物,中西方之间必有诸多相似和相通之处,但由于现代化发展时段和发展道路选择存在明显差异,当代中国转型社会公共理性与西方现代公共理性存在着本质区别,这种区别集中体现为中国基于社会主义制度、马克思主义意识形态、现代转型语境、东方文化传统和西方基于资本主义制度、自由主义意识形态、后现代语境、西方文化传统的公共价值选择之不同。本文认为,中国转型社会公共理性的价值原则即中国特色社会主义核心价值观可以凝练为:科学发展、公平正义、竞合共富、责任宽容、文明和谐,而蕴涵上述价值原则的公共理性表现形态则是科学发展理性。科学发展理性的现实依据是中国转型社会条件及“中国模式”的成功实践,科学发展理性的理论基础是对古今中西公共理性的扬弃与创新,其价值意蕴不仅包含工具理性、价值理性,更具实践理性、交往理性。实践科学发展观的过程,就是建构科学发展理性的过程。以科学发展理性为表现形态的中国转型社会公共理性是未来中国现代公共理性的母体和基础。作为一种理念,社会生产实践的过程也就是公共理性生成、演变的过程,理性主义理论的流变和愿景也就是公共理性的流变和愿景。在西方,公共理性的生成、演变是一个自然的过程,在西方现代语境里,罗尔斯、哈贝马斯、麦金太尔、桑德尔、拉兹等一大批学者都为西方公共理性的现代建构作出了积极贡献,并推动公共理性成为现代政治哲学尤其是新兴的公共哲学的主题和核心范畴。西方公共理性对于中国是一个主要的参照,而中国特殊的传统、特殊的发展道路选择、特殊的现代性、特殊的转型发展时段等国情,都使得中国转型社会公共理性的生成要比西方更为复杂、更多艰难。虽然,本文提出了中国转型社会公共理性表现形态为科学发展理性之命题,但科学发展理性真正成为公民的理性,还有一个漫长的过程。中国国情决定了中国转型社会公共理性的生成只能是一个由国家主导建构的过程。坚持科学发展观,就是要用求真求实的科学态度、逻辑推理的科学思维、自由独立的科学精神、系统的科学方法来建构科学发展理性。从公共哲学的视角来观察,国家主要应在以下五个方面着力:其一,推进新型工业化和社会主义市场经济,改善公共理性生成的经济基础;其二,推进宪政民主,营造公共理性生成的制度环境;其三,实行公共治理,发挥公共权力机构公共理性示范引导作用;其四,培育公民社会,建构公共理性沟通协商机制;其五,改进公民教育,夯实公共理性的微观主体基础。本研究运用文献分析法、历史分析法、比较分析法、跨学科研究法、个案分析法、唯物辩证法等方法,立足全球化下的中国转型社会语境,在对公共理性相关基础理论与范畴进行阐释、界定的基础上,通过古今中西的比较分析,深入探讨了中国转型社会公共理性的生成背景、现实条件、理论基础、内涵特征、建构路径、具体措施等问题,其目的是探索中国特色公共理性的建构,为中国现代政治哲学、公共哲学学科构建奠定理论基础,并为转型社会良序公共生活实践提供理论指导。

【Abstract】 Public rationality theory since Rawls published A Theory of Justice "," politicalliberalism "after the shine has increasingly become a political philosophy, one of the coreareas of public philosophy, is the basis of the legitimacy of the political. Public reason inthe broad sense, is both a substantive concept, the scope of one is rich methodologicalsignificance, both as a concept, but also a kind of analytical framework, and there aremany differences proposed. As rationalism family members, the public reason bothinstrumental rationality and value rationality and practical rationality characteristics, hasmany characteristics of the ideal, historic, development, diversification, expansion, etc..Public reason is the basis of the legitimacy of diversity, social coexistence;(does notexclude the ancient society) live in diversity, social actors (including various types ofCommunity and its individual members) in order to pursue the public interest, accordingto a public value after public thinking and public reasoning (including defense Tan), theability of public action (participation), the operation of the actors in the ancient one for thepublic and private spheres), a national public areas of authority and civil society spheres ofpublic life (practical mechanisms of cooperative governance, to live together. Justice isthe basic principle of public reason. The above definition of the concept of public reasonapplies to the ancient and modern Chinese and Western, is the most general to the conceptof public reason broadly defined, this definition is broad but does not deny the essentialdifference between ancient and modern Chinese and Western public reason. Public reasonin the narrow sense, the modern public reason to citizens within the framework of thedemocratic system based on modern public value reasoning, the ability and mechanisms ofrule. Modern public reason and public reason essential difference is mainly due tofundamental changes in the build environment to industrial civilization and the marketeconomy as the basis rather than agricultural civilization and the peasant economy basedon modern democratic political system environment rather than the authoritarian politicalsystem environment both public and private spheres, rather than the public and privatespheres fuzzy one, the state and society, market-thirds of the social structure rather thannational, social, social structure of the market, regardless of the Great Unification, thebody of citizens rather than subjects of the main body. The case of China, the rationalperformance of traditional public for the moral reason and modernity out of tune, theformation of some kind of constraints on the process of modernization, but its reasonable composition is still regarded as the transformation of society public reason that China’smodern public an important resource for the rational construction. We addressed thepublic reason of the traditional society to a broad public reason other said public reasonrefers to the narrow sense of public reason that modern public reason.China and the West in the forward to the modern civilization, the modern publicreason as a Companion of modernity, and Western between there must be similar things incommon, but in the West in which the modern stage of development and the developmentroad chosen by the Chinese modern public rational transformation of society public reasonand modern Western public reason is essentially different, this distinction is epitomized bythe China based on the socialist system, the ideology of Marxism, modernization andtransformation context, traditional Oriental culture and Western capitalist system differentchoice in the public value of the liberal ideology, post-modern context, the Westerncultural tradition. The author believes that the Chinese transformation of social and publicrational value principle, namely the core values of socialism with Chinese characteristicscan be condensed as follows: scientific development, equity and justice, competing rich,responsibility tolerant, civilized and harmonious, while containing the above value of theprinciple of public reason manifestations is a rational scientific development. The basis ofits reality is the transformation of social conditions and the "China model" of successfulpractice, the theoretical basis of public reason of the ancient and modern Chinese andWestern discard and innovation, the value of the implication not only contains theinstrumental rationality and value rationality, more practical reason, communicativerationality. Practice the scientific concept of development, is to construct a rationalprocess of scientific development.As a concept, the process of social production practices is the public reason togenerate the process of evolution, rheological and vision of the rationalist theory is therheological and vision of public reason. Evolution is a natural process in the formation ofthe West, public reason, Rawls, Habermas, Zander and many other scholars in the moderncontext, the modern construct of the Western public reason to make a positive contribution,and to promote The public reason to become a modern political philosophy is the theme ofthe new public philosophy and core areas. Western public reason for China is a majorreference, select a special tradition, special road special modern, exceptional restructuringand development of that have made the Chinese transformation of the public reason togenerate than the West is more complex. more difficult. Although the author in this paperproposed the transformation of society public reason manifestations reasonable propositions for scientific development, but the scientific development of rational trulybecome citizens rational, there is a long process. China’s special national conditions, thetransformation of society public reason to generate only a country-led process ofconstruction. Adhere to the scientific concept of development, is to use realistic andrealistic scientific attitude, the logic of scientific thinking, free and independent spirit ofscience, scientific method to construct the scientific development of rationality. From theperspective of public philosophy, the state should focus on the following five aspects:First, to promote a new type of industrialization and the socialist market economy,improve the economic basis of public reason generated; Second, to promote theconstitutional democracy, to create a public rational operation institutional environment;Third, the implementation of public governance, and guiding role play a public authority,public reason demonstration; Fourth, to foster civil society, the construction of publicrational communication and consultation mechanisms; five, to improve civic education,consolidate the microscopic principal basis of public reason.In this study, document analysis, historical analysis, comparative analysis,interdisciplinary research method, the method of case analysis, dialectical materialism,based on the social context of globalization of China in transition, in public and rationalbasis of the theory and scope interpretation on the basis of comparative analysis of ancientand modern Chinese and Western, Chinese transformation of the public reason to generateconditions, background, connotation, characteristics, construction and other issues morein-depth discussion, which aims to explore the Chinese characteristics of public reasonconstruct, and China Public Philosophy disciplines to build the theoretical basis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

