

The Research on the Constitutional Transplant of China, Japan and Korea

【作者】 谭钟毓

【导师】 夏新华;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文所具体研究的中日韩三国,是具有相似历史背景的亚洲后发国家,传统亚洲社会没有完整的法治历史,这是由东亚社会本身的文化与历史条件决定的。源于西方的法治理论可以被东亚社会结构所采纳或借鉴,宪政在东亚社会发展过程中也有可能形成具有自身特色的发展模式。东亚的宪政是在西方及苏联的宪法思想和理论的移植与借鉴中形成的,具体制度也以西方及苏联为模板或参照。客观评价自身,东亚的传统文化导致中日韩三国没有形成宪法、宪政的自然与社会条件。西方文明与东方文明有一个巨大的差异就是个人权利与国家权力的结构和地位完全不同。在传统的东亚社会结构中,国家高于个人,个人无条件地服从国家。这样就形成了个人权利无法得到保障的社会结构。个人权利的失效导致东亚各国发展的困境和瓶颈,在面对内忧外患时,西方宪法思想所具有的魅力和功能深深影响了东亚各国的知识分子,他们意识到了理想制度的作用,试图引进先进的制度,以此挽救本国的命运。中日韩这三国有其相似之处,也有其不同之处,而在宪法移植方面,三国的宪法发展走的都是一条外诱变迁的曲折道路,只是各个国家的发展情况也存在差异。本文首先综述了国内外相关研究动态,并对文章的创新之处和研究方法做了一个简单地介绍;接着厘清了与宪法移植有关的概念,包括法律移植是否可行、宪法移植又有何特性等。宪法移植一词早已有之,在学术界也得到了普遍的认可,宪法移植不只是法条的抄袭或制度的复制,而是从表层到实质的全面移植,包含宪法文化、宪法精神、宪法法条、宪法制度等一系列的移植与影响。文章第三章切入正题,对中国、日本、韩国这三个同处儒家文化圈的亚洲国家的宪法移植进程进行了全面的分析和论述。日本是最早移植宪法的国家,从幕府末期开始,日本就已派出使节团出使西洋,全面了解西方的宪法文化和制度,最终在明治天皇的推进下移植德国宪法,开启了日本的宪政与发展之路;而日本的第二次宪法移植则是在二战战败后,在美国的高压下被动移植了美国的宪法,虽然是被动移植,但和平宪法的诞生使日本战后重生,促进了日本平稳快速的发展。中国从宪法移植开始到现在经历了三个阶段,第一个阶段是清末时期,面对内忧外患,统治者和仁人志士们选择远法德国,近采日本,希冀用立宪来改变现状、富民强国。在这一阶段,中国汲取了西方先进宪法思想,颁布了宪法性文件,设立了与宪法对应的机构;第二个阶段是民国时期,满腔热血的中国人从西方大国的崛起和强盛中看到了希望,这个阶段对英国和美国的宪法移植较多,制度也更倾向于移植美国宪法;第三个阶段则是新中国成立以后,与中国具有同样意识形态的苏联成了中国仿效的对象,新中国第一部宪法就是在学习移植苏联宪法和立足本国国情的基础上制定的。韩国宪法的移植起步较晚,十九世纪末期,朝鲜的媒体开始有介绍西方立宪主义的文章,甲午更张的施政纲领《洪范十四条》被认为是韩国宪法史的起源,是在日本的主导下完成的,最终没能实施,成了一纸空文;直至1948年韩国终于从殖民统治中获得独立,渴望有一部自己的宪法,韩国移植美国宪法制定了1948大韩民国宪法,宪法文化和制度层面更多的选择美国模式。韩国最值得借鉴的是违宪审查制度的成功移植。违宪审查制度是韩国在多次政党变更和宪法修订后最终确立的德国模式,即宪法法院审查模式,该制度在韩国起着举足轻重的作用。本文在全面解析三国宪法移植进程之后,比较研究了中日韩宪法移植背景、基本制度选择的不同以及宪法移植方式的异同之处。中日韩走上宪法移植的道路,在背景和方式上有着相同之处,也有相异之点,最重要的是三国都是思变而动,因为想要改变现状而努力学习和移植先进的文化与制度。文章的最后整理和分析了中日韩宪法移植和宪政道路上的经验和启示。宪法是能够导致一国根本政治、法律、经济等发生重大变化的基本法,宪法的制定因而显得尤为重要。宪法在西方萌芽发展,并给西方世界带来了巨大的改变,工业革命后的亚洲国家处于相对落后的状态,而中国、日本和韩国不约而同地走上了学习西方、移植先进宪法的道路,且取得了各自的成就,促进了国家的发展。这条道路,坎坷不平,值得深究和挖掘,并从中找出积极的因素以为以后的发展带来更好的理论指导和制度铺垫。

【Abstract】 This paper studies the countries of china, Japan and Korea, which are all Asianpost-developing countries with similar historical background. The traditional Asiansociety did not have complete legal history. This is determined by the cultural andhistorical condition of East Asia. The law theories originated from the west can be adoptedby the East Asian social structure, and the constitutionalism can form the developingmode with its own characteristics during the development of the East Asia development.The East Asia constitutionalism is formed in the transplantation and reference of the westconstitutional theories. Objectively, East Asia traditional culture makes these threecountries have no natural and social conditions for the constitution. The huge differencebetween western civilization and oriental civilization is the total different role ofindividual rights and state power. In the social structure of traditional East Asia, the stateis above the individual, and the individual should obey the state unconditionally. Thisleads to the social structure in which individual rights can not be guaranteed. The failureof individual rights leads to the difficulty of the development of East Asia. Whenconfronted with the domestic troubles and foreign invasion, the East Asia intellectualswere deeply influenced by the charm and function of western constitutional thoughts. Andthey realized the importance of a good system and tried to introduce the advanced systemin order to save the country. There are similarities of these three countries and alsodifferences. And as for the constitutional transplant, the three countries follow a windingroad, with only differences of each country’s development.This paper firstly reviews the related research at home and abroad, and makes a briefintroduction of the creative points and the research methods of this paper. Then it clarifiesthe related concepts of constitutional transplant, including legal transplant, thecharacteristics of constitutional transplant. Then, it makes a comprehensive andcomparative study of China, Japan and Korea, which are from the same culturalbackground and the process of the constitutional transplant of these three countries. Andafter the comprehensive analysis, this paper studies the constitutional transplantbackground of these three countries, and the difference of the basic system choices, andthe similarities and differences of the constitutional transplant way. Finally, this paperanalyzes the experience and enlightenment of the constitutional transplant of these threecountries. Constitution is the basic law which can lead to the significant changes in the fundamental political, legal and economic changes, so it is very important to make theconstitution. The embryonic development in the west has brought great changes to thewestern world. And the Asia countries were relatively backward after the industrialrevolution. And china, japan and korea all went on the road of learning the westernconstitution and made their own achievements, promoting the development of thecountries. This road is not smooth, and is worthy our study and research. We can findpositive elements for the better theoretic and systematic guide in the future.

【关键词】 宪法宪法移植中国日本韩国
【Key words】 ConstitutionConstitution TransplantationChinaJapanKorea
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】D931.3;D931.26;D921
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】529
  • 攻读期成果

