

Research on Traditional Family Judicial System in China

【作者】 原美林

【导师】 李交发;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为中国法律文化重要的组成部分,中国传统家族司法是指家族内部依据其祖训家规等家族法审断家族纠纷,惩罚犯罪族人以维护家族稳定秩序的一种活动,包括鸣告、裁断、执行等必要的司法程序。家族内部常因田土、户婚等发生纠纷,为了保证家族能良序发展,家族长利用家族赋予其尊长的权威,依据家族法对违反礼教,不守规矩的族人实施司法处置。家族司法有家、房、族三级组织结构,其主体是家族长。对于家族司法,我们不能以现代意义的司法含义去理解,而应立足于中国古代特定的历史背景来考察。本文讨论的家族司法是一个一般性的概念,与三权分立下所谓的司法有明显的不同。我国古代的司法制度每一个阶段的发展都与当时的国情密切相关,这也就决定了在几千年的司法制度的发展过程中,古代司法制度别具特色,家族司法的发展就是其中特色之一,它暗含着中国传统社会的发展规律。本文共分七个部分对中国传统家族司法进行了研究。第一章绪论部分,提出主要问题:家族司法是怎样一种司法?同时阐述论文选题的缘起;文章的研究意义和研究目的;研究现状与资料收集;研究思路与主要内容;并将论文中应用的核心概念,如家族、家族法、家族司法等进行界定,旨在明确这三个概念的范畴界限。绪论部分最后提出论文的创新之处:在中国司法制度研究中,首次不局限于国家正式司法制度发展状况的研究,更侧重于非正式司法制度的研究,第一次将非正式司法制度拟专题博士论文进行论证。这样有助于更全面、更客观地理清中国传统司法的发展脉络。经过查阅大量的家谱和地方志文献,在掌握国内外关于家族制度研究现状的基础上,针对传统家族司法目前的研究情况,结合分析统计的数据资料,首次提出家族司法是典型的纠问式司法和贤能司法。第二章阐述了家族司法发展演变和盛行之社会成因。在论证家族司法萌芽、发展、成熟、鼎盛、淡出的发展演变过程时,把各个朝代有影响力的家族司法举要介绍,并将明清家族司法作为一个点,进行家族司法的断代研究。这一完善时期的家族司法能最鲜明地反映出古代中国社会家族司法政治与伦理紧密结合、尚礼重法、简单务实的基本特征。第三章分析了家族司法独特的农耕文化,德、法、情、礼结合,法致中和,实践理性的经世致用精神等思想基础。第四章剖析了家族司法的组织结构和诉讼审判;提出了家族司法的诉讼依据、诉讼程序、惩罚方式、审判效力等。第五章阐述了家族司法和国家司法之间的冲突与融合。通过前几章对中国传统家族司法的论证,指出中国传统家族司法是我国古代司法制度发展过程中存在的必然。家族司法与国家司法之间虽然存在施罚目的的一致性,但在施罚范围上,国家司法对家族司法有所限制,体现出家族司法与国家司法之间的冲突与融合。第六章和第七章,以通论的方式对家族司法发展的基本特点及其历史功能等作出阐述,总结家族司法正面价值与负面影响。通过对家族司法的批判与继承,作出价值评判,以便能更透彻了解家族司法到底是怎样一种司法。研究家族司法的意义在于它的思想灵魂可以为当代法治社会的建设提供参照,如何利用好中国传统家族司法曾有的平衡能力和治理社会的效果。家族司法依据家族法对族人的惩责,有方式和程度的差别,轻重不一。家族司法的惩罚方式,例如笞杖、处死族人的惩罚措施虽然在当代已不存在,但我们在理解传统家族司法时,要着重看它的思想灵魂为当代司法理念带来的影响。我们要肯定的是,家族司法的思想灵魂的确存在,无论我们是否愿意承认,它都将对国家法律产生某种影响。家族司法后期转换形成的司法理念将是我们分析制定法运作时须要考虑的一个基本背景。这就是我们为什么讨论家族司法转换的司法理念如何进入当代司法这一问题了。家族司法作为社会历史经历的一个重要的法律文化元素,在社会发展的今天,虽然其自身原来的面貌不复存在,但其遗留下来的,被国家法律制度所挤压变形出现的后来以现代司法理念为表现形式的潜意识,将仍然影响着我国当代司法制度的发展。

【Abstract】 As an important component of Chinese legal culture, the traditional Chinesefamily judicature refers to an activity within a family clan, designed to adjudicatefamily disputes and punish the offenders among family members by the ancestralsermons and family rules so as to safeguard the family clan and stabilize its order.This activity includes some necessary judicial procedures, such as accusation,adjudication and execution. As disputes often arose within a family clan over suchissues as cropland and marriage, in order to secure the well-ordered development ofthe family clan, the patriarch exploited the authority of respected elders granted tohim to implement judicial disposal of those family members who had gone against theethics and rites and wouldn’t stick to the rules and regulations. Family judicature is ofa three-level organization structure made up of family, upper family branch and clan,with the patriarch as the adaptive agent.Family judicature should not be interpreted by the implication of judicature inthe modern sense, whereas it should be observed and studied against the specifichistorical background in ancient China. The family judicature in question herein is aconcept in a general sense, and it is obviously different from the so-called judicaturerestricted by the separation of the three powers. The development of China’s ancientfamily judicature at each stage was closely associated with the national condition then.This determined the fact that in the few thousands of years’ development of China’sjudicial system, the ancient judicial system formed its own distinguishing features,one of which is the development of family judicature, for it happened to coincide withthe law of development of China’s traditional society. This thesis falls into seven parts,devoted to the study on China’s traditional judicature.The first chapter is the introduction, in which a question is raised,“What kind ofjudicature is family judicature?” At the same time the origination of the selected topicfor this thesis elaborated, including the significance and purpose of this research,current situation of relevant research and data collection, the train of thought inconducting this research as well as the main content. In this part, the core conceptsapplied in this thesis, namely, family clan, family law and family judicature, aredefined, with the aim of clarifying the scope and boundary of the three concepts. Atthe end of this part are mentioned the main innovative points of this thesis: of all therelevant researches on China’s judicial system, it the first one that is not confined to the study of the state of development of the country’s official judicial system, butinstead, it lays more emphasis on the unofficial judicial system. And it is the firstattempt to assign a special topic for a doctorial thesis, under which the unofficialjudicial system is specifically expounded. This is conducive to clarify the skeleton ofthe development of China’s traditional judicial system more comprehensively andobjectively. After looking through large quantities of family genealogies and localchronicles, based on the mastery of the current situation of research on family systemat home and abroad and that of the research on traditional family judicature inassociation with the analysis and statistics of data information, we are the first to pointout that family judicature is typically inquisitorial judicature by able and virtuouspersonages.The second chapter expounds the social causes of the development, evolutionand prevalence of family judicature. While dwelling on the developing and evolvingprocess of family judicature from burgeoning, developing, maturing, prospering, andfading out, it introduces the most influential family judicial systems in variousdynasties, and with the focus on the judicature in the Ming and Qing Dynasties as akey point, it conducts a cohort study on family judicature. The family judicature ofthis whole period can most sharply reflect the basic features of the family judicaturein the ancient Chinese society: close combination of politics with ethics, advocatingetiquette and attaching importance to law, simplicity and practicality.The third chapter analyzes the unique agricultural civilization of familyjudicature, the combination of morality, law, sentiment and propriety, administrationof justice in moderation for harmony, the practical and rational pragmatism, whichconstituted the ideological bases of the traditional family judicature.The fourth chapter analyzes the organization structure and litigation judgment offamily judicature and points out the evidence and procedure of law suits, the methodsof penalty and the trial effectiveness.The fifth chapter elaborates the conflict and integration between familyjudicature and the judicature of the country. Though the dissertation of China’straditional family judicature in the previous chapters, it points out the fact that China’straditional family judicature was the inevitable factor in existence during thedeveloping course of our country’s ancient judicial system and that although there wasconsistency between family judicature and the state judicature with regard to thepurpose of penalty, yet in the scope of penalty, the state judicature has its restrictions, which embodies the integration as well as conflicts between family judicature and thestate judicature.The sixth and seventh chapters expound through a well-rounded argument thebasic characteristics of the development as well as the historical functions of familyjudicature, and summarize the positive value and negative effects. And throughdialectical criticism of the transitional family judicature, value assessment is made,which can facilitate a thorough comprehension of what kind of judicature familyjudicature is.The significance of the research on family judicature lies in the prospect that itsideology and soul can provide a reference for the construction of the present-daysociety with the rule of law and can inspire us in how to make good use of thebalanced capability and the effect of its government of society. The penalty of thefamily members by the family law varies in ways, degrees, lightness or heaviness.The penalty ways of family judicature, for example, though such punishment asbeating with a cane or rod, and putting a clan member to death is no longer inexistence today, in understanding traditional family judicature, we should see theinfluence its ideology and soul have brought on the judicature ideas of the day.What should be affirmed is that the ideology or soul of family judicature isindeed in existence. Whether we are willing to admit or not, it will exert certaininfluence on the national law. The judicial ideology transferred from the later-periodfamily judicature will be a basic background to be taken into consideration when weanalyze the operation of the statutory law. Here we have come to the question why weshould discuss how the judicial ideology transferred from family judicature pass intojudicature of the day. Family judicature, as an important element of legal culturewitness by society and history, with the development of society, although its ownoriginal features are no more, the sub-consciousness left behind by it, which has beensqueezed out of shape by the national law and has taken on modern judicial ideologyas its pattern of manifestation, will still positively affect the development of thejudicial systems of our country.

【关键词】 家族家族法家族司法
【Key words】 family clanfamily lawfamily judicature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

