

The New Development of the Party’s Regional Economy Strategic Thought under the Perspective of the Scientific View of Development

【作者】 易大东

【导师】 王继平; 刘建武;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国地大物博,疆域面积辽阔,又是一个多民族国家,各地区经济发展历来就极不平衡。作为执政党,自新中国成立以来,中国共产党就一直致力于区域经济发展战略的探索与实践。从毛泽东重点发展内地的均衡发展战略到邓小平优先发展东部地区的非均衡发展战略;从江泽民协调发展思想到胡锦涛的统筹发展思想,中国共产党的区域经济思想日臻成熟与完善,已经成为马克思主义中国化最新标志性理论成果—科学发展观的重要组成部分。本文以科学发展观指导下党的区域经济思想的新发展为选题,主要尝试从以下六个方面进行系统、深入的研究和论述。一、党的区域经济思想的理论依据或基础。党的区域经济思想主要是中国产党在新中国成立60多年来自主艰辛探索与实践中逐步形成、发展和完善的。其主要理论依据来源于两个方面:一是马克思主义关于区域经济布局的基本理论,包括生产地域分工与协作论、生产力平衡分布论和产业结构协调发展论;二是西方经典经济学家的区域经济理论,包括平衡发展理论和非均衡发展理论。二、科学发展观提出前党的区域经济思想的历史演变。科学发展观提出前,我党的区域经济思想及战略经历了三次比较大的调整。建国初期,以毛泽东为核心的党中央,根据我国生产力布局和国际国内严峻的政治经济局势,做出了以内陆地区为重点,各地区均衡发展的战略决策。具体而言,从建国到60年代中期,我国区域经济建设的主要思想是以平衡沿海与内地的经济社会发展水平为目标,将经济布局中心放在内地尤其是中部地带,重点是发展重工业基地。60年代中期,中国周边安全环境急剧变化,多方面的战争威胁和军事压力接踵而至,党中央在进行经济建设时不得不首先考虑国防安全,由此形成了以备战为中心的,重点建设“三线”地区的思想。长达10多年的“三线建设”,使广大的战略后方基本上建成了以国防科技工业为重点,门类比较齐全的工业体系,促进了我国经济建设布局的大调整。但因过于注重政治和国防意义而忽视了经济效益,国民经济的增长和人民生活水平的提高都受到了严重的影响。十一届三中全会前后,以邓小平为核心的第二代中央领导集体认真总结了过去30年经济建设的经验教训,逐步提出了“两个大局”、“共同富裕”等思想。区域经济政策也按照邓小平的战略构想做出了相应的调整,从片面强调区域均衡发展转向着重利用和发挥区域优势的非均衡发展战略,通过允许、鼓励和支持东部沿海地区优先发展,形成了以东部沿海为重点,优势地区率先发展的战略思想,国民经济建设的中心逐渐向东部沿海倾斜。为了加快对外开放的步伐,党中央决定对广东、福建两省实行灵活的特殊政策,先后开辟了沿海经济特区、沿海开放城市和经济开放区,由此形成了一条从南到北沿海岸线延伸的对外开放地带。与此同时,党中央还着手解决贫困问题。1982年,我党率先在甘肃、宁夏等地开展扶贫试点工作,以此为起点,中国农村扶贫工作开始由局部地区扩大到全国范围。这是党的区域经济战略的第二次重大调整。随着改革开放的继续深入,东部沿海地区快速地发展起来,但同时中西部和东部的差距也在不断扩大。在这种形势下,以江泽民志为核心的第三代中央领导集体正式把促进区域经济协调发展提到了战略高度,由此形成了以缩小区域差距为导向,促进区域协调发展的战略思想。在新的区域经济思想的指导下,党中央做出了实行全方位对外开放的政策、进一步完善国家扶贫政策体系、实施西部大开发等战略部署。三、科学发展观指导下统筹区域经济发展思想的形成。2002年,中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会召开,党中央在我国经济建设的良好形势下,确立了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。就在全党全国各族人民按照十六大的战略部署,意气风发地为实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标而奋斗的时候,一场突如其来的非典疫情袭击了我国。非典的侵袭凸显了我国经济发展中存在的城乡、区域、人与自然、经济社会等方面发展严重不平衡的弊端,也告诉我们,真正的发展应该是以人为本,不断提高人民的生活水平和改善人民生产生活环境的发展。以此为契机,党中央提出了科学发展观的思想,作为指导我国经济社会发展的新的指导思想,并由此确立了统筹区域经济发展的新方针。统筹区域经济发展,是科学发展观的内在要求,是在充分借鉴国内外区域经济发展的理论与实践的经验教训基础上,以我国区域发展中存在的问题为基础而形成的。四、科学发展观指导下统筹区域经济发展的总体战略部署。主要包括:深入实施西部大开发、振兴东北等老工业基地、东部地区率先发展、中部崛起。针对西部地区存在的主要问题,党中央为深入实施西部大开确立了九个方面的主要任务,即扎实推进社会主义新农村建设;继续加强基础设施建设;大力发展特色优势产业;引导重点区域加快发展;坚持抓好两型社会的建设(资源节约型和环境友好型);着力改善基本公共服务;切实加强人才队伍建设;积极扩大对内对外开放;建立健全西部大开发保障机制。这些举措的顺利实施有利于西部地区基础设施建设水平的提高和生态环境的保护,有利于西部地区产业结构的优化和特色优势产业的发展,有利于扩大西部地区对外开放,有利于推进公共服务均等化、建设和谐西部,也有利于我国经济持续、稳定、健康发展和社会主义和谐社会的建设。针对东北老工业基地存在的问题,党中央加大了对东北地区的项目投资和基础设施建设,确立了有利于振兴东北老工业基地的财税、金融政策,并对东北老工业基地的国有企业进行改革,树立了长远的人才培养机制和政策等。为了继续支持东部地区的发展,党中央确立了东部地区率先提高自主创新能力;率先实现增长方式转变和产业结构优化升级;率先在发展循环经济和节能降耗、节地节水上取得实质性进展;率先加快综合配套改革,进一步推进制度创新;率先实现经济社会的协调发展等目标。为了帮助“中部崛起”,党中央提出了在中部地区建设全国重要粮食生产基地,建设社会主义新农村;加强能源原材料基地和现代装备制造及高技术产业基地建设,推进工业结构优化升级;提升交通运输枢纽地位,促进商贸流通旅游业发展;增强中心城市辐射功能,促进城市群和县域经济的发展;扩大对内对外开放,加快体制机制创新;加快社会事业发展,提高公共服务水平;加快两型社会建设步伐,实现可持续发展等方面的内容。五、科学发展观指导下统筹区域经济发展的实现途径。主要有三个方面:健全区域协调互动机制,加快革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区和贫困地区的经济社会发展;划分主体功能区;促进城镇健康发展。党中央为加快革命老区、边疆地区、贫困地区的发展,在完善管理机构的同时,还有针对性地制定了各种援助政策。针对我国区域开发的无序状况,党中央将我国国土划分为优先开发区、重点开发区、限制开发区、禁止开发区,为我国区域经济持续稳定的发展奠定了良好的基础。同时,党中央还要求促进城镇健康发展,并以此作为统筹区域经济发展的重要手段。六、统筹区域经济发展战略的特点及前景展望。主要从三个方面论述。一是科学发展观指导下统筹区域经济发展战略思想的新发展、新特点。经过60多年的探索,党的区域经济思想已日趋完善和成熟,统筹区域经济发展思想更具时代性、科学性、系统性、可行性与可操作性,使党的区域经济思想提升到了一个新高度;二是区域经济思想发展过程中需要重点应对的问题与挑战,包括生命周期理论与可能出现的新一轮区域病,梯度理论与贫富差距的扩大和贫富群体、地区的固化,统筹区域经济发展与市场规律的公平正义之间的矛盾,经济全球化的一体化浪潮的冲击;三是通过加强党的先进性建设、执政能力建设、创新能力建设、制度建设四个方面来确保和推进区域经济更好更快地发展。由于本人理论水平和研究方向的局限,经济学知识的不足,特别是对于科学发展观指导下党的区域经济思想进行全面、系统的研究尚属开创性的工作,因此文中错漏、不足之处必然很多,敬请专家指正。

【Abstract】 With vast territory and rich resources, China is not only greatly large in area, butalso a country of multi-nationality, which caused an unbalanced economicdevelopment for each region. Since the foundation of new China, as the ruling party,the Chinese Communist Party has constantly made great efforts to exploration andpractice of Development Strategy of Regional Economy. Right now, the idea ofregional economy of the Chinese Communist Party has gradually become perfect andmature for changes from Mao Zedong’s balanced development strategy of inland toDeng Xiaoping’s unbalanced development strategy of preferential development foreastern region, from Jiang Zemin’s coordinated development idea to Hu Jintao’soverall development idea. And it has already changed to be an important componentof the scientific view of development, the newest symbolic achievement of Marxismin China. With the new development of regional economy thought in accordance ofscientific development outlook as the topic selection, this paper will mainly try tomake a deep and systematic research as well as discuss from the following six sides.Firstly, our Party’s theoretical foundation or basis for regional economy thought.The regional economy thought of our Party has gradually formed, developed andperfected through arduous self-exploration and practice since the establishment ofnew China for more than sixty years. And its major theoretical foundation originatesfrom two aspects: The first one is Marxist basic theory on regional economydistribution, which includes theory on industrial district division and cooperation,theory on equilibrium distribution of productivity and theory on coordinated growthof industrial structure; The second one refers to regional economy theory of theclassical western economists, such as the balanced development theory and theunbalanced development theory.Secondly, the Party’s historical shifts of regional economy thought before puttingforward the scientific development view. The thought and strategy of regionaleconomy has experienced three relatively large adjustments before posing of thescientific view of development. In the initial period of China, the Party CentralCommittee with comrade Mao Zedong at the core made the strategic decision to takethe inland region as the emphasis and promote the equilibrium development of allareas, according to productivity distribution of our country and the severely politicaland economic situation at home and abroad. Specifically, from the establishment of new China to the mid-1960s, the main ideas of Regional Economy Construction ofour country is to balance the level of economic and social development between thecoastal and inland, making the inland especially central areas the center of theeconomic distribution, by reinforcing heavy industry development. In the middleperiod of1960s, the Party Central Committee had to consider national security at firstat the time of economic development so as to form the war-preparation centeredthought, with the emphasis of the construction of "three-line" areas, because securityenvironment changes dramatically surrounding China, and multifaceted threats of warand military pressures arrive one after another. Thanks to the "third-line" constructionextending for more than10years, there have basically built industrial system withcategories and styles of relatively great variety in the vast strategic rear, and withnational defense industry as the key. But due to the over-emphasis on political andnational defense significance and the ignorance of the economic benefits, both thegrowth of the national economy and the improvement of people’s living standardshave been affected severely. Before and after the3rd Plenary Session of11thPartyCentral Committee, the second generation of collective leadership with comrade DengXiaoping at the core summarized seriously experiences and lessons from economicdevelopment in the past30years, gradually put forward the thought of "two overallsituations","common wealth" and so on. Our country’s regional economic policyhave been made appropriate adjustments in accordance with comrade DengXiaoping’s strategic conception, shifting from one-sided emphasis on regionalbalanced development to focuses on using and making the full use of non-balanceddevelopment strategy of regional advantages. By allowing, encouraging, andsupporting prior development of eastern coastal areas, our Party has formed thestrategic thought of leading development over advantageous areas, with the EastCoast as the main point, resulting giving to the priority to the center of NationalEconomic Construction. In order to speed up the pace of opening up, Party CentralCommittee decided to apply special policies flexibly in provinces of Guangdong andFujian, and opened up the coastal special economy zones, coastal open cities and openeconomic regions, thus forming a opening-up zone stretching from the South to North.At the same time, the Party Central Committee also tried to address the povertyproblem. In1982, our Party took the lead in promoting pilot work of povertyalleviation Gansu, Ningxia, and other places. With this as the starting point, China’spoverty alleviation work in rural areas starts to extend from local area to the national level. This is the second major adjustment for our Party’s regional economy strategy.With the further development of reform and opening up, the eastern coastal areasdevelops quickly, but the gap between Midwest and East regions is constantlyexpanding. Under this situation, the third generation of Central Leading Collectivewith comrade Jiang Zemin as the core officially deepened the promotion ofcoordinated development of regional economies to the strategic height, so thatforming the orientation to narrow the regional disparity and strategic thought ofpromoting regional coordination development. Under the guidance of the newregional economic thought, the Party Central Committee made strategic plans to carryout all-round opening up policy, improve further the national anti-poverty policysystem and implement the strategy for western developmentThe third one refers to the formation of the idea of the overall development ofregional economy under the guidance of the scientific concept of development. In2002, the People’s Republic of China hold the16th National Congress, and the PartyCentral Committee set the struggle target for all round construction of well-beingsociety under the good situation of economic construction in china. Right at the timethat the whole party and people of all nationalities, in accordance with the strategicdeployment of16th National Congress, vigorously strive to achieve the ambitiousgoals of the all around construction of a well-off society, a sudden outbreak of SARSattacked my country. Invasion of SARS underscores the fact that there are severelyunbalanced disadvantages of several facets of urban and rural areas, regional, man andnature and economic society, which also tells us that true development, should be thedevelopment of people-oriented, constantly improving people’s living standard andraising people’s living environment development. Regarding it as the opportunity, theParty Central Committee put forward the scientific concept of development as a newguiding ideology for our country’s economic and social development, and thusestablished a new policy of overall development of regional economy, which is theinherent requirement of scientific outlook of development. And it formed on the basisof full adoption of the experience of theory and practice of regional economicdevelopment at home and abroad, and based on problems existing in China’s regionaldevelopment.The fourth part is the overall strategic planning of overall development ofregional economy in line with the scientific concept of development. It mainlyincludes the in-depth implementation of the Western development, revitalization of the outmoded industrial bases in China’s northeast and elsewhere, leadingdevelopment of Eastern region and central rise. Aiming at main problems in theWestern region, the Party Central Committee has established nine major tasks for thepurpose of implementing Western Development, namely, firmly promoting NewSocialist Countryside Construction; Continue to strengthen infrastructure; Intensifythe Development of Special Advantage Industries; Guide the expedite development ofkey regions; Stick to grasp the construction of two types of society (resource-savingand environment-friendly); Make elaborate efforts to improve Basic Public Service;Practically strengthen Talents Team Construction; Actively expand opening up bothinternally and externally; Establish and improve the guarantee mechanism of theWestern Development. The successful implementation of these initiatives are of greatadvantage to the level of Basic Infrastructure Construction in the Western regionsand the protection of the ecological environment; beneficial to the optimization of theindustrial structure in West China and the development of special advantage industries;helpful to expand opening up in the Western region; favorable to promote theequalization in public service and the construction of the harmonious western region,and also conducive to the sustained, stable and healthy economic development ofChina and the construction of a harmonious socialist society. For problems ofdevelopment of Old Industrial Base in Northeast China, the Party Central Committeemake greater efforts to increase project investment and infrastructure construction inthe Northeast, establish the fiscal, financial policies which are conducive to therevitalization of the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China, and carry out thereformation of the State-owned enterprises of the Old Industrial Base in NortheastChina, which build up long-term personnel-training mechanisms and policies. In orderto continue to support the development of the Eastern region, the Central Committeeof China established several aims, such as leading improvement of the capabilities ofindependent innovation in the East, leading realization of the transformation in growthmode and the upgrading and optimization in the industrial structure, leadingsubstantive progress in circular economy, energy conservation, and economization onwater and land, leading acceleration of the comprehensive reform package to promotethe institutional innovation further, and leading achievement of coordinateddevelopment of economic society. With the aim of helping "the rise of central China",the CPC Central Committee put forward lots of policies for the central region: toestablish the country’s major grain production base and a New Socialist Countryside; to strengthen the construction of energy materials base, modern equipmentmanufacturing and high-tech industrial base to promote the upgrading andoptimization of the industrial structure; to raise the strategic position ofcommunication and transportation and promote the development ofcommerce-circulation and tourism; to enhance the radiation function of the centralcity and the economic development of urban agglomeration and country region; toenlarge the internal and external opening up and speed up the innovation of systemand mechanism; to step up the development of social venture and increase the level ofpublic services and to reinforce the construction pace of two types of society andachieve the sustainable development.The fifth part concerns overall development of regional economy under theguidance of the scientific view of development. It primarily refers to three facets ofapproaches: perfection of regional coordination mechanism for interaction andacceleration of the economic and social development in old revolutionary bases,minority areas, border regions and poverty-stricken areas, division of major functionalareas, and promotion of the healthy urbanization development. For the purpose ofthese, it was pertinent to make other several aid policies by the Party CentralCommittee at the same time. As of disorderly condition in regional development inChina, the CPC Central Committee divided the land into four types of areas ofpriority development zone, key development zone, restricted development area, andprohibited development region, which laid a good foundation for our country’ssustainable and stable development of regional economy. Meanwhile, the PartyCentral Committee also called for the promotion of healthy development ofurbanization, and regarded it as an important mean for overall development ofregional economy.The sixth and final part is about the feature and prospect for the overalldevelopment of regional economy. It mainly discuss from three levels. The first one isthe new development and new characteristic of strategic thought of the overalldevelopment of regional economy under the guide of the scientific view ofdevelopment. Through more than sixty years’ exploration, the Party’s regionaleconomy idea has gradually become perfect and mature. Hence, the overalldevelopment of regional economy thought has become to be one with more epochalcharacter, scientificalness, systematization, feasibility and operationability, whichmake the Party’s regional economy idea improve into a new height. The second one is the problems and challenges we need to cope with great efforts in the development ofthe regional economy thought, which includes life cycle theory and a new possibleround of regional disease, the gradient theory, the widening of the wealth gap and thesolidification of population and region for the rich and the poor, the contradictionbetween fairness and justice for the overall development of the regional economy andthe market discipline, and the shock from integration wave of economic globalization.The third one is to ensure and improve the development of the regional economybetter and faster through strengthening the construction in the Party’s progressiveness,governing capability, innovation capability and institution improvement.Because of the limitation of my theoretical level and research direction and theinsufficiency of my economic knowledge, and especially because the Party’s regionaleconomy idea under the guidance of the scientific development thought still belongsto pioneering work, which is hard to research comprehensively and systematically,there must be have some errors, mistakes and disadvantages. Here humbly requestyour advice to correct me.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】D61;F092.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1490

