

【作者】 和庆锋

【导师】 俞钢;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文着重研究了隋唐太原王氏的变迁与影响,共分七章。太原王氏经过魏晋至隋初近四百年的传承与发展,在隋唐呈现出房支众多、成员组成复杂的特点。笔者系统考察了隋唐太原王氏的郡望与源流、房支状况以及世系传承,并简要探讨了他们的家族结构和关系。隋唐时期,太原王氏各主要房支大多以周灵王太子晋为其远祖,认同秦将王翦、汉征君王霸之后的说法最为普遍。晋阳和祁县是太原王氏两大主要房支。此外,尚有大量泛称太原王氏者。太原王氏嫡支大房、二房、三房或四房延续了王慧龙归魏后与山东高门士族的婚姻关系,与四姓中的清河崔氏、博陵崔氏、陇西李氏有着密切而频繁的婚姻关系;与赵郡李氏、荥阳郑氏、范阳卢氏的婚姻关系较为疏远。唐初祁县王氏与皇室有着频繁的婚姻关系,显示出较强的政治属性。太原王氏各房支在隋唐政治舞台上有着差别很大的发展轨迹与境遇,隋代晋阳王氏的政治地位虽有所下降,但家族的代表人物仍接近政治中枢。唐初的晋阳王氏的大房、二房,完全被排除出了上层统治集团,往往任职地方,且多为州县佐官,家族缺乏显宦。这种状况,直到唐玄宗以后逐步改变,并一直延续至唐末。晋阳王氏留居北方的宗支,在唐初则与李唐皇室有着非常密切的关系。中山王氏,玄宗朝宰相王晙以后未再出显赫人物,成员逐渐悄然无闻。祁县王秉支,在隋唐两朝皆受尊崇,直到玄宗朝之后才归于沉寂。祁县乌丸支,则在唐前期贵盛一时。太原王氏各房支的主要经济来源是俸禄、赏赐、官员任上的经营等。此外,土地、宅第、园林、墓葬和家庙等也反映了家族的经济实力。太原王氏成员的经济活动,明显体现出了为政治行为服务的特点。太原王氏的家风以礼法为基础,成员普遍具有较高的文化素养,能以礼法持世,注重孝悌,表现出崇文尚武、文业相继的家风。太原王氏家族十分注重子女的教育,而女性成员作为士族家人,在子女教育中发挥了重要作用。太原王氏成员入仕的途径以科举居多,科举中的进士、制举、明经等,则是太原王氏入仕的主要途径。此外,门荫、军功入仕也是太原王氏成员步入官场的途径。太原王氏一些成员深受隋唐时期社会上崇道涉佛文化氛围的影响,或与僧道交往,或自身信仰佛、道。太原王氏家族文化仍然是以儒学为主,崇道涉佛的成员仅是其中很少的一部分,而完全信仰一教的成员人数则甚少。此外,太原王氏一些成员坦然面对生死、功名的人生态度,应该与社会文化氛围和家族文化心态有关。太原王氏大房、二房成员主要迁往了洛阳地区,也有成员迁往长安地区。祁县各房支显贵后多在长安活动。谱系难考的太原王氏成员葬于东都洛阳的人数相当可观,且大多葬在邙山地区。太原王氏还有许多成员因为仕宦、战乱的原因迁往其他地区。此外,众多房支不可考的太原王氏成员,迁徙活动的主要区域也大多在洛阳、长安、上党等地区。隋唐太原王氏成员称自己为太原晋阳人,或太原祁人,更多地是就郡望而言,他们的实际居住地大多已迁出太原地区。太原王氏作为高门士族,在其主要聚集地洛阳、长安、本望太原,仍然有着极大的社会影响。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly focuses on the changes and influence of Clan Wang in Taiyuanin Sui and Tang Dynasty. There are seven chapters in this paper. After four hundredsyears of heritage and development, mainly from the Wei and Jin Dynasty to thebeginning of Sui Dynasty, the Clan Wang in Taiyuan owns a characteristic ofcomplicated marital relationship. The author investigates the reputation, maritalrelationship and descent heritage of the Clan Wang. Their family structures andrelationships will be further discussed. It is commonly acknowledged that the ancestorof the Clan Wang in Taiyuan is the King Zhou Ling, that is, prince Jin. A General ofthe state of Qin, Wangjian and the King Wangba are also considered to be their eldergeneration. Apart from that, a large number of people are generally referred to as theClan Wang in Taiyuan. Jinyang and Qi County are two senior branches of the ClanWang. The Clan Wang mainly has main, second, third and four branches, which iscontinuation of the marriage with Shandong nobles and is close and frequentestablishment of marital relation with Qinghe Cui, Boling Cui, Long Xi Lee; the ClanWang in Taiyuan is estranged with Zhao Jun Lee, Ying Yang Cheng, Fan Yang Lu’smarriage. In the Early Tang Dynasty, Qi county Wang and the royal family hadfrequent marital relationship, showing strong political attributes. Branches of theClan Wang in Taiyuan in Sui and Tang dynasty developed themselves in differentways in terms of politics-involvement. The political status of Taiyuan Wang hasdropped somewhat in Sui Dynasty, but the representative figures of the family werestill close to the political center. The main and second branches of Jinyang Wang,completely excluded from the upper ruling strata, were often appointed official titlesthat were not so important. The situation gradually changed until after the EmperorTang xuanzhong and continued to the late Tang. In the early Tang dynasty, branch ofJinyang Wang in the North had a very close relationship with royal families while theZhongshan branch, seldom had prominent figures except the chancellor Wangjun. TheQi county Wangbing-branch, in Sui and Tang dynasty were respected and did notdecline until the reign of Tang Xuanzhongt. The Qi county Wuwan-branch was prosperous in the early Tang dynasty. Main income of branches of the Clan Wang issalary, reward, officials operation. In addition, land, mansions, gardens, tombs andfamily temple also reflect the economic strength of the family. The economicactivities of the Clan Wang are evident features of their political behaviors.The Clan Wang families stick to etiquette. All members generally have highcultural and academic level. They hold etiquette, focusing on filial piety, showing asuccessive family tradition of respecting martial arts and writing. The Clan Wangfamilies also pay great attention to the education of their children, and femalemembers, as a member of noble family, play an important role in their childrenseducation. Taking imperial classics examination is the usual way for the Clan Wangfamilies to become officials, especially examination on the highest imperialexamination、answer emperor questions、studying Confucian classics etc. Besides,fame of their ancestor and their military medals are another ways for the Clan Wangmembers to take official position. The Clan Wang, influenced by social culture in theSui and Tang dynasty that Buddhism was highly admired, make friends with themonks or cultivate them in believing in Buddhism and Taoism. Confucianism isgreatly valued in their family culture. A small part of members believe in Buddhismand Taoism and the number that totally believe in one kind of religion is even less.Their calm attitude in the face of death or fame should be related to the social andcultural atmosphere and family culture mentality.The main and second branches of the Clan Wang in Taiyuan relocated in Luoyang,and some ones moved to Changan.The Qi county branch lived in Changan dignitaries.A considerable number of members of the Clan Wang lineage difficult to testifyburied in East capital Luoyang and most of them buried in the Mountain Mang region.Because of officialdom and the war, there are some members moved to other areas. Inaddition, a number of the Clan Wang branches untraceable moved to Luoyang,Chang’an and Shangdang. The members of Taiyuan Wang descendants of the Sui andTang dynasty out of honor of their ancestor called themselves the Jinyang people orTaiyuan Qi, but most of their residence actually moved out of Taiyuan. The ClanWang in Taiyuan, as nobles, in the main gathering place like Luoyang, Changan and Taiyuan, still had great social impact on the Society then.

【关键词】 隋唐太原王氏家族变迁影响
【Key words】 Sui and Tang DynastyClan Wang in Taiyuankintransitionimpact

