

【作者】 陈清云

【导师】 严明;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 赵翼是清代享有盛誉的诗人、诗歌批评家和史学家。目前学界关於赵翼的探究,文学工作者主要集中在他的诗歌创作与诗歌理论,史学研究者主要研讨他的史学理论和史学方法,对其生平事迹的研究则重视不够,这在一定程度上影响了赵翼研究的进一步深入。本年谱以赵翼四十七岁,即乾隆三十八年癸巳(1773)辞官归养为分水岭,厘为上、下两编,来对比表现其前後不同的思想轨迹和人生道路。上编共三卷。第一卷为童年与青少年时期(雍正五年至乾隆十三年),主要考述赵翼幼年到青年时期的生活与学习经历。第二卷北游京师与进入词垣时期(乾隆十四年至乾隆三十一年),注重对其科举经历的考索。第三卷作牧地方与赴滇从军时期(乾隆三十二年至乾隆三十七年),重点考查了赵翼镇安知府和广州知府任上的政绩以及赴慎从军的思想与作为。这一阶段的经历曲折复杂、充满坎坷,是引发赵翼思想发生巨变的重要时期。下编分为四卷。第一卷为暂留归养与绝意仕进时期(乾隆三十八年至乾隆四十六年)。贵州分巡贵西兵备道任上广州识狱旧案被追查,赵翼乞假归养,并在这一阶段逐步明确了绝意仕进、隐居著述的人生追求,并通过经营田产、当铺等治生方式,为长期乡居作了经济上的准备。第二卷书院讲习与赞画军需时期(乾隆四十七年至乾隆五十七年),著意考察了赵翼扬州安定书院讲席任上的交游活动以及入李侍尧幕府赞画军需的思想与动机。第三卷交游览胜与致力著述时期(乾隆五十八年至嘉庆七年),以赵翼交游览胜的路线、交游活动的人物以及撰著并刊刻的过程为重点考述对象。第四卷优游林下与关注民生时期(嘉庆八年至嘉庆十九年),则注重考察赵翼晚年闲适的乡居生活以及担忧农民起义、乡民暴动引岭社会秩序混乱的思想状况。本谱通过详尽资料的梳理、考察,冀图通过赵翼以点带面,了望乾嘉诗坛、学坛生态;了解赵翼由诗人而学者、由官僚而乡绅的乾嘉年问文人人生道路的趋同性选择及其原因。本谱除了充分利用赵翼现存的七种著作,特别是《瓯北集》以考订赵翼的生平行实以外,还参校前谱未曾采用的赵翼自选集《瓯北诗钞》以补充订正赵翼的思想发展变化轨迹,意图更接近赵翼真实的人生。

【Abstract】 Zhao Yi is the Qing Dynasty renowned poet, poetry critic and historian. At present the academic research about Zhao Yi, literary workers mainly concentrated in his poetry creation and theory, scholars mainly study his historical theory and historiography method, research on his life story is not enough attention. This affected the further study of Zhao Yi in a certain extent.This chronicle to Zhao Yi at the age of forty-seven, namely thirty-eight years of Qianlong gui si (1773) to resign to keep as a watershed, divided into two parts, to compare the performance before and after the different ideology and way of life.The three volumes. The first volume for childhood and adolescence (thirteen years five years of Yong Zheng and Qianlong), mainly test the life and learning the Zhao juvenile and youth experience. Volume second northern tour in the capital and enter the imperial academy period (fourteen years to thirty-one years of Qianlong), focus on the experience of the imperial examination research. Third volumes for a local officials and went to Yunnan Army period (thirty-two years to thirty-seven years of Qianlong), the emphasis is the outstanding achievement an prefect and prefect of Guangzhou office achievements and went to Yunnan Army thought and as. This phase of the tortuous complex, full of ups and downs, is the important period of the change of Zhao Yi thought.Part Ⅱ is divided into four volumes. The first volume for the persistence to raise and Determined not to politics period (thirty-eight years to forty-six years of Qianlong). Guizhou Xun expensive Western soldiers, as Guangzhou has a prison project being traced, Zhao Yi off to keep, and at this stage gradually clear, Determined not to politics seclusion writing in the pursuit of life, and through the operation of land, the pawnshop, the living way, as the economy gets ready for the long term in the country. Volume second College Lectures and Military staff period (forty-seven years to fifty-seven years of Qianlong), were investigated Zhao Yi Yangzhou anding academy professorship at the social activities and the thought and motivation into Li Shiyao’s staff officer supplies. Volume third friends go to work with period (fifty-eight years of Qianlong to Jiaqing seven years), with Zhao Yi making friends of scenic route, social activities and process writing and publication of the people as the focus of the test object. Fourth volumes and swim under forest and people’s livelihood period (Jiaqing eight years Jiaqing nineteen years), focus on the Zhao old leisurely rural life and concerns the peasant uprising, the riots caused social disorder state of mind.This chronicle through detailed data combing, investigation, plans by Zhao Yi to watch, learn, Qian-Jia poetry altar ecology; know Zhao Yi by poets and scholars, by bureaucratic and literati life the Qianlong Dynasty homoplasy and the reasons for selection.This chronicle in addition to the seven books to make full use of the existing Zhao Yi, especially "Oubei set" to textual research Zhao Yi’s life line is outside, also taking of spectrum not the anthology of Zhao Yi "Oubei poems" to track ideological development supplement revised Zhao Yi, intention Zhao Yi closer to real life.

【关键词】 赵翼年谱清代
【Key words】 Zhao YiChroniele of one’s lifeQing literature

