

【作者】 卢伯春

【导师】 沈建华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》明确要求“造就一批教学名师和学科领军人才”,为了开拓体育名师研究,致力于培养上海市中小学体育高端人才,探索培养体育名师的新模式,本研究运用文献法、访谈法、问卷法等研究方法,运用建构主义、课程开发、成人学习等理论,在分析了体育名师基地培养的现状的基础上,论述了体育名师培养的基本理论,提出了上海市中小学体育名师培养过程优化的策略,为上海市体育名师基地实施方案的制订提供决策建议,为落实上海市学生健康促进工程,改善上海市青少年体质健康状况提供体育人才资源。全文主要包括五个部分:第一章绪论:研究的选题背景与缘由,研究意义、方法及设计,对论文中涉及的核心概念进行规约,并对就与研究相关的主要理论进行说明,阐明教育中建构主义的理论、课程开发理论等对体育名师培养研究的意义。第二章文献综述:首先对非体育学科名师的研究现状进行综述;其次梳理并归纳国内有关体育名师及优秀体育教师的研究现状。第三章体育名师培养的基本理论研究。对体育名师的概念、内涵重新进行界定。研究结果表明体育名师应有坚定的体育教师职业信念,广博的知识结构,扎实的体育专业能力等素养;体育名师要有榜样作用、引领作用和辐射作用。体育名师的成长主要分为五阶段:职前启蒙期、入职关键期、在职突破期、成名后分流期、思想沉淀期。体育名师培养的向度,表现为外部培养和内部驱动的作用力在体育名师逐渐成熟的过程中“此消彼长”;随着时间的推移,外部培养的方向由注重运动训练、教学、科研能力,向注重体育教学、科研转变。第四章体育名师基地培养现状调查表明,体育名师基地在培养基地学员职业信念、体育理论知识、体育教学设计能力、听评课能力方面取得了成效;存在的主要问题是学员的个性化发展实现不够,部分学员教学反思水平不高,教学特色不明显,科研能力有待继续提升等。影响学员发展的主要因素是,基地学员自身因素、基地培养过程中的导师团队聘用问题、培养方案的执行问题,以及对学员学习结果监督不力。第五章基于对体育名师培养的基本理论和体育名师基地培养现状的思考,提出了优化体育名师基地培养的策略,1)要转变基地培养的价值观、教学观、时空观;2)培养方案要向培养目标多元化、培养内容多样化、评价制度科学化方向发展;3)要注重体育名师基地导师团队人力资源的开发与管理;4)关注基地学员的个性化发展需求;5)培养方式应采用集中与分散相结合的培养组织形式和导师指导下的学员自主学习法,批判性反思的质变学习法、导师与学员互动的研讨法、发挥基地学员特长的示范法等培养方法;6)建立对学员学习效果的常态化监督机制;完善相应的激励机制;并从正式制度和非正式制度两方面着手,建立和完善体育名师基地的管理制度,确保培养方案有效、精准执行。

【Abstract】 National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs(2010-2020) put forward explicitly “to cultivate famous teachers and leading talent”.In order to develop the study of well-known PE teachers, and to cultivate well-knownPE teachers in elementary and secondary schools in Shanghai, to explore a newmode for cultivating well-known PE teachers, The study applied documentaryanalysis, questionnaire survey and interview to the investigation, and Constructivisttheory, Curriculum development theory, Adult Learning Theory etc, as the basis ofanalyzing the current situation of the base, expounding the basic theory ofwell-known PE teachers, proposed optimization strategy to cultivate well-known PEteachers in elementary and secondary schools in Shanghai.The full text includes five parts:ChapterⅠIntroduction. Background and significance of the topic, methods anddesign are introduced. Core concepts and major theory related whit this paper aredefined and stated. Theories of constructivism in education and the influence oftheories of curriculum development on the cultivation of well-known PE teachers areclarified.ChapterⅡReview. The Literature review of research on well-known non-PEteachers; the current situation and shortcomings of research about well-known PEteachers and outstanding PE teachers.ChapterⅢ:It is about the basic theories of well-known PE teachers cultivatingstudy. Connotation of well-known PE teachers is probed in this chapter. The literacy awell-known PE teacher should have include: firm occupational belief of PE teachers,encyclopedic structure of knowledge and solid sports specialty ability. The functionsof cultivating well-known PE teachers include model function, leading function, andradiation effects. By interpreting cultivation dimensions of well-known PE teachersfrom the perspective of five growth stages of well-known PE teachers, the resultsshow that: The acting force from external cultivation on well-known PE teachers isperiodically rheological. It manifested as external cultivation and internal effect are in inversely proportional relationship in the process of the gradual mature ofwell-known PE teachers. With each passing day, the orientation of externalcultivating is changing from the ability of sports training, teaching, scientific researchto physical education and scientific research ability.ChapterⅣ:The current cultivating analysis on the base of the cultivatedproject of the well-known PE teachers demonstrates that, on one hand, three years’study enables the base learners to achieve great development on aspects such as:professional belief, sports theoretical knowledge, design ability of physical sports,listening-assessing lessons ability. Nevertheless, on the other hand, there exists someshortcomings in the development, for instance, the not-so-enough realization of themembers’ individuation development, the not-so-high teaching introspecting abilityof several members, the not-so-evident teaching characteristics, as well as thefurther promotion needing scientific research ability. The reason analysis of “shortboard” displays that, the base members know dimly about the objective of the basecultivation, personal development plan and orientation remain inaccurate, and theheavy pressure of study, work, etc. all present as self-factors influencing basemembers’ development. What’s more, the employment of tutor mission during thebase cultivation, the implement of cultivation scheme, and the ineffectivesupervision on the members’ study results have all affected the base members’growth.ChapterⅤ:People have put forward the cultivating strategies aimed atoptimizing the base.1) It has expounded the transform and optimizing of the basecultivation perception on outlooks toward value, teaching and temporal-spatialoutlook;2)It has presented strategies of cultivation objective pluralism, cultivationcontent diversification and the scientific evaluation regulation concerning optimizingof the cultivation scheme;3) It assumed that it is better to exert emphasis on theexploration and management of the tutor mission human resources;4)pay attentionto requests of the base members’ individualization development;5) the choose ofcultivating methods should be based on combining the cultivating aims and contentsand study features of base adults, thus to apple cultivating organization from integrating central and segregation and self-study methods under guidance of tutors,qualitative change study methods of criticizing reflection, discussion methods of thetutor and members’ strong points, etc.6)At the meantime, it is advisable to establishcommunalized supervision mechanism of the study effects, perfect relevantstimulating mechanism, and to start from the two sides of both formal and informalsystems to establish and perfect the managing regime of the base, so as to guaranteethe effective and accurate implementation of the cultivation scheme.

  • 【分类号】G635.1;G633.96
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1738
  • 攻读期成果

