

【作者】 王莉娜

【导师】 曾维华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 颍川荀氏是汉晋时期的主要士族之一,当时有“汝颍多奇士”之说,而荀氏则是颍川众多士族的代表之一。荀氏见于史籍记载者达一百多人,且在中央做文职高官的多,主要是一个士大夫官僚世家。荀氏的婚姻之家基本上属于高门大族,且与皇室联姻,绵延两晋,一直与皇室保持亲戚关系。荀氏的婚媾状况有国婚、身份内婚、地域婚,联姻之家不是皇贵,就是当时一流的士族。在魏晋时期,衡量士族地位高低的主要因素是婚宦,从这两方面来考察,颍川荀氏都称得上是“名门望族”。世家大族要取得社会承认,须符合当时社会价值取向。文化素养在当时是衡量人才优劣的标志,也是入仕为官及官职升迁的重要条件。魏晋士族多以家学名世,以儒士出身。荀氏人才辈出,其家学以礼乐、律令为主,在文化上具有突出的贡献;荀淑博学,荀爽为“硕儒”,是“八龙”中唯一被认为具有儒学成就的人物;荀悦被誉为最杰出的儒家史学家和思想家之一,他的历史著作《汉纪》对后世的历史编撰学有重大影响,为后代王朝编年史的编撰树立了特殊的榜样。荀顗等人的制礼作乐都在文化史上留下光辉的一页。荀氏族人生当乱世,风云际会,对于当时的重大政治事件,均直接参与。对于诸如党锢事件等的形成及发展发挥了很大的作用,而荀氏家族本身也受了政治的影响。本身的宗族组织由颍川分散至各地,政治及社会地位在汉晋之际得到提升并达到顶点。颍川荀氏是一个族大人众,并具有较高文化修养的官僚世家。荀氏的文化底蕴使他们在地方精英中的声望迅速提升,与清议运动的结合使得荀家人与名士、党人关系密切。颍川荀氏的子弟,积极投身反对宦官、外戚的斗争,为当时士人集团之楷模。荀彧、荀攸等帮助曹操荐举人才,出谋划策,为北方统一作出了巨大贡献。总的说来,颍川荀氏是汉晋之际具有较大影响力的士族,在颍川士族中具有较高声望,可谓是颍川士族的代表之一。颍川荀氏的家族成员在政治上曾发挥过举足轻重的作用,同时荀氏亦受社会政治、经济等层面变动的影响,其宗族组织和家族势力在汉晋时期经历了发展和变化。

【Abstract】 Xun Family of Ying Chuan had talents to ritual and ritsury as the main andoutstanding contribution in culture.Xun Shu was learned,Xun Shuang as master ofConfucianism was consigered to have figures of Confucianism.Xun Yue had beenhailed as one of the most outstanding thinkers and Confucian historians,his historicalworks of the HanJi had a significant impact on late generation of historycomplication.Xun Yi,who made merry in leave a light on the history of culture.XunFamily s cultual foundation upgraded its place in the elite quickly.Political criticism byscholars and celebrities in sports made the combination of Xun Family and close toparty people.The children of Xun Family Could adhere to Confucian idealpersonality.They had an abhorrence of evil,joined the struggle against theeunuchs,wifes or mothers relative sorrow.They showed high integrity which as rolemodel of the scholar group.In the late of Eastern Han Dynasty, the gentrycommunicated more and more, and this increased their power. Xun Family of YingChuan was a famous gentry in Han and Jin Dynasty,it had more than100governors。From the two points, Xun Family was elite. The culture was importantfor Xun Family to get power and respect.Xun Family had joined many political thing in the late of Eastern Han and JinDynasty.At the same time,their family changed.They showed high integrity whichmade as role model of the scholar group.Xun Yu and Xun You helped Cao Caorecommend talents,they made a significant contribution for unifying the North.XunFamily of YingChuan was a big influential family and was the leader of gentry. XunFamily achieved a higher status and prestige. It played very great role inpolitics,reflected the Confucian scholar as public demeanor.

【关键词】 汉晋时期颍川荀氏
【Key words】 Han and Jin DynastyXun Family of YingChuan

