

【作者】 王彬

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 高考制度作为我国非常重要的一项国家教育制度,在我国各级各类高等学校选拔合格人才、引导中小学教育教学改革、促进社会阶层合理流动、提供实现社会公平的环境,促进我国中小学生努力学习等方面做出了贡献,发挥了不可替代的作用。“没有改革就没有发展”已成为一个世界性的共识!自建国以来,我国高考制度历经大小数次改革,特别是近十几年来,再次进入改革活跃期。随着人们价值观的日趋多元,各种价值观在此交汇、碰撞,使之成为各界关注的热点。作为一项重要的国家教育制度,其改革依据怎样的价值取向,直接制约了我国高考制度未来的发展趋向。从当前我国高考制度的研究状况来看,大多集中于高考的功能、高考的内容与方法、招生录取方式以及高考的公平性等方面,较少关注我国高考制度的本质,以及制度制定与改革过程中的价值取向等深层次问题,而这恰恰是制约我国高考制度改革的最为关键的、核心的问题。基于此,本人最终把对我国高考制度改革的价值取向研究作为博士毕业论文的选题。本研究尝试从价值哲学的视角分析我国高考制度,寄希望通过对我国高考制度及其改革政策的梳理,能够比较系统地分析我国高考制度及其改革的本质,并在此基础上,进一步对我国高考制度改革中所持的各种价值取向、改革的逻辑与方法论选择等内容进行剖析,旨在从理论上拓宽高等学校招生考试制度研究领域,丰富我国高考制度改革的研究成果,在实践上突破当前高等学校招生考试改革瓶颈,为教育决策者、学校管理者、一线教学者等提供框架性建议。本论文有两个研究重点:一是对我国以往高考制度改革进行检视,以期寻觅这些政策“事实”背后所隐含的“价值取向”;二是通过历史分析与反思,探求我国高考制度改革的“合理性”与未来的价值取向及发展方向,并对当前我国高考制度改革提出框架性建议。全文共分为六大部分:第一部分为导论,通过文献综述提出问题,主要解决本论文的逻辑起点、概念规约、研究思路与方法等问题。第二部分是我国高考制度改革历程及变革动因的系统分析。主要包括两个方面内容:一是在前人研究的基础上,把1949年以来我国高考制度改革的历史分为建制微调期、十年文革期、恢复重建期、改革初始期、改革深化期等五个时期;二是对上述五个不同时期的改革背景及动因进行了深刻分析,为分析我国以往高考制度改革的价值取向奠定了基础。第三部分是对我国高考制度改革历程中的价值取向进行多维透视。本研究分别从计划制度、录取制度、考试制度、管理制度等四个维度对我国高考制度改革过程中的价值取向进行了分析,即计划制度的“国家本位”取向转向“社会本位”取向、考试制度中的“知识本位”取向转向“能力本位”取向、录取制度中的“效率优先下的公平”取向转向“公平优先下的效率”取向、管理制度中的“工具”取向转向“人本”取向,并在此基础上,对我国历史上高考制度总体改革的价值取向“人才选拔”进行了深入总结、反思与剖析。第四部分为当前我国高考制度改革的价值取向与现实矛盾分析。这部分在厘清我国高考制度与其改革的实质基础上,进一步分析了当前我国高考制度改革中存在的各种矛盾以及制度层面的应然与实然问题,指出我国高考制度改革深受外部环境的影响与制约,内部运行矛盾重重;全国统一的招生计划与分省录取制度及其运行机制是我国高考制度改革的核心问题。对当我国高考制度改革所持整体价值取向――人才选拔提出质疑第五部分是未来我国高考制度改革价值取向的理论分析与思考,一是从生存价值论的角度,论述了我国高考制度与人的全面发展关系,提出了未来我国高考制度改革的价值取向应该是“适材选择”,并对“适材选择”提出了自己的见解。二是在当前我国高考制度改革面临深水区的时候,必须坚持改革不动摇的决心,借鉴我国改革开放三十多年以来所积累的成功经验,加强顶层设计,走与实践探索相结合的道路。第六部分为“基于适材选择”价值取向的高考制度改革建议部分。该部分首先基于“适材选择”提出了当前我国高考制度改革的七点建议:优化高考制度体系的内部结构与功能;调整招生计划制度的规制范围和方式;继续调整与优化高考模式;建立基于诚信体系的综合评价体系;坚持多元、透明的录取改革方向;规范高校招生与考试的流程管理等。为保证上述建议的顺利实施,还必须认真处理好几对关系:高考制度与我国高等学校招生自主权、中学教育教学、社会分层之间、长远目标与短期目标之间、制度与体制与机制之间的关系等。

【Abstract】 The system of college entrance examination is regarded as a very importantnational education system in China, which has played great and irreplaceable role inselecting qualified talents for higher education institutions, guiding the teaching andcurriculum reform of schools, working as a platform of promoting the social stratumto flow to realize societys fair environment rationally, promoting school students tostudy hard etc."No reform means No development" has already become a commonunderstanding worldwide nowadays. The system of college entrance examination hasgone through dozens of reforms since the establishment of People’s Republic of China,and especially in recent ten years, has entered the active period of reform again.With the development of pluralism of peoples values day by day, various kinds ofvalues cross, collide here, which make it become focus that all circles pay closeattention to. As an important national education system, what kind of valueorientation the reformers hold has directly restricted the future developing trend ofthe system of college entrance examination. Research documents studied mostlyconcentrate such respects as the fairness, content, method, way of enrollment andadmission of the system of college entrance examination and it is less likely to payclose attention to the essence of the system itself and such profound questions asthe value orientation that the system is made and reformed, etc. which is the mostcrucial, central question of restraining the system of college entrance examinationfrom reforming exactly. On the basis of this, I decided to make the Study on ValueOrientation to the System Reform of College Entrance Examination as the title of mydoctors dissertation finally.This research tries to analyze the system of college entrance examination fromthe view of value philosophy, which hopes to analyze more systematically theessence of the system of college entrance examination as well as its reform, and onthis basis, different value orientations, methodologies of reform of college entranceexamination etc. is further analyzed. The study aims at widening the research field of the system of college entrance examination and making the research results of thesystem reform abundant theoretically. Meanwhile, it also breaks through thebottleneck problems of the college entrance examination reform in practice and putsforward some suggestions for educational policymakers, school administrators andteachers, etc.This dissertation is divided into six parts:Part One is the introduction, which puts forward the question through thedocument survey, mainly building the logic starting point of research, giving conceptsexplanation, considering contents and methods of research, etc.Part Two mainly analyzed the development process and backgrounds as well asreasons of college entrance examination system on the basis of studying historicaldocuments. The history of the college entrance examination system reform is dividedinto5periods by the author, which are named: the period of establishment, periodof Culture Revolution, period of rebuilding, period of initial reform, period ofdeepening reform.Part Three discussed the value orientations of college entrance examinationsystem reform in different periods multi-dimensionally, in which the Stateinterest-based Orientation is turned to Social interest-based one in the system ofenrollment plan, Knowledge-based Orientation is turned to Ability-based one in theadmission system, Efficiency-based Orientation is turned to Fairness-based one in theexamination system, and Tool-based Orientation is turned to People-based one in themanagement system.Part Four analyzed the problems and contradictions of the present systemreform of college entrance examination, and argued that the system of Nationwideunified enrollment plan and individual province admission of college entranceexamination is the key problem in the course of the reform.Part Five theoretically discussed the future value orientation of the systemreform of college entrance examination, which is Selecting Right Candidate for RightCollege or University, from the perspective of existence theory of value by analyzingthe concept of system and the relationship between people and the system of college entrance examination.Part Six puts forward some suggestions for the current system reform of collegeentrance examination on the basis of the value orientation of Selecting RightCandidate for Right College or University, which consists of aspects of inner structureof the system, enrollment plan, admission, way of examination, management, etc.

  • 【分类号】G632.474
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3872

