

【作者】 刘亚辉

【导师】 齐沪扬;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 笔者从语法学史的角度,对清代法国来华传教士马若瑟所著《汉语札记》(1728年完稿)(以下简称《札记》)和马建忠《马氏文通》(1895年)(以下简称《文通》)从宏观和微观两个方面进行对比,重点在于通过对两部著作中“之、乎、者、也、而、则、於、以”八个汉语文言虚词的描写进行微观分析与对比研究,在对比中突出《札记》的学术地位,包括在欧洲汉学史、世界汉语教学史和汉语语法学史上的地位;探索《札记》与一些中西方语言学著作的关联;重新审视《文通》在汉语语法学史上的地位;并探讨中西方学者在汉语文言虚词研究上的异同。全文分为七章。第一章绪论。简介马若瑟生平及《札记》一书;说明本文的研究目的、选题意义;对本课题国内外研究状况进行综述;并介绍本文理论基础、研究方法、语料来源及可能的创新点。第二章《札记》与《文通》总体比较。从研究目的、研究内容、语法观、语法体系、理论基础、研究方法、语料来源七个方面对《札记》和《文通》进行宏观的总体对比,重点在于二者语法体系对比,从词法、句法,包括词类虚实观、各个词类、词类活用、语序、各种句型,尤其是对二者文言虚词内容、类别、文言句式等进行较为全面的研究,指出是马若瑟首次将‘实字’与‘虚字’两个术语运用于语法研究。第三章《札记》与《文通》语气词对比研究。将《札记》“尾虚词”与《文通》“助字”从内容、分类、功能、来源等方面进行了全面对比,得出结论:《札记》“尾虚词”与现代汉语中的“语气词”范围相当。从现有可见的资料来说,马若瑟是第一个对汉语语气词进行语法研究的学者。本章重点从微观方面将两部著作中的重点虚词“也”和“乎”进行对比。研究结果表明:《札记》在汉语语法学史上第一次从语法学的角度系统地对语气词“也”进行了全面描写,《文通》对语气词“也”用法的描述没有超出马若瑟的框架。对“乎”的研究表明,对古汉语词缀的理性研究开始于马若瑟。第四章《札记》与《文通》介词对比研究。重点为两部著作中“於”和“以”的对比。结果表明:《札记》对“於”的描写源于《助字辨略》,而又高于《助字辨略》。在对“於”的描写上,《文通》与《札记》有相似之处。从对“於”的语法阐述来看,马若瑟与马建忠有着不同的语法视角。马若瑟继承了中国古代实词虚化思想,有了词的组连凝固成词的意识。第五章《札记》与《文通》连词对比研究。重点为两部著作中“而”和“则”的对比。结果表明:《札记》在“而”字描写上很有可能参考过元代卢以纬《语助》和清代袁仁林《虚字说》。从对“则”的语法描写来说,马若瑟突破了中国传统随文释义的解释方式,注重分析“则”字所连接的上下文的逻辑意义。他举出“则”字表示让步关系的例句,这是《虚字说》、《助字辨略》及《文通》都没有提到的。另外,马若瑟将“一则……一则”看做一个句式,表明其从语法角度看待问题的高明之处。第六章《札记》与《文通》助词对比研究。重点研究“之”的隐现规律和“者”构成的古汉语判断句式。结果表明:马若瑟发现了“属格标志”“之”的隐现规律,并对其加以较为详细的分类。虽然他主要根据西方语法体系来看待“之”的词类归属和分类标准,但他还是注意到了汉语的一些特有规律。从对“者”的研究表明:马若瑟在汉语语法学史上第一次归纳出了古汉语判断句的几种句式,并对其作用、结构等进行了描写。卢以纬和马建忠对古汉语的判断句都已经有了朦胧的意识,但并未对其进行明确的归纳。第七章结论。主要得出如下结论:在欧洲汉学史上,《札记》是欧洲汉学的基石,对欧洲汉学家们产生了积极的影响。在世界汉语教学史上,《札记》是首部完整的汉语教材。在汉语语法学史上,《札记》是目前可见的第一部文白分开的汉语语法著作,也是第一部系统描写汉语文言语法的著作。马若瑟首次将‘实字’与‘虚字’两个术语运用于语法研究,首次从语法学的角度对汉语文言虚词进行研究,首次将中西比较法运用到古汉语语法的研究中。《札记》是西方语言学素养与汉语实际相结合的成功范例。笔者发现了更多证据证明《文通》与《札记》之间的联系,发现《札记》很有可能参考过卫匡国《中国文法》、瓦罗《华语官话语法》、元代卢以纬《语助》、清代刘淇《助字辨略》以及袁仁林《虚字说》。在《札记》与《文通》文言虚词对比研究中,我们了解到:马若瑟与马建忠在研究中都将西方语法体系与中国传统语言学思想相结合,但马若瑟更加注重语言形式,对汉语特点的研究不够深入;马建忠则更加重视汉语自身特点。

【Abstract】 Under the perspective of the history of Chinese grammar studies, this dissertation makes a comparison between Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar from both macro and micro aspects, with an emphasis on the microscopic analysis and the comparative study of the ancient Chinese particles zhi, hu, zhe, ye, er, ze, yu, yi. The comparison highlights the academic status of Notitia Lingae Sinicae, including its status in the European Sinology, in the history of Chinese Language Teaching as well as in the history of Chinese grammar. The dissertation also explores the relations between Notitia Lingae Sinicae and some Western linguistics works and re-examines the academic status of Ma’s Grammar in the history of Chinese grammar studies. It also discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western scholars’ research on the Chinese classical functional words. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters.Chapter1is an introduction. This chapter makes a brief introduction to Joseph de Premare’s life and his Notitia Lingae Sinicae. It explains the purpose of this study and the significance of the research; makes a general survey of research on the subject at home and abroad; and it introduces the theoretical basis, research methodology, corpus sources, and the possible innovations of the present study.Chapter2is a general comparison between Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar. It makes a macro and overall comparison between Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar in seven aspects:research purposes, research content, view of grammar, grammatical system, theoretical foundation, research methods, the corpus source. It gives emphasis to the comparison of the two grammar system from the lexical, syntactic, and view of xu and shi, the various parts of speech, the conjugation of parts of speech, word order, various sentence patterns, especially the comprehensive study of function words in classical Chinese between the two books from aspects of content, category, sentence patterns in classical Chinese. We consider that Premare was the first person to use shizi and xuzi in the study of Chinese grammar.Chapter3is a comparison of model particles of Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar. It makes a general comparison between the final particles with zhuzi from the aspects of content, classification, function, origin etc. and reaches the conclusion that the the final particles of Notitia Lingae Sinicae is in general equal to the final particles of modern Chinese. Judging from the data current available, Premare is the first scholar to make grammatical research on the final particles of the Chinese language. In this chapter, we focus on the comparison between ye and hu of the two books. We have found that Premare described ye in the history of Chinese grammar first. The describing of ye in Ma’s Grammar was not beyond the frame of Notitia Lingae Sinicae. According to the research of hu, we find that the rational study of affixes in ancient Chinese can be traced back to Premare.Chapter4is a comparison between prepositions in Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar, which focuses on the comparison between yu and yi of the two books. We found that the description of yu originated from Zhuzi Bianlue, but better qualified than it. There are some similarities between the two books. Judging from the grammatical interpretations of yu, Premare and MaJianzhong hold different views on grammar. In researching of yi, Premare inherited the thoughts that shizi has a tendency of becoming xuzi in ancient Chinese, reflecting the sense of lexicalization.Chapter5is a comparison of conjunctions of Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar, which focuses on comparing er and ze in the two books. It has been found that the description of er very likely originated from Yuzhu and Xuzi Shuo. From the description of ze, Premare made a break through in th traditional interpretive way of ancient Chinese which has laid its focus on analyzing the logical meanings of the context of ze. He had an example of the concession of ze, which the others had not mentioned. In addition, Premare regarded yize......yize as a sentence pattern, and it is a manifestation of his wise grammatical perspectives.Chapter6is a comparison between auxiliary words of Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar, which focuses on the looming problems of zhi and the judgment sentence pattern of ancient Chinese. We found that Premare discovered the looming pattern of zhi, and has made detailed categories. Although primarily based on Western grammatical system to treat the attribution parts of speech and classification criteria of zhi, Premare noticed that there was in the Chinese language some unique law on the parts of speech attribution and classification criteria. The study of zhe indicates that Premare was the first person to summarize several ancient Chinese judgment sentence patterns in the history of Chinese grammar studies, and made description on their function and structure. Even Lu-Yiwei and Ma-Jianzhong had some vague thoughts on the judgment sentences of ancient Chinese, they did not make any explicit summary.Chapter7is a conclusion. Notitia Lingae Sinicae was the corner stone of European sinology that has played a positive role in the circle of European sinologists. And Notitia Lingae Sinicae was the first Chinese teaching material in the history of Chinese language teaching of the world, was the first book of Chinese grammar which separated the written from the spoken language, and it was the first book that made a systematic description of ancient Chinese grammar. Premare was the first person to use shizi and xuzi in the research of grammar, who stuied the ancient written Chinese particles firstly and systematically from the perspective of grammar. He was the first person who recearched the ancient Chinese grammar by comparison of Chinese and western language. Notitia Lingae Sinicae was the successful example of combining Western linguistic attainments with Chinese realities.We have found more evidence that can prove the relationship between Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar. Premare was likely to have made references from Grammatica Sinica, Arte de la Lengua Mandarina, Yuzhu, Zhuzi Bianlue and Xuzi Shuo. Through the comparative study of Notitia Lingae Sinicae and Ma’s Grammar, we realized that both Premare and Ma-Jianzhong have combined the Western grammar system and the ideology of traditional Chinese linguistics. Premare paid more emphasis on language form, but he was weak in the study of the characteristics of the Chinese language; while Ma-Jianzhong paid more attention to the characteristics of Chinese itself.


