

The Theoretical Logics and Practical Patterns of Administrative Incentive

【作者】 朱颖慧

【导师】 申来津;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 激励是思想政治教育的重要手段之一,其核心是提高人的积极性,激发人的潜能。对个人来讲,激励可以对人的目标性行为产生源源不绝的推动力,使人在发展过程中不断地超越自我,创造奇迹;对现代组织来讲,激励可以激发组织成员的工作热情和创造精神,激励水平的高低决定了组织整体管理水平的高低,也决定了组织效能的发挥程度。然而,激励之于不同的人、不同职业领域的人群乃至同一职业领域的不同人群,是大不相同的,我们可以认同一些普遍意义上的激励理念,但这绝不意味着可以设计出一套放之四海皆可适用的激励机制。因此,在激励这一领域中,我们需要针对不同的激励对象,根据其特点“对症下药”,做出更加具体深入的研究。行政激励是思想政治教育体系的重要组成部分,是针对那些拥有公共权力、承担公共责任的政府行政人员而进行的激励研究,其实质就是激发行政人员的积极性、主动性和创造性。在现代社会中,一个国家的繁荣昌盛是与一个高效、廉洁、公平、公正的政府紧密维系的,政府在国家发展中所承载的政治责任、社会责任、经济责任是推动行政激励研究的动力。然而,面对政府庞大而复杂的行政体系,如果仅将激励视为行政活动中的一个具体环节或一个具体措施,那么,激励发挥出的作用对整个行政体系来说是微乎其微的;而只有将激励视为贯穿于所有行政活动的一种理念及其指导下的一系列制度安排和组织管理行为,才能发挥出行政激励的应有功效。因此,本研究秉持全面、系统的原则,将行政激励视为一个复杂的体系,从行政价值、行政制度、行政组织三个维度将行政价值理念、行政制度设计与执行、行政组织中的个体、群体及领导等作为激励体系中不可或缺的要素,来探寻有效行政激励的实现路径。本研究的主要创新点在于:将行政激励作为一个完整的体系,从行政价值、行政制度、行政组织三个维度来解析不同的激励模式,注重价值与制度融合,注重行政主体的双重角色功能(既可以当作激励客体,也可以充当激励主体),注重行政主客体间互动所产生的激励效应。同时,对行政激励实践范式的分析和研究使行政激励研究不再拘泥于理论层面,增强实践意义。本文主要分八个章节,内容是根据逻辑思路来安排的。第一章是导论,主要从研究缘起、文献综述、研究思路、框架及方法和核心概念厘定几个方面展开。激励是思想政治教育的应有之义,两者的契合在于调动人的积极性,引导人正确的发展方向。思想政治教育赋予行政激励的政治意蕴、管理意蕴、和社会意蕴,凸显了行政激励研究对整个行政体系发展的地位和作用,同时,当代中外政府改革的不断深化,使行政激励成为提升政府效能的必要之举。本章通过文献综述,从国内外行政激励理论中梳理行政激励的脉络,从中获取建立行政激励体系的学理支撑;在研究思路和研究框架方面,提出行政激励体系构建的三个维度;最后,对本文所涉及的核心概念,即激励与行政激励、价值与行政价值、行政与公共行政分别进行了厘定。第二章是关于行政激励的理论探讨。首先,从历史的角度分析我国传统行政激励思想和国外行政激励思想的演变。从分析儒家、法家及道家学说中的行政激励思想入手,总结了传统行政激励中行政伦理道德激励的得与失,“人治”政治环境中制度激励的成与败,以及草民在传统行政激励中的功用。其次,本章将西方的行政激励思想按照公共行政理论的发展历程划分为科学管理时期、行为科学时期、系统理论时期和新公共管理时期,旨在阐释各个阶段对人的不同认识以及在此基础上发展起来的具有不同侧重点的行政激励思想。再次,本章探讨了马克思主义行政激励思想,认为需要、利益及人民民主是构成马克思主义行政激励理论的基础,并从唯物辩证法的视角来分析马克思主义行政激励观的特点。同时,本章对新中国以来历届中共领导人对行政激励的探索进行梳理,毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛的行政激励思想在新中国的各个发展阶段虽然各有侧重,但本文主要从行政价值理念、制度建设和组织建设三个方面做了归纳。第三章是行政激励体系的构建。论文首先论述了激励是人类社会特有的现象,它与人在社会活动中所呈现出的种种人性特征息息相关,这不仅决定了激励的方式方法要随着人的需要、人的特征的变化而有所侧重,也突出了激励所体现出的现实功能是人的全面发展的动力之源。然后,论文重点论述了由行政价值、行政制度、行政组织三个维度构建起的行政激励体系,从构建行政激励体系的依据出发,提出构建行政激励体系的原则,分析行政激励体系的运行方式及特点。第四章主要论述行政价值的激励作用。价值的客观存在与人对价值的主观判断和追求一直以来就对人的行为及发展产生重要的推动意义。任何事物的价值都不是一成不变的,这也解释了行政价值在一个国家的不同发展阶段,有着不同的内涵与意义。本文以中国改革开放的历程为参照,分别论述了以效率、公平、廉洁、服务为重心的行政价值对行政行为的激励作用,力图说明行政价值的重心迁移对行政激励的目标、内容和方式有着不同的侧重。第五章是关于行政制度的激励作用。制度是人的自身行为的规范,服从于人的需求和理性,因而,行政制度在设计时就加载了人们的价值期许,无形中对行政活动起着规范与激励作用。行政制度的设计预期与现实差距说明了行政激励在这一环节中的必要性。另外,本章将行政制度的激励功能分解为规范功能、评价功能、调节功能和整合功能,这些功能对行政实践活动起着不可或缺的激励作用。第三,结合实践中的行政制度,分析了行政晋升制度、行政奖惩制度和绩效考核制度对行政激励的具体功效。第六章主要论述行政组织的激励作用,在这里,行政组织中的行政个体、行政群体和行政领导被作为主要激励对象,按照各自的特征分别进行不同的激励设计。同时,对行政组织中隐含的激励因素,如行政人格、行政文化及民主参与来探讨对行政组织的激励功效。第三,结合实践中的组织创新与管理创新,分析了学习型政府组织、回应型政府组织和企业型政府组织对行政激励的侧重与影响。第七章着重论述了行政激励体系的运行环境。行政激励体系的运行环境从纵向和横向两方面来分解,纵向层面从国家——政府——行政自上而下的统摄关系入手论述了三者在价值结构上的同一化,突出社会主义核心价值体系对行政激励的导向作用;并在分析国家政策与行政制度的逻辑关系方面,明确了政策对制度的掌控和激励作用。横向层面注重行政主客体之间的互动,从虚拟的网络社会到现实的公民社会来分别说明作为行政客体的社会对行政主体的激励作用。第八章将理论和实际相结合,从对富民政府的阐释来说明行政激励的价值归宿;从领导问责来明确行政激励在组织上的强化与完善;从民主评议来评述行政激励中民主参与与监督的重要性。这些实践范式是对行政激励体系的进一步论证和补充。

【Abstract】 Incentive is one of the important methods of the ideological and political education. Its core is to promote human’s enthusiasm and potentials. As a branch of incentive system, administrative incentive aims at the government administrative system, which owns the public power and takes the public responsibilities. Government bears the responsibilities of the country, politics and society, which contributes a lot to the study of administrative incentive, and also puts the ideological and political education in an important place.This thesis mainly explores the theory of administrative incentive. From the view of the social structural functionalism, the thesis divides the administrative incentive system into three indispensable parts:administrative value, administrative institution and administrative organization. By discussing their functions to promote the effectiveness of administrative incentive, the thesis infers that joint-effort of the three will lead to the effective incentive. In the process of China’s administrative system reform, because the organic integration of administrative value, institution and organization has been neglected in the course of design and implementation, lots of incentive mechanisms have been invented but only result in the unexpected social conflicts and difficulties owing to the unconquerable bureaucracy and ineffective administration. Hence, the thesis concludes that the highly effective administrative incentive can only be achieved by combining administrative value, institution and organization in a right way that it can help realize the government values of serving people, enriching people and making people happy.The innovation of the thesis lies in that it takes the administrative incentive as a complete system to study. Form the angles of the administrative value, institution, and organization, it analyzes the different incentive points and patterns by illustrating the integration of value and institution, the double function of the administrative subject, the interaction between the administrative subject and object. At the same time, by studying and analyzing the practical patterns of administrative incentive, the thesis transcends the theoretical level and endows the incentive study with the practical significance.The paper is divided into eight chapters, which are arranged in a logic way.The first chapter is the introduction, which includes the study reason, thinking, outline and methods. Also, some core concepts, such as incentive and administrative incentive, value and administrative value, administration and public administration are explained in detail.The second chapter is to explore the theoretical foundation of the administrative incentive. Firstly, it analyzes the development of Chinese traditional administrative incentive and western incentive thoughts. The former includes the administrative incentive thought from the Confucianism, the legalism and the Taoism. The latter generalizes the main ideas of the western administrative incentive thories in four stages, that is, the scientific management stage, the behaviorlism stage, the system management stage and the new public management stage. Then, this paper explains the Marxism administrative incentive thought, which is based on human needs, interests and democracy. And from the materialist dialectic view, the Marxism incentive rules have been illustrated. Finally, the administrative incentive thoughts of some Chinese Communist Party leaders, such as Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, have been generalized.The third chapter tries to constitute the administrative incentive system. As incentive is a typical phenomenon in human society, it is closely related to different human natures in social activities. This relationship only determines that the incentive methods should be adapted to human’s need and change of characters, but also emphasizes that the function of incentive has become the dynamic source of human’s development. Then, the chapter illustrates how the system of administrative incentive has been established. And its establishing reasons, principles, running styles and characters have been analyzed in detail.The fourth chapter is mainly about the incentive function of the administrative value. The existence of value and human’s judgment and pursuit of it have produced the immense force to motivate human’s behavior. As the value of things changes all the time, the administrative value changes with the development of country. So, the paper tries to illustrate the changing core of administrative value in the course of the China’s reform and opening progress. The administrative values of efficiency, justice, probity, service and their different incentive function in practice have been illustrated respectively.The fifth chapter is about how the administrative institutions influence on the administrative incentive. Institution is a kind of regulation for human behavior, and it grows from human’s need and reason. That’s why it bears human’s value expectation when it was born, and it regulates and motivates the administrative activities in an intangible way.The sixth chapter tells about how the administrative organization exerts effect on the administrative incentive. In this paper, the administrative individual, the administrative group and the administrative leader have been regarded as the study objects. And according to their different characters, the administrative incentive modes have been designed and arranged. Besides, the recessive elements, such as the subjective personality, the administrative culture and the participation theory, have been discussed respectively about their incentive functions.The seventh chapter pays attention to the functioning environment of the administrative incentive system. From the vertical level, country, government and the administrative system forms the relationship of unidirectional governance. And the national policy also regulates the administrative institutions for they share the identical values. From the transverse level, the paper discusses both the civil society and the network society’s influence on the administrative incentive. And the mutual action of the administrative subjects and objects are emphasized.The eighth chapter combines the theories and practices. The enriching people government has been regarded as the fate value of the administrative incentive; the leadership inquiry as the strengthening style of administrative organization, and the democratic deliberation of the government work style as the mode of democratic participation and supervision. All these practical patterns have been taken as the necessary proof and supplement of the administrative incentive.


