

【作者】 梁彦民

【导师】 张懋镕;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 宋代以前出现的青铜器研究,虽然已经经历了近千年的时间,但至今仍是文物、考古的重要研究领域。商代和西周时期是古代青铜器发展的重要时期,在这一时期,青铜器经历了发生、兴盛和继续发展的过程。由于青铜鼎是青铜器中最为核心的器物,以往的研究虽然涉及青铜鼎的内容很多,但作为单独器类系统展开研究还没有做过,所以我们将青铜鼎作为研究的课题。我们的研究以考古工作中出土的青铜鼎为主,通过查阅各种报告、简报我们收集到商和西周的1100余件青铜鼎(时间截止2010年)。这些器物多数都有详实的出土记录,只有一少部分由于种种原因出土情况信息较为简单。接着我们采用考古类型学方法对这部分资料进行了分类。我们首先将青铜鼎分为圆形鼎、方形鼎和分裆形鼎三大类,然后按照器足及其他一些因素,对这些青铜鼎进行了详细的类别、式别分类。在分类的基础上,我们参考商周考古分期及出土单位的性质、年代及共存器物的关系,对这些青铜鼎进行了分期和年代研究,指出了各种型式的青铜鼎存在的时间范围,并在此基础上总结出了各个时期青铜鼎的形态特点。在完成了对出土青铜鼎的资料整理过程之后,我们对青铜鼎变化的社会背景展开了讨论。在对青铜鼎的收集整理过程中,我们发现在文王以前,先周考古工作中没有发现姬周族大量使用青铜器的情况,在被认为与姬周族关系最为紧密的考古学文化中,不论是碾子坡文化还是郑家坡文化,抑或其他考古学文化,都没有发现姬周族有发达的青铜文化的证据。因此,我们认为在姬周族的文化传统中以鼎为核心的青铜礼器并没有发挥重要的作用。由于青铜鼎没有在姬周族的文化传统中发挥重要作用,因此,在灭商之后的西周早期阶段,青铜器不大可能在周人的政治文化中起到重要作用,因为对于祭祀之类的传统文化,任何因素都不可能在短时间内改变之。青铜鼎在西周早期阶段,没有在周人的政治生活中发挥如商代青铜鼎那样重要的作用,这个时期的青铜鼎应该是脱离礼制生活独立存在的,或者只是一种财富的象征。正因如此,西周早期青铜鼎完全承袭殷代,这是西周早期青铜器与殷末十分接近的重要原因。最后,我们通过分析造成商周之际青铜鼎形态变化的社会因素,对商周时期文化变革提出了一些自己的看法,完成了我们对商周青铜鼎课题的研究。通过对青铜鼎形态变化的分析,我们认为,商代的青铜器主要是“祀天神、祭地示、享人鬼”的祭祀活动中的道具。西周的青铜器与商代有着很大的不同,由于先周时期周人没有青铜器使用的传统,所以西周早期青铜器没有在西周的政治生活中发挥重要的作用,到了穆王前后,才逐渐形成了在“别贵贱、序民人”的礼制文化中充当道具的周式青铜器。从青铜鼎的发展变化上,我们也证实了西周时期以周公为代表的统治阶层对商代礼制文化进行了大的变革,而这种变革反映在器物的变化上是在穆王前后发生的。如何解释周公距离这场变革的时间差距,我们认为认为是由两个原因造成的,其一是器物形态的变化相对文化的变革有一定的滞后性;其二是文献中所谓周公制礼作乐的记载,只是将周公作为这场变革的代表人物,而这场变革是通过几代统治者才最终完成的。

【Abstract】 The studies on the bronzes unearthed before the Song Dynasty has initiated nearly one thousand year ago. It remains to be an important aspect in the archaeology research. The Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties in Chinese history is the very important period on development of bronzes. During this period, the bronzes experienced the occurrence, prosperous and growing procedure. As one of the core bronze vessels, Ding container has been paid much attention. Although there’re lots of related researches, but no systematic research has been done previously.My research focuses on those excavated Ding vessels. Through consulting archaeological report, we have collected over1100ancient bronze Ding of Shang and Zhou Dynasties (until2010). Most of these objects have detailed excavation background. According to the archaeological typological classification, the bronze Ding will be analyzed.First we divided them into round type, square type and split crotch tripod type by morphological difference. Second we classified them further by tripod or other factors. On the basis of the classification, referring to the archaeological date classification and excavation group characters of Shang and Zhou period, we made chronology and classification research of these bronze Ding, indicating their existing period and summarizing their morphological characters by time.After sorting out of the reference materials of bronze Ding, we discussed the social background which led to the bronze Ding change.The systematic study indicate that the Ji Zhou people did not using lots of bronze before King Wen Age. Among the archaeological cultures which related to Ji Zhou nationality, no matter what cultures, the Nianzipo culture, Zhengjiapo culture or other archaeological culture, we haven’t found any proof that the Zhou nationality has mature bronze culture. Therefore, we conclude that in the Ji Zhou culture the bronze sacrificial vessels signaling by the bronze Ding had not been played an important role.Because the bronze Ding hadn’t played an important role in the Ji Zhou Culture, the bronze vessels could not be significant in political and cultural life of Zhou people in the early stage of Western Zhou. This is probably because that any elements of the traditional cultures like sacrifice couldn’t change in short time. In the early stage of the Western Zhou period, the bronze Ding was not such important as Shang ones in the political life and was away from the ritual life or just one emblem of the wealth. Just like this, bronze vessels in the early Western Zhou is just follow the Shang tradition and is nearly the same in the feature.Finally, through the analysis of social factors which may influence the bronze Ding shape change between the Shang and Zhou Dynasty, we subscribe our view and complete the research of Shang and Zhou Bronze Ding.By means of the morphological studies on the bronze Ding, we believe that the Shang bronze Ding is mainly used as the tool during the sacrifice ceremony. The bronze vessels of the Western Zhou have great difference with Shang bronze vessels. Because the pre-Zhou period people had no sacrifice tradition, in the early stage of Western Zhou the bronze vessels were not so important in political life. Until before and after King Mu period, the bronze vessels had just begun to take an important role in the ritual culture, and typical Zhou type bronze vessels as ritual implements had then occurred gradually.From the development and changes of ancient bronze ding, we also verified in the Western Zhou great changes have taken place from Shang ritual culture by the ruling class led by Duke Zhou. The change could be explained as following:on the one hand, the morphological change might happen later than the social change; on the other hand, the social revolution in the early Western Zhou may have experienced several generation of Zhou Kings.

【关键词】 商代和西周青铜鼎形态变化背景
【Key words】 Shang and Western ZhouBronze Dingshape changebackground

