

Research on Model Based System Engineering Methodology for Control Systems

【作者】 王黎明

【导师】 陈平;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 航天领域控制系统要求必须具有极高的可靠性、可测试性和可重用性,对国内航天领域控制系统来说,还需要考虑国产化、开发人员习惯和开发周期短等问题。基于模型的系统工程是一种新兴的系统工程技术,它以模型贯穿了整个开发周期,可以有效地提高系统的可靠性和开发效率。本文针对航天领域的控制系统开发问题,采用基于模型的系统工程思想,对航天领域控制系统开发的全过程提供支持。本文的具体研究内容包括:1)提出了一种针对航天领域控制系统开发的方法论。该方法论包括了对建模、模型验证、自动代码生成、软件在环、硬件在环和远程调试等开发过程的支持,以及对这些过程中开发方法和支撑开发工具的支持。2)针对物理模型和控制器的开发,分别提出了基于控制流模型扩展的数据流图层次化建模方法和基于状态图加程序流程图的控制器模型建模方法。3)为验证2)中建模方法得到的模型实例是否满足给定的约束,给出了基于一阶逻辑的模型验证方法。4)针对2)中的模型,提出了各自的自动代码生成算法。特别地,针对程序流程图,提出了由标准流程图模型到结构化C代码的自动生成算法。5)在自动代码生成的基础上,给出了物理模型和控制器模型代码的软件在环测试和硬件在环测试方法。6)为了便于定位在环测试中发现的各种缺陷,提出了一种基于虚拟机的远程逆向调试方法。实验研究和工程应用充分表明,本文所提出的航天领域控制系统开发方法能有效提高系统的可靠性、可测试性、可重用性和开发效率,相应的开发工具满足了国产化的要求并且符合国内开发人员的习惯。本文相关成果已成功应用于某型洲际弹道导弹的研制中。

【Abstract】 It is very important for Control systems in aerospace field to be with high reliability, testability and reusability. For a domestic aerospace control system, it is still a key issue for us to consider many problems, such as localization, habits of developers and reduced development cycle, and so on. Model-based system engineering is a new system engineering approach which runs through the entire development cycle through the original model. It can effectively improve the development efficiency and system reliability.In this paper, for the aerospace control system development problems, we proposed some supports for the whole process of the control system development in this field based on the idea of model-based system engineering. The specific research contents in this paper are described as follows.1) A development methodology for the aerospace control system is put forward. The methodology includes the support for development processes, the development method in the phases and supporting development tools. The development processes include modeling, model validation, automatic code generation, hardware in the loop, software in the loop and remote debugging.2) Modeling methods for plant models and controllers are presented respectively. For plant models, a hierarchical modeling method based on the data flow diagram extended on control flow model is proposed. For controllers, model modeling method based on state diagram and program flowchart diagram is proposed.3) To verity whether the model instanses modeled by the method presented in2) meet given constraints, a model verification method based on first-order logic is given.4) Automatic code generation algorithms for models presented in2) are proposed. In particular, for the program flowchart diagram, we put forward the automatic generation algorithm from standard flow chart model to structured C code.5) For the plant model and the controller model, oftware-in-loop testing approaches and hardware-in-loop testing approaches based on automatic code generation are given.6) To facilitate locating bugs found in loop testing, a remote reverse debugging approach based on virtual machine is put forward.Experimental results and industrial applications show that the development method of the aerospace control system put forward in this paper can improve the system reliability, testability, reusability and development efficiency, and the corresponding development tools meet the localization requirements and the habit of domestic developers. Research results of this paper have been applied in the development of one type of intercontinental ballistic missile.


