

Study on Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System for Laser Angle Deception Jam

【作者】 于国权

【导师】 郭劲;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 机械制造及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 激光角度欺骗干扰半实物仿真系统运用导弹运动学、动力学模型,转镜和三轴转台等物理模型设备,激光器和导引头实物模型,在接近真实环境下再现了激光角度欺骗干扰的全过程。半实物仿真以其效费比高、风险小等众多优势已经成为激光干扰设备发展的必要条件。论文以系统仿真基本理论为基础,结合激光角度欺骗干扰领域技术,从激光信号环境、时间相关性、引偏过程几个方面的等效模拟仿真出发,分析了内外场模型等效性,实现了对激光角度欺骗干扰在时间、空间和干扰过程上的半实物仿真。论文主要研究内容如下:1.激光信号环境仿真:导弹在接近目标过程中导引头感知的激光信号能量与激光光斑大小是不断变化的,为此分析了大气、目标漫反射对激光信号传输过程中的能量与光斑尺寸影响。建立了激光大气传输、目标漫反射、激光照射反射、导引头接收能量等外场模型。以导引头接收能量相等为内外场等效条件,利用能量衰减器、漫反射屏等物理模型设备在内场环境下模拟仿真了外场导引头接收能量的变化,为导引头提供了接近真实的激光信号能量环境。建立了光斑外场变化模型,利用光斑大小调节器在内场环境下模拟仿真了其变化过程。2.干扰过程仿真:导弹在接近目标运动过程中,在激光导引头制导信号作用下弹的位置、姿态不断变化,此过程表现为弹与目标(弹目)、弹与假目标(弹干)视线角的不断变化,为此建立了导弹的运动学、动力学模型与弹目/弹干相对运动关系模型。根据内场设备布局,建立了内场试验坐标系统,以弹目/弹干视线角、弹体姿态角为内外场等效条件,利用二维转镜、三轴转台等物理设备在内场环境下模拟仿真了导弹与目标、假目标之间的相对运动。3.时间相关性仿真:激光信号在外场中传输距离要远大于内场中激光信号传输距离,此外由于干扰激光信号在发射前有识别、转发指示信号过程,因此在时间上内外场存在差异。利用时间延时设备在内场环境下实现了激光信号发射的时间差。4.用反射内存构建了分布式实时仿真网络,使仿真设备构成半实物仿真系统,实现模型之间信息交换,完成对仿真过程的控制。5.分析了分布式仿真网络的实时性及其对仿真精度影响,分析了影响导引头接收能量的因素和精度以及激光光斑大小仿真精度,转镜精度对弹目/弹干视线角仿真精度影响。

【Abstract】 Hardware-in-the-loop simulation(HILS) system for laser angle deception jamsimulates the process of laser angle deception jam in close to real environment usingmath model of missile, physical model of three-axes bench and pendulum mirror,seeker and laser. Currently, because of its highly efficiency and little risk, HWILsimulation system has already become a necessary condition of development of laserjam device.On the basis of theory of system simulation, model equivalence for laser angledeception jam is analyzed according to laser signal environment, time correlation,process of jam. HWIL Simulation of the laser angle deception jam in time, space,process of jam is achieved. Major work and innovation include:1. Laser environment Simulation: Spot size and energy that seeker receive fromtarget reflection in process of bomb close to target is changing continuously,So,analyze energy and spot effects of atmospheric and target diffuse reflection in lasertransmission.Construct the atmospheric transmission model, target diffuse reflection model,laser reflection model, seeker received energy model. With conditions of equivalentof seeker received energy between indoor and outdoor, simulate change of outdoorenergy in indoor environment using energy attenuator and diffuse reflection screen,which provide the laser signal environment close to the real for seeker. Construct outdoor spot model, furthermore, simulate the change of laser spotsize in indoor environment using laser spot adjuster.2. Jam process Simulation: Position and pose of bomb is changing continuouslyin process of bomb closing to target by seeker guided signal, with the Line Sightbetween bomb and target or false target. So construct bomb kinematics anddynamics model, bomb target or false target model of line sight. Based on layout ofindoor device, coordinate system is constructed. With conditions of equivalent ofline sight and pose, simulate the relative movement between bomb and target orfalse target using three-axes bench and pendulum mirror.3. Time correlation Simulation: Distance of laser signal transmission in outdooris further than indoor, besides, jam device distinguish and transmit laser signal fromindicator before it launch jam laser signal. So transmission time is differencebetween outdoor and indoor, which is simulated by time delayed device.4. Based on Reflective memory network, construct distributed real-time systemto link simulation devices which exchange information between models, controlsimulation system to run.5. Study on relationship between simulation precision and real time ofdistributed network, analyze factors affecting the seeker received energy and laserspot size precision, analyze how pendulum mirror precision effect line sightprecision between bomb and target or false target.


