

Study on the Key Technologies for High-accuracy and All-time Star Sensor

【作者】 何家维

【导师】 何昕;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 机械电子工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 星敏感器是一种高精度姿态敏感测量仪器,它以恒星为参照系,可提供准确的空间方位和基准,并且具有精度高、抗干扰性强、可不依赖其它系统进行独立导航等优点。星敏感器一般用于卫星、宇宙飞船、火箭等空间航天器的导航,随着导航技术的快速发展,星敏感器的姿态测量精度不断提高,而且应用范围也逐渐扩大。除了在空间平台上应用外,近年来国外一些机构开始在飞机、临界空间飞行器、军舰等近地面平台上尝试应用星敏感器技术。在经历了以小视场高星等为特点的第一代、以自主导航为特点的第二代的发展后,星敏感器技术出现了高精度和全天时近地面应用两个新的发展趋势。针对星敏感器技术发展的新趋势,本文提出高精度全天时星敏感器的解决方案。高精度全天时星敏感器主要在大气层内近地面平台上使用,具有高精度、可白天工作等特点。本文的主要研究内容一是研究提高星敏感器测量精度的可行性方法,二是研究星敏感器在大气层内的全天时恒星探测技术。本文分析了星敏感器的视场、焦距、探测能力、测量精度、数据更新率等关键技术指标的计算方法和相互关系,对高精度全天时星敏感器的关键技术进行了分析,采用光谱滤波、高灵敏度EMCCD成像与噪声抑制、天光背景恒星目标检测等几项关键技术来实现星敏感器的全天时恒星探测。文中论述了EMCCD成像系统的电路设计方法。对新型EMCCD器件在星敏感器中的应用进行深入分析,提出抑制EMCCD成像噪声的有效方法,并通过实验数据分析验证了设计的合理性。研究了复杂天光背景下恒星目标的预处理和目标提取方法,提出星图预处理策略和基于复杂度的多尺度邻域显著性分析的背景预测方法,以解决全天时星敏感器在不同时间、不同背景下拍摄星图的预处理问题。在关键技术研究的基础上,研制完成了高精度全天时星敏感器样机,并进行了大量实验。文中论述了实验系统的组成和高精度星敏感器的标定方法,并对单星测量精度实验、星等标校实验,夜间和白天观星实验等实验数据进行了分析。最后,对高精度全天时星敏感器的发展前景、尚需解决的技术问题、工程化问题等进行初步探讨。

【Abstract】 Star sensor is a high accuracy sensitive instrument for attitudedetermination.Star sensor uses stars as the frame of reference and provides accuratespatial orientation and benchmark.Star sensor has the advantages of high accuracy,anti-jamming, and independent navigation not depending on other systems.Traditional star sensor is generally used as navigation equipment for satellites,spacecrafts, rockets and so on. With the development of the navigationtechnology,the accuracy of star sensor is improving,the application range of starsensor is also gradually expanding. In addition to the usage in the space platform,some foreign institutions try to use the star sensor technology in the platform nearthe ground,such as the large aircraft, the near space aircraft and warship.The firstgeneration of star senor is characterized by a small field of view and highmagnitude.The second generation of star senor is characterized by autonomousnavigation.After the development of the two generations,the star sensor technologyhas two new development trends in recent years:one is high-accuracy,the other isall-time and near-ground application.In view of the new development trends of the star sensor technology, thisdissertation presents the solution of high-accuracy and all-time star sensor.Compared with the traditional star sensor, it is characterized by high accuracy, shortintegration time, near the ground, and all-time work. The main contents of this paper is to research the way to improve the measurement accuracy of star sensor, thesecond is to carry out research on daytime star detection in the atmosphere.This dissertation analyzes the calculation method and the relationship of the keyparameters such as field of view, focal length, detection sensitivity, measuringaccuracy and data update rate.The key technologies of high-accuracy and all-timestar sensor are discussed, including spectral filtering, the EMCCD imaging and noisesuppression,and target detection under complex sky background.This dissertation discusses EMCCD imaging system circuit design methods,analyzes the application of a new type of EMCCD device in star sensor, proposeseffective methods of reducing EMCCD image noise, and verifies the rationality ofthe design by the experimental data analysis.In order to resolve preprocessing problem of star sensor images taken atdifferent times with different backgrounds,the dissertation studies the preprocessingand extraction methods of star-target under complex sky background, proposesimage preprocessing tactics and background prediction method of multi-scaleneighborhood saliency analysis base on complexity.On the basis of the key technologies research,the engineering prototype ofhigh-accuracy and all-time star sensor has been developed, and related experimentsare carried out. The composition of experimental system and calibration ofhigh-accuracy star sensor are discussed.Some experiments which are carried outincluding verification of single star measurement accuracy,magnitudecalibration,all-time star detection,and the experimental data are analyzed. The endof the dissertation is preliminary study on the development prospects of thehigh-accuracy and all-time star sensor, the technical and engineering problems whichstill need to be solved.


