

Research on Movement and Deformation of Overlying Strata and Strata Behaviors with Backiflling Mining Method

【作者】 冯锐敏

【导师】 黄玉诚;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 采矿工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文首先以美国伊利诺伊州某矿为背景,研究了胶结充填料的配比选择及流动特性;在此基础上,分析了充填体的耐崩解性、渗透性、膨胀性、泌水率、塌落度、可浸出性及不同养护时间的强度等工程特性,分析了胶结充填体在房柱法开采条件下对煤柱稳定性的作用机理及其充填效果。对于煤矿壁式充填开采技术,在综合分析岩层移动变形基本特征和充填体受力特征的基础上,应用弹性地基梁及多支点梁理论,建立了充填开采顶板岩梁力学模型,推导了采场直接顶岩梁挠曲微分方程;根据其解析解,分析了覆岩移动变形的各影响因素,充填区和煤体内支承压力分布、顶板剪力等矿压显现规律,并分析了直接顶挠曲和地表下沉的关系;在此基础上,利用有限元方法分析了胶结充填开采覆岩岩层位移场和应力场的变化规律。

【Abstract】 First based on the mining and geological conditions of one mine in Illinois, US,selection of backfilling mixes and backfill flow characteristics were studied; On thisbasis, engineering properties, such as slake durability, permeability, swelling, bleed,slump, leachate and strength with different curing time of backfill, were analyzed, andmechanism of action for the stability of coal pillar and the effects of backfilling wereanalyzed under the condition of room-and-pillar mining method with cementedbackfill. For the longwall backfilling mining technology in coal mines, on the basis ofcomprehensive analysis on the general characteristics of movement and deformationof overlying strata and bearing force characteristics of backfill, using the the theoriesof beams on elastic foundation and multiple supports, mechanical models were builton the condition of long-wall mining with backfilling, with which basic differentialequations of deflections were obtained. All the factors affecting movement anddeformation of overlying strata, the distribution of the front and rear abutmentpressure, and shearing force of immediate roof were analyzed through the analyticsolutions from these differential equations. On that basis, finite element analysismethod was used to explore the dynamic changing regularity of displacement fieldand stress field of overlying strata.


