

Safety Intcgrity System Research and Praetice in Yunjialing Coal Mine

【作者】 张鸿莹

【导师】 傅贵;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全管理工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 云驾岭煤矿安全诚信建设在全国煤炭行业处于领先地位。阐述该矿目前的安全诚信理念、安全诚信制度及安全诚信建设的手段,对提高煤炭企业安全诚信程度有重要意义。为客观测量云驾岭煤矿的安全诚信度,依据安全文化相关理论,设计企业安全诚信测量量表,测量出该矿的安全诚信度较高;为进一步测量员工的安全诚信度,基于心理学,设计员工安全诚信测量量表,测量出该矿的员工安全诚信还有待于进一步提高。为验证云驾岭煤矿安全诚信建设的科学性,基于事故致因理论,剖析安全诚信内涵,得出安全诚信的具体定义;依据安全诚信定义,对云驾岭煤矿安全诚信建设路线进行剖析,即基于安全文化理念,得出该矿安全诚信理念的合理性和先进性;基于PDCA思路,得出该矿安全诚信建设制度和保障机制的完整性和有效性。为进一步提高该矿的安全诚信度,推广该矿的成功经验,通过分析测量结果,对该矿的不足之处提出改进建议。

【Abstract】 Yun Jialing Coal Mine’s research into safety integrity plays a leading role among the national mining industry, so choosing this coal mine to investigate is of representative significance for safety integrity. With a consultation of many archives, this paper has arrived at a definition of safety integrity. By an analysis of Yun Jialing Coal Mine’s safety integrity, such features were achieved. Because there is a defect in Yun Jialing Coal Mine’s safety integrity evaluation, a staff safety evaluative scale and an enterprise safety integrity evaluative scale have been designed based on a psychological and safety-culture theory. Through a measurement, it is found that during their construction of safety integrity, there were such defects as a lack of safety integrity examination, safety training and inspection, and accident investigation inadequacy in the process of recruitment, so that suggestions for improvement are raised. The definition of safety integrity and the analysis of the staff and enterprise safety evaluative scales provide a theoretical base for safety integrity construction and evaluation and have a certain theoretical value. The application of the two scales is of realistic value for evaluating and improving staff and enterprise safety integrity and constructing safety integrity.


