

A Study on the Relation between Hardy’s Novels and Poems

【作者】 刘红霞

【导师】 汪剑钊;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840-1928)是横跨两个世纪的作家,其创作生涯长达六十多年,出版了十四部长篇小说、四部短篇小说集、八卷诗集和两部诗剧。哈代是一个非常独特的文学现象,既是杰出的小说家又是一流的诗人。他创作的生涯历经了从诗歌到小说创作的变迁,然后又从小说到诗歌创作的变迁这一过程。在哈代创作初期,他的诗歌不被社会接受,倍受打击。那时,小说渐渐成为最引人注目的文体,迫于生计等压力,哈代无奈转向了小说创作。然而,就是在小说中,别样的诗情在哈代作品的字里行间中暗涌回旋。“性格与环境小说”是哈代精心打造的威塞克斯的田园诗,他的人物祖祖辈辈在这一地区成长生活、繁衍生息,时间在他们身边模糊而停滞,流走又流回,回环反复,主人公也是那些与田园诗相匹配的乡村教师、农民、乡村牧师、石匠等。小说中的语言精雕细琢,趋于诗化,在语音修辞上飞翔着诗歌的音韵美,在瞬间描写上藏匿着短小的诗篇;他在小说中还大量引用诗歌镶入文中,形成卷首语与文中诗与小说的交相辉映,水乳交融,引入的诗歌为小说所容纳,又超然其上,给读者造成陌生感,也对读者提出挑战,需要读者更多的阅读经验才能理解,打开了文体相间成文的别样审美张力和情趣;小说中的意象叙事,不仅从视觉上展现了画面的美感,而且为小说营造了内在的诗情意蕴,也为小说的叙事别开洞天。从1867年他撰写第一部小说开始,哈代在小说的世界里徜徉了近三十年。小说创作为他赢得了巨大的声誉。正如哈代的诗人气质一直影响他小说的创作,这么多年小说创作的浸染在他的诗歌上也深深打上小说家的烙印。他会随时在诗歌创作中释放小说百宝囊中的因素,使诗歌汲取小说元素的营养。与其他大多数诗人不同,他诗歌的思想与主题不是主要通过意象与象征,而是通过故事性、人物刻画展现出来,有很强的叙事性。他诗歌中的叙事元素主要包括民谣体和戏剧性。诗歌语言特征具有散文化特征,他以小说家的笔触创作诗歌,诗句自然质朴,很少使用华丽的辞藻,于淡雅中蕴含深重的韵味,而是杂糅了自造词、普通词汇、口语,甚至是地方方言入诗;在诗歌语言音乐性方面,音律不和谐,被一些学者看做“没有歌喉”的诗人;对于大多数诗歌而言,隐喻和象征是诗人的武器,而哈代却很少在诗歌中使用隐喻与象征,但他更擅长在叙事诗中通过情节的戏剧性变化、人物的内心跌宕来体现诗歌的张力。在对日常形象的描绘中,哈代善于在毫无诗意的地方发掘让人意想不到的诗意,以朴素、具体的叙事展现普通人的日常生活。19世纪英国的小说创作潮流为现实主义,在哈代看来,作家的主要任务应该按照生活的本来面目表现生活。由于社会生活的剧烈动荡,诗人关注事变,时事人生直接入诗,诗歌不仅是哈代写作的文体,而且也是他对现实和历史的反思,有助于他更好地关注普通人的生活和多灾多难的人类。小说元素合理地介入诗歌,成为诗歌的有机组成部分,有利于扩大诗歌的包容性,拓宽诗歌的题材和加强诗歌的艺术表现手法。文学类型有一定的秩序系统特征,以一定体裁上的结构方式为标准。然而,哈代本身兼具诗人的气质和小说家意识,他没有受制于文体的分类,在这个秩序系统中,他融入自己个性化的结构和技巧,呈现出一种文体为主,融入其他文体的跨文体特征。创作时,他同时利用和吸收了两种体裁的优势成分:把诗歌的元素应用到小说中,使威塞克斯小说散发着迷人的田园诗情;小说的元素调和在诗歌里,有助于增加诗歌的叙事性、客观性和普遍性,从而丰富自己的艺术表现手法,扩宽题材,突破小说和诗歌固有的表现方式,从而使作品具有一种不可替代的审美特征。

【Abstract】 Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) spanned two centuries, having been prolific for over sixty years during his lifetime. Overall, he published fourteen long novels, four short story collections, eight poetry anthologies as well as two verse dramas. Distinguished from other literary writers, Hardy excelled both in fiction and in poetry, shifting from poetry to fiction in his early years and back to poetry again towards the end of his writing career.Hardy’s poetry was scathingly criticized and frustrated in his early years as a poet. With the novel gradually becoming the most popular genre, Hardy had no choice but to turn to writing fiction under immense financial pressure. Yet, even in his fictions, poetry overflows and reverberates in his writing. His "novels of environment and character" are like pastoral poems of Wessex which witness the cycling life and death of native people generation after generation for whom time blurs and stagnates, flowing in and out, the pastoral poems being well matched by protagonists whose professions range from teachers, to peasants, local priests, and stonemasons, etc. Firstly, the language of the novel, exquisitely carved into the important moments of being, dances with musicality, approaching poetry. Secondly, Hardy embeds an abundance of poetic stanzas into his novels as well that rhyme and blend perfectly with the novel and, yet, defamiliarized, transcend their original meanings, challenging readers to reinterpret them with much experience, hence the establishment of intertextual tension and flavor. Thirdly, the narrative images in the novel not only unfold wondrous scrolls of paintings but also shroud the whole novel with poetic sentiment, charting new seas and lands in narrative fictions with exceptional charm. Hardy’s novel writing career commenced in1867and lasted for nearly thirty years, which had won for him great national acclaim.Hardy’s poetic disposition has been casting a subtle influence on his novels, and, likewise, his poems are stamped with influences of his decades of immersion in novel writing. When writing poetry, he commands various techniques drawn from his novel writings with much ease that successfully nourish his poems. Different from others, most of his poems, marked by their narrative strength, develop insights and themes through plotlines and characterizations instead of images and symbols. The narrative elements of his poems realize themselves mainly through ballads and dramatization. The language of poetry is characterized by its prose style, simple and unadorned, in a genuine and overflowing undercurrent, mingled with his coinages, simple diction, oral expressions, and even local dialects; in terms of musicality, the rhythms and rhymes of his poems do not strictly adhere to verse conventionalities, contributing to cacophony, so much so that he is regarded by some scholars as "a poet without having a singing voice"; Unlike most of other poets who regard metaphors and symbols as their weapons in composing verse, Hardy makes fewer use of them but excels in building tension and achieving poetic value instead through dramatization and a character’s inward ups and downs. In depicting life, Hardy excels in salvaging poetry out of things which seem to be the least poetic, presenting the ordinary life of common people by means of unadorned and concrete narratives. Realist novels were prevalent in19th century Britain, and Hardy was convinced that the major task of the novels should present life as the way it is. Amid the social upheavals, poets began to attach more importance to current events, and, therefore, poetry is not only a genre for Hardy, but also a reflection on reality and fiction, so that his work becomes increasingly centered on life of ordinary people and a history beset with miseries and disasters. The incorporation of novelistic elements into his poems which become an essential component for his poetry has achieved inclusiveness, broadened the views as well as strengthened the artistic expressions for his poems.Literature is featured by an order upon which certain genres are conventionally structured. Hardy, however, endowed with both a poetic disposition and a novelistic consciousness, does not strictly adhere to literary conventional genres but integrates his own unique structures and techniques, relying on one major genre, while blending some other genre features. He makes use of as well as absorbs the elements from both genres to his advantage:blending poetry into his novels which become imbued with idyllic charm; integrating some of the novelistic elements into his poetry which contribute to enhancement of its narrative, objective as well as universal attributes, hence the enrichment of his artistic device, expansion of his topics, which transcend the conventional novelistic and poetic expressions and endow the work with irreplaceable aesthetic values.

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