

On the Poetics of Time in Lu Xun’s Novels

【作者】 胡志明

【导师】 许祖华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 小说中的时间作为一种叙事形式,同时包蕴着丰富的诗学内涵。时间通常以双重身份出现在小说中,作家以时间来编织小说情节,同时又把时间作为描述的内容和观照的对象。小说的时间诗学是对文学与时间相互关联之表述,旨在通过揭示文学作品的时间本质特征以及文本的深层诗性结构,来研究文学的本质特征及其内在时间意涵,并以此来阐释文学与时间之动态构建。本论文的写作主要从鲁迅小说的时间维度、时空型构以及生命时间意涵等三个方面来描述和建构鲁迅小说的时间诗学,旨在研究鲁迅小说时间叙事机制和形式的变迁,从而揭示小说时间诗学是如何形塑文学对世界的别样想象,以及如何体现创作者的主体性想象和审美意识形态。尽管侧重点各不相同,但不同侧面之间相互勾连,共同完成了对鲁迅小说时间诗学的表达。分析鲁迅小说的时间维度是考察鲁迅小说时间诗学的出发点。鲁迅小说的时间维度大致可分为成长时间、轮回时间和非时间,其小说人物大多生活在这三种时间经纬之中。成长时间反映出人物在一定时空内身体、心理与精神成长轨迹。鲁迅小说通过对个体生命成长体验的描述,揭示某个时间段人物性格的发展变化,展现人物成长过程中内心世界的复杂性和痛苦的情感经历。轮回时间是鲁迅小说最具活力、最富想象力的一种时间形式,具体体现为个体事物、人或单个事件以及场景等在小说中重复出现。非时间作为一种永恒的时间,没有明显的刻度和标识,只是一种简单的共时性描述。鲁迅小说中大量充斥神话时间、心理时间和梦境时间等,在对时间的瞬间感悟中,去把握人生的价值和意义的永恒。分析鲁迅小说的时空型构是考察鲁迅小说时间诗学的着力点。叙事作品的行动必然要在一定的时空中发生,时间和空间的异质性造成了小说艺术表达的张力。鲁迅小说中独具时空变化的形式与内容主要体现在其小说故事时空形式的营造、错综时空下的深层结构以及时空蒙太奇手法的运用。他的文本成为时空多元多极的文本和思考人生的切入点,并充分展示了他对时空的独特理解。分析鲁迅小说的生命时间意涵是考察鲁迅小说时间诗学的落脚点。时间不外在于人的生命,而内蕴于人的生命之中。鲁迅大多时候关注的是人的生命问题,站在对人的生命意义的终极关怀的角度来探讨人生,对人的生存境遇、人生价值和意义、人生的追求及其归宿等问题都进行了一系列深刻的思考。在鲁迅小说中,时间从来不是一个单纯的线性发展过程,而是以此在的方式诗意存在。我们侧重于探讨鲁迅小说人物与时间相遇所产生的生命哲理和审美意涵。

【Abstract】 The novel, as a narrative form, contains abundant poetics connotation. Time appears in the novels which usually has dual status. The writers use time to braid the plot of the novel and take time as a description of the content and the object of contemplation. Time-poetics of the novels expresses the correlative of literature and time, aims to reveal the essential characteristics of the literary works of the time and the deep poetics-structure of the text, which discusses the implications of the essential characteristics and its intrinsic time of literature, and interpret connection of literature and time.The text is to describe the time dimension, space-time-type structure and the life-time implications of Lu Xun’s novels, and constructs the poetics of time in Lu Xun’s Novels. The text deliberate Lu Xun’s novels’ time-narrative-mechanisms and forms of changes, which reveals how novel’s time poetics shapings the different kind of imagination of literary world, as well as how to reflect the subjectivity of the creators imagination and aesthetic ideology. Despite the emphasis is different, but the interaction between the different sides complete the expression of Lu Xun’s time-poetics.It is the starting point to analysis the time dimension of Lu Xun’s novels’ time-poetics. Lu Xun’s time dimension can be divided into growth-time, samsara-time and non-time. The growth time reflects the body, mental and spiritual grow experience of characters in a certain time and space. Lu Xun’s novels represent the growth of individual life experience, and reveal the character’s development and changes,which show the complexity of the inner world and painful emotional experience of the character development process. Samsara time consciousness is the most imaginative and dynamic form in his novels. It is through the individual thing, person, or a single event or scene to interpret the samsara time. Non-time as a sort of eternal time, there is no obvious scale and logos, just a simple descriptor. Lu Xun’s novels congest myth-time, psychological time and dream-time, which try to grasp the value and meaning of life eternal.It is acting point to analysis the structure of space-time type of Lu Xun’s novels’ time-poetics. In the field of literature, narrating work action must occur in a certain time and space. Lu Xun’s novels have special form and content which change with time and space. It embodied in the construct of the time-space form and complex time-space structure and time-space montage of the novels. His text became multi-polar and multi-variant of time-space and the point reflecting on the life, and fully demonstrated his unique understanding of time-space.It is foothold to analysis the implications of the life-time of Lu Xun’s novels’ time-poetics. Time is nothing more than that the person’s life, and intrinsic in human life. Lu Xun devoted most of his time to the problem of human life. He stood on the point of view of the ultimate concern of the meaning of life to explore life, a survival situation, the value and meaning of life, the pursuit of life and etc. The time has never been a simple linear process of development in Lu Xun’s novels, but a poetic existence. We focus on Lu Xun’s novels’ life philosophy and aesthetic implications.


