

Lv Zhuqian and Academic Exchange of South Song

【作者】 刘玉民

【导师】 刘固盛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 在中国文化发展史上,两宋学术堪称我国传统儒学发展的第二个高峰,尤其在南宋中期,诸子学术争鸣把两宋学术推至峰顶,而推动此期学术频繁交流的重要学者就是南宋著名史学家、理学家和文学家吕祖谦。吕氏以其特殊的家族声望和家学渊源,知识渊博而成就斐然,平易淳厚而待人以诚,持论公允而兼容并蓄,德高望重而纵横牵合,从而团结和吸引了一大批来自不同地域、不同派别的学人,相互之间切磋交流、碰撞融合,这是他学术长进和学术地位不断提高的重要原因,同时也使南宋一些清高自重、各自为战的理学家、文学家、史学家、部分政治家以及其他学术精英通过学术互动而共同汇聚在“恢复中原、学术救世”的大旗之下。他以独得“中原文献之传”之学术优势,以广大之心、践履为实之学术精神,以殚精竭虑、英年早逝之代价,为南宋学术繁荣作出了突出贡献。因此,加强对吕祖谦与南宋学术交流之研究,对于进一步理清南宋学术发展和演变的线索,拓展南宋文化史研究的新领域具有一定的理论意义。吕祖谦与湖湘学派之交流,既有对胡安国、胡宪、胡宏学说之继承,又有与张栻之学术交流。尤其是与张枝围绕着《知言》、《阃范》、“论语说”、“孟子说”、“仁说”、性理说”、“主敬说”、“先察识后涵养说”、“学以致用说”以及“文学”、“史学”、“礼学”、“易学”等诸方面之学术交流,使湖湘学派之性理学说日臻完善,对张拭学说体系构建起到巨大的推动作用。吕祖谦与朱熹之学术交流,既有影响后世学术深远的寒泉之会、鹅湖之会、三衢之会等“讲论三会”,又有大量书信之往来讨论和交流。他们的学术讲论,几乎涵盖和牵涉到了当时学术界关心的所有问题,并波及到当时所有的学术派别和著名学者。吕祖谦对朱熹理学体系之完善、内容之丰富皆有赞襄之功,终使朱熹成为两宋理学集大成者。因此后人常说朱学中有吕学,吕学中亦有朱学,并习惯上对二人以“朱吕”相称。陆九渊是在吕祖谦的大力引荐下才得以顺利高中进士的,也是在吕祖谦的引领下,使陆九渊与学术界的朱熹等人结识的,朱陆之“鹅湖之会”因吕祖谦的撮合而起,终使陆氏心学与朱学、吕学鼎立于世,也使理学与心学之相互交流由此持续影响了中国学术五六百年。吕祖谦把永康学派代表人物陈亮最先引进道学群体,对提高陈亮的学术威望和社会影响至为重要,后来所发生的朱熹、陈亮“王霸”大论辩,可以说是吕祖谦“桥梁效应”的直接学术果实。吕祖谦与陈亮的学术交流是很宽泛的,陈亮每著一书,每写一文,往往寄与吕祖谦交流。因此陈亮是继朱熹、张栻之后,吕祖谦与之学术交流最多的学者。吕祖谦与薛季宣、郑伯熊、陈傅良、叶适之学术交流,永嘉学者既得奖掖之力又得培植之功,使永嘉学派之事功学在淳熙末年得与朱学、陆学分庭抗礼;吕祖谦与曾布、陆游、尤袤、王十朋、周必大、辛弃疾等文苑诸贤之交流,使南宋文学深深烙刻“义理文学”之时代特色;吕祖谦与李焘、袁枢等史苑诸贤之交流,使南宋史学以“义理史学、通鉴史学、事功史学”彰显于世。总之,吕祖谦以其渊博的学识、宽广的胸怀、独具魅力的人格等在南宋学坛上纵横捭阖,与当时的各家各派展开了深入而广泛的学术交流。在学术交流过程中,他不惟尊贵,不计富贫,不论长幼,皆以平等温润之态度对待之,从而赢得了各界的广泛尊重和积极响应,推动了南宋学术的繁荣和发展。并且在与南宋诸儒学术交流过程中,吕祖谦亦汲取百家之长、陶铸百家之说,使自身“吕学”体系更加完善,内容更加宏博,终成著作等身、德泽后世之一代学术宗师。

【Abstract】 In the development history of Chinese culture, the scholarship of two dynasties of Song is considered as the second peak of traditional Confucianism of our country, especially in the middle term of South Song dynasty, the scholarship of all different philosophers promoted the scholarship of two dynasties of Song to the peak. And the important scholar who promoted the frequent academic communication of this term was Lv Zuqian, who was a famous historian, pathologist and writer of South Song Dynasty. With a wide range of knowledge and great success, Lv was easy-going, plain and honest. He treated people with sincerity and was just and fair in argument. He was inclusive and of noble character and high prestige. He was horizontal in distraction orthogenesis and made the pathologists, writers, historians, some politicians who were self-contained, self-dignified and fought separately and other elites gathered under the big flag of’restoring central plains, rescuing by academy’ through academy interaction. He made outstanding contribution to the academic booming of South Song as a vast heart and with the cost of fulfilling, bending, endeavoring and early death. Therefore to strengthen the research of academic exchange of Lv Zuqian and South Song has certain theoretical significance on clarifying the clue of academic development and evolution of South Song and expanding the new field of cultural history of South Song.The academic exchange of Lv Zhuqian and Zhang Shi made the theory of acting of Huxiang school become better and approach perfection day by day; and the academic exchange of Lv Zuqian and Zhu Xi made the system of Zhu Xi’s Idealist more complete and the content more abundant, which made Zhu Xi become a synthesizer of Confucian theory of two dynasties of Song.The academic exchange of Lv Zuqian and Lu Jiuyuan made the theory of the philosophy of the mind of Lu’s and Zhu’s theory and Lv’s theory confronted in the world. The academy exchange of Lv Zuqian and Chen Liang made the theory of Yongkang of Chen’s be a shining page in the history.The academy exchange of Lv Zuqian and Xue Jixuan, Zheng Boxiong, Chen Fuliang and Ye Shi could make rival claims as an equal with the theory of Shigong of Yongjia shool. The academy exchange of Lv Zuqian and Zeng Bu, Lu You, You Mao, Wang Shipeng, Zhou Bida and Xin Qiji etc. made the literature of South Song deeply ironed the age characteristic of’Yi Li literature’. The academy exchange of Lv Zuqian and Li Tao and Yuan Su etc. made the theory of history of South Song show in the world as ’the historical science of YiLi, Tongjian and Shigong’.All in all, Lv Zuqian maneuvered among various scholarship of South Song with his erudite knowledge, broad mind and charming personality. He carried out deep and wide academic exchange with various schools of that time. During the academic exchange he did not consider whether others were respectful, rich or poor, old or young. He treated them with equality and gentility. Therefore he gained wide respect and enthusiastic response from various circles, and thus promoted prosperity and development of scholarship of South Song Dynasty. During the academic exchange with the various schools, Lv Zuqian imbibed advantages of various schools and mounded the theories of various schools in order to make his own system of Lv Theory more perfect, the content more extensive. Finally he became an academic master who wrote many works and whose morals reached down to many generations.

【关键词】 南宋吕祖谦理学婺学学术交流书信
【Key words】 South SongLv ZuqianPhilosophywuxueLearning exchangeLetters

