

Research on Culture Technological Economy

【作者】 彭程

【导师】 徐寿波;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 2011年10月的十七届六中全会明确指出将文化产业作为国民支柱性产业,标志着我国文化产业发展进入了新的战略机遇期。目前,我国的文化产业发展仍处于起步阶段,许多有关发展模式、盈利与组织方面的研究还在初期探索中,众多实践依然需要理论支持与进一步的论证,因而对文化产业的研究显得尤为重要。在当前有关文化产业的研究中,尽管涉及了从传播学到哲学、管理学的诸多领域,但从经济学或产业经济学角度出发进行的研究还比较少,整体来看,文化领域的研究还不具备比较系统的学科基础与成熟的研究体系。本文的目的是从文化技术经济的角度出发,基于技术经济学的学科特色,研究文化技术经济的相关问题,探讨文化技术与经济之间的关系问题,尝试确立与之相关的概念、理论、方法架构。本文初步尝试采用文化技术经济的研究方法,本方法与西方经济学和产业经济学的分析方法有所不同,更适用于我国经济发展的经济特点。由于目前还未将“文化技术”作为主要的研究对象,因此将“文化技术”作为文化产业与文化经济问题的研究对象可以说是初步尝试。此外,本文结合了定性与定量分析、逻辑推理和概括、理论研究和实证研究、归纳与总结等方法,力图提出一个相对完善的文化技术经济问题研究的思路。由于学术界还没有一个公认的关于文化的概念,本文将文化在西方与汉语中的含义进行归纳提炼,提出了文化的概念。文化是指一定的社会群体在生产和社会发展过程中,形成的语言、信仰、认知、艺术、观念、习俗的总和。一定的社会群体包括一定人群或社会阶级、某一个集团的成员、具有共同价值观念的整个群体等。此外,生产和社会发展过程包括了认识活动与主体实践活动,或是从历史沿袭积累的过程。在研究文化、文化产业、文化经济的概念与论述基础上,本文认为,文化技术是指经过一定认识实践过程,能够辅助文化产品及其衍生品的开发、设计、表现、传播的技能、技巧与方法。文化技术从广义来看有三个方面,包括各种各样的文化设备、文化的资源和从事文化工作的劳动者的技能。文化技术存在于生产、流通和消费的各个环节当中,包括文化资源的素材收集收录、编辑加工、合成生产、传播宣传、消费体验等方面,涵盖了广播、电影、电视、出版、旅游、演出、节庆、会议、展览等各个行业。此外,本文把文化技术也划分为文化硬技术和文化软技术两大类。文化硬技术侧重于文化建设、机器、设备、工具等制造技术,而文化软技术侧重于软件、宣传、组织、服务等服务技术。技术经济的六力要素理论指明了劳动生产过程中必须具备的六个条件,六力要素是文化产业的基本构成和重要条件,决定着文化产业生产与发展的手段、内容、方式、效率、水平和效果。文化技术经济活动的经济效果和社会效果实际上是“六力”相互融合、相互作用的结果。这六个生产要素在文化产业中具体表现为创意人员、创意技术、创意资源、创意环境、创意空间、创意时间六个部分。创意人员包括主创人员、技术人员、创意经理和其他工作人员等。他们的价值观念呈现出个性化、精英化、多样与包容性的特点。创意群体通过使用新技术,不仅节省了大量成本,而且能够更有效地提高工作效率。数字光盘技术、音乐收录合并技术、数字高清晰摄影技术和数字影像处理技术等新技术对影视、动漫、游戏、音乐、艺术等文化领域的繁荣和商业运作方式产生了深远影响。创意资源(文化资源)是文化产业的劳动对象,体现出潜在性、滞后性、整体性、区域性、非消耗性、可再生性和创意性等特征。创意环境包括创意氛围和创意生态系统,对创意人员的创作心理、思想感受有十分重要的影响。创意空间在此指文化产品、文化素材的传输空间和初级产品的数字化空间,涉及到广播电视、卫星等无线通讯及电话网、电缆或光纤有线网络通讯等广大的传输领域。创意时间是指创意生产活动中消耗的时间,表现在时间长度及灵活安排等方面。技术经济效果评价是技术经济学与文化技术经济研究的重要内容,本文采用了指标-效果-评价(1EE)的模式进行文化技术经济效果的评价。IEE模式的应用一般包含三个部分,首先是构建文化技术经济的指标体系构,即对影响文化技术方案不同因素进行选择,划分一级指标、二级指标和细分指标。其次,根据效益和劳动消耗比较计算出经济效果,如产出和投入的比较,收入和支出的比较,所得和所费的比较,效益和效用的比较,劳动结果和劳动消耗的比较等等。最后,通过技术综合评价方法对经济效果进行评价,主要包括政治、国防、社会、文化、技术、经济、环境和资源八个方面。文化技术的经济效果指标是指在文化生产过程中,从不同角度、不同侧面来分析和评价投入产出之间的数量关系,从而全面综合的评价不同文化技术方案、不同文化技术措施的经济效果和社会效果。从生产活动角度看,文化技术的经济效果指标可以分为两个方面,一方面是生产活动领域的指标,例如产值、产量及利润等,另一方面是非生产领域的指标,通过直接或间接的经济数字表示。在建立文化技术经济评价体系当中,融入了文化产业的六力生产要素指标,如创意资源消耗指标、创意空间占用指标、创意群体占用指标、创意环境使用指标等。同时提出了文化技术经济学的研究对象、任务与内容,并通过对我国东部地区、中部地区、西部地区的模拟案例进行了IEE模式的应用分析,对三个地区的文化产业发展进行了经济效果评价和综合评价。最后,本文从文化技术的角度对我国文化产业的发展前景进行了探讨,主要包括文化产品的互动体验与个性化服务增强、文化内容的质量提高与传播渠道增加、文化产业的生产模式与经营模式更加多样化、文化产业因更新创造而扩大了市场需求、文化产业演化周期继续逐渐缩短、文化产业的资源整合作用更为突出、文化产业的专业化与产业园的集聚化发展、文化产业政策的扶持力度加大八个方面。本文关于发展文化技术经济的对策建议主要包括加强政府的政策引导作用、加强文化产业方面的理论研究和政策分析、建立健全文化领域的法制建设、积极培养创意人员或创意群体、加大对文化产业的财政扶持力度、积极整合创意资源,营造创意环境等方面。我国文化产业正处于初级发展时期,需要从战略角度对文化产业的发展进行详细规划部署。如何继承、发扬我国传统文化的精华,同时学习国际上具有影响力的文化产品的创作经验,是当前我国文化产业面对的主要难题。

【Abstract】 During October2011, the Seventeen sessions of six CCP plenary conferencesdefined that the cultural industry as a national pillar industry, marked the development of Chinese cultural industry has entered a new period of strategic opportunities. The development of Chinese cultural industry in its infancy phrase, its mode of development, profitability and organizational aspects need more development and improvement. There is a lack of theoretical basis for the argument, and it’s very necessary to focus on this topic. In the current study, despite the cultural industry involved in many areas from the spread of communication, philosophy, management, there is relatively lack of research from the point of view of economics or industrial economics. The field of cultural research has not been entirely able to have a more systematic discipline basing some research system. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the economy problem of culture technology from the culture technology point of view, based on the characteristics of the discipline of technological economics.This paper is trying to analyze the relationship between culture technology and economic problems, trying to establish the associated concepts, theories, methods, and framework. This is the attempt to build culture technology economics research method,considering on theeconomic characterisecsof Chinese economy development, which is a bit differentfrom analysis methods of western economics and industrial economics. The current study does not focus on "culture technology" as the main object of research, therefore,"culture technology" as the object of study of the cultural industry and culture economic issues are also on the beginning stage. In addition, the paper is trying to put forward a relatively wide culture technological economics framework and its basic content, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, logical reasoning and summary,theoretical and empirical research, induction and generalization methods.Since there is not a generally acknowledgedconcept about culture, this paperdefmes the concept of culture, considering the implication in the east and the west.Culturemeans the combination of language, beliefs, knowledge, art, ideas, customs, in the process of production and social development, withincertain social groups. Certain social groups include certain people or social class, the member of one group, the entire group with the common values, etc.In addition, the process of production and social development contain awareness activities or the practical activities, or the process from the historical lineage accumulation. This paper argues thatculture technology is defined as certain skills, techniques or methods, which can assistthe process of production of cultural products and their derivatives. There are three broad areas of culture technology, a variety of cultural facilities, cultural resources, and workers’skills in cultural work. Culture technologyexists in the practice of production, circulation and consumption phrase, which includesthe collection and editing cultural resources, synthetic production and dissemination publicity of cultural material, consumer experience, etc. It also refers to various areas, asbroadcasting, film, television, publishing, tourism, performances, festivals, conferences, exhibitions, etc.In addition, culture hard technology focuses on cultural construction, machinery, equipment, tools and other manufacturing technology, meanwhile culture soft technology focuses on software, publicity, organization, services and other services technology.Six elements theory of the technical economy indicate the six conditions of production in the manufacturing process. Six elements is the basic structure and important condition of the cultural industry, it determines the method,content, manner, efficiency, level and effects of production, and the development of the cultural industry. The social and economic effects of cultural and technical economic activity are actually the result of fusion and interaction of six elements. These six factors of production in the cultural industry has specific performance of the six parts, such as the creative people, creative technology, creative resources, creative environment, creative space, and creative time. The creative people include creative staff, technicians, creative managers and other staff. The features of their values are personalized, elite, diverse and inclusive. Through the use of new technologies, creative groups not only can save cost, but also improve their work efficiency. New creative technology has a profound impact on prosperity and cultural fields of film, television, animation, games, music, art and commercial works, such as digital optical disc technology, music combined technology, new technology of digital high-definition photography and digital image processing technology, etc. Creative resources (cultural resources) is the object of the cultural industry production, which reflects some characteristics,such as potential, holistic, regional, non-expendable, renewable and creative. Creative environment, including creative atmosphere and creative ecosystem, has a very important impact on the creative people, from psychologyto ideological feelings. Creative space is the space of digitization of primary cultural products or the space of cultural materialtransmission, referringto manyareas, such as TVbroadcasting, satellite and wireless communications and the telephone network, cable or fiber-optic cable network communications. Creative time refers to the time consumed in the creative production activities, and it is manifested in the length of time and flexible arrangement, and other aspects.Effects evaluation of technical economy is important contents intechnological economics and the research of culture technological economy.In this paper, the research of culture technological economic effect evaluation is based on the model of indicators-effects-evaluation (IEE). It usually has three steps to evaluate the effects. Firstly, researchers need to consider differentfactors and construct an index system of culture technological economy, including the first level indicators, the second indicators and segment indicators. Secondly, obtain the effect of economy from comparing the productionbenefits and consumption, such as the comparison of income and expenditure, income and cost comparison, the comparison of efficiency and effectiveness, the results of production and production consumption etc. Finally, in order to evaluate the general effectsof economy, researchers need to use comprehensive evaluation method. It mainly includes eight aspects, as politics, state defense, society, culture, technology, economy,environment and resource aspects. Depending on the angle of production activity, the economic effect evaluation of culture technologicaleconomy can be divided into two aspects.On one hand, they are the indicators in the field of production activities, such as output, production or profits.On the other hand, they are the indicators of non-production areas, illustrated by direct or indirect economic data. During the stage of the establishment of includes system, the indicatorshave combined six elements of cultural industry, such as creative resource consumption indicators, creative space occupying indicators, creative people occupying indicators, creative environment usage indicators. Meanwhile, the paper also proposedthe research object, tasks and contentofculturetechnological economics. In addition, the simulated case study has analyzedthe economic effect and comprehensive evaluationof culture technologicaleconomythrough the comparison ofthree regions.At last, this paper discussed the development prospects of Chinesecultural industry, from the aspect of Culture Technology. Itincludes enhancements of interactive experience of cultural products and personalized service, the improvement of the quality of cultural content and dissemination channels, the diversity of production and management model of the cultural industry, the expansion of market demand incultural industry, etc.Furthermore, it indicates several suggestions for the development of cultural industry, includingstrengthening the guiding role of government policy, increase the theoretical research and policy analysis of the cultural industry, improvement the regulations system of cultural industry, emphsis training creative people and creative group, enhancing the financial support of cultural industry, integrating activelycreative resources, fostering a creative environment, etc. Chinese cultural industry is in the early development phrase, which needs to be planned from a strategic position. Inheriting and carrying forward the essence of traditional Chinese culture, meanwhilelearning the experience from international influential cultural products, is the major problem in the development of China cultural industry.

  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【下载频次】1013

