

Research on the Intervention of Mass Media Field in the Integrity Problem Constructing

【作者】 方艳

【导师】 申凡;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在人类文明的几千年发展中,诚信是社会正常运行不可或缺的道德、文化基础之一,但是在我国社会转型时期诚信的缺失却成为了一个严重的社会问题。本文正视这一问题,借助社会问题建构论这一新的理论,全面、系统地考察了自改革开放30多年来我国社会是怎么看待、解决这一问题的全过程,研究了在这个过程中大众传媒发挥了什么样的作用,以及它是怎么发挥作用的。本文应用的社会问题建构论是社会问题研究的一个新视角。这种理论认为很多现象是客观地存在着的,但什么是社会问题以及问题的性质是什么却是社会建构的产物。国内外学者的研究发现,社会现象的问题性质是一个不断建构的过程。建构中有很多社会力量参与其中,起主要作用的是大众传媒、政府、专家学者,他们分别代表社会和各利益方来建构社会问题。建构主义注重研究各利益方代表谁的利益,用什么样的事实去建构,以及如何建构这个复杂的过程。本文由此来考察30多年来我国社会对待诚信问题的过程,借鉴其他领域社会问题建构的理论和研究成果,将诚信问题的社会建构活动分为公共关注、议题聚合、舆论动员和对策行动四个阶段,详细考察了传媒、政策和学术这三个场域在诚信问题社会建构中的互动关系及其作用机制。在公共关注阶段,最为活跃的是传媒场域,它发挥自己的优势通过一系列的报道开启了诚信问题的公共关注,让更多的人逐渐感知到问题的存在,进而引起全社会的注意。此阶段,政策场域处于前决策过程,是整个政策过程的开始期,政府部门开始重视这个问题,也开始思考问题的解决之道;学术场域是研究上的跟进,开启诚信问题的理论化研究进程。在议题聚合阶段,是以学术场域为主进行问题的类型化和问题定性,形成了以前没有的诚信问题的概念或概念系统。政策场域察觉到了问题的性质,开始探索解决问题的路径,并与其他社会管理相关联,一步步推进诚信问题的政策议程;传媒场域则是以自己独特的阵地传播概念、性质,也以报道辅助诚信问题的议题聚合。在舆论动员阶段,又是传媒场域发挥主导作用,它采用各种报道框架来影响人们的认知,制造舆论,从而动员社会各界参与到诚信问题的解决中来。政策场域中的局部政策开始试行,并借助传媒做社会动员,既为全面政策出台制造舆论,也通过这种动员达到人们对政策出台的心理预期及认同;学术场域则是对已经定义的问题进行传播,将学术问题尽可能地转化为现实问题,并进行政策建议,甚至为政策的出台做学理性的准备。在对策行动阶段,政策场域最为活跃,解决问题的针对性政策大量出现并呈现体系化特征。传媒场域在政策出台中营造舆论环境,为公众提供一个意见反馈和建议提出的平台,不仅对政策进行宣传,也和相关人士一起对政策进行评估与监督;学术场域以政策目标为指引,持续理论研究,并通过期刊乃至大众传媒传播自己的研究成果,还进行政策评估和对策性研究,影响政策的过程,在学术问题得到解决的同时验证自己理论的有效性。本文从社会问题建构理论出发,研究诚信问题社会建构的实质、要素、过程,为诚信问题的研究提供了新的理论视角,开辟了新的研究路径。本文在诚信问题社会建构的四个阶段中,考察了传媒、政策和学术三个不同场域之间的互动关系和作用机制,进一步从这个角度考察了传媒场域的角色、功能与地位。本研究不仅使用了文献法、深度访谈法、个案研究法,也对传媒、政策和学术三类样本进行了抽样分析,做到了研究方法的综合运用。

【Abstract】 During thousands years development of human being civilization, integrity is one of the basic elements in moral and culture field that runs the society. Meanwhile lacking of integrity now is a serious social problem during the transitional period in our country. This article is facing the problem, digging the whole process systematically since Reform and Opening, studying how mass media works and what it makes.The Social Constructionist Perspective Theory is the new angle of view. Phenomenon exists objectively while what is the social problem and the nature of the problem are constructed. The scholars found out that the nature of phenomenon is re-construction continuously. Although many social powers involved, mass media, government and professionals make it different. They represent variety people to construct the society problem. Constructionist theory emphasis that who they represent, how to construct and by what to construct.This article analysis the process how china dealing with integrity problem and re-construct integrity problem into four parts those are public focus, topic summarize, public opinion motivation and countermeasure action. The article inspects the interaction relationship among three fields, the media field, the policy field and the academic field, as well as the working rules.During Public Focus period, media is the most active field. It starts the Public Focus on integrity by series of reports, reminding more people realize the existence of the problem. At that time, policy positions in pre-decision, the beginning of the policy process and government tries to find out the solution. Academic follows with the theory study.During topic summarize period, stylization and definition in academic field defines the concept and concept system of integrity. Policy noticed the nature of the problem, explored the path to solve the problem, and push the policy to solve the problem together with the other society managements. Media expresses concept by its own tools.During public opinion motivation period, media takes the main role. It influences people’s idea by reports, and motivates people to take part in the solution process. Parts of policy work, accompany with media. It prepares the environment for the coming of the policy and adjusts people’s psychology prospect and commitment. Academic field communicates the defined problem, transfers the academic problem to reality and conduct policy discussion, even the science preparation for coming of the policy.During countermeasure action period, policy is the most active field. The policies appointed to solve the problem emerge massively and systematically. Media makes the environment, provides the platform of feedback and suggestion and remotes the policy, evaluates and supervises the policy along with others. Academic field proceeds theory study which is directed by policy and communicate the research reports by magazine and mass media. Evaluating policy, studying countermeasure action and influencing the process of the policy, academic field solves the academic problem and verifies the effectiveness of the theory.With the view of the social constructionist perspective theory, the article discusses the essence, the elements and the process of the constructing integrity problems. This study provides a new theoretical perspective of integrity problems and opens a new research way. This article re-construct integrity problem into four parts those are public focus, topic summarize, public opinion motivation and countermeasure action. The article inspects the interaction relationship among three fields, the media field, the policy field and the academic field, as well as the working rules and more studies the role, the function and the position of the mass media field from this angle. This article not only uses documentary method, unstructured interview, case study, but also sampling analyses the three samples of the mass media, the policy and the academic,comprehensive using the research methods.

【关键词】 诚信问题大众传媒场域社会建构论
【Key words】 integrity problemmass mediafieldsocial construction

