

The Risk Assessment and Prevention Research of Typical Amusement Rides at Complex Working Condition

【作者】 林伟明

【导师】 高金吉;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化工过程机械, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 游乐设施作为承载游客游乐的载体,其运行关系到游客的生命和安全。目前游乐设施产品正向更快、更高、更复杂的方向发展,而国内外游乐设施的科研相对滞后,必须提高游乐设施的安全技术水平。本文以典型游乐设施—大摆锤为研究对象,结合知识工程等理论,从动力学仿真、有限元建模、实际工况参数测试,具体案例分析等角度系统研究了大摆锤的失效模式,实现了失效知识库的建立。研究了大摆锤的风险评估方法,实现了失效知识的应用。通过实例验证了该策略的实效性,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值(1)基于虚拟样机技术的大摆锤动力学仿真在分析大摆锤拓扑结构的基础上,利用虚拟样机技术对大摆锤进行了建模。充分考虑了大摆锤设备运行中的各种工况及各种载荷情况,包括活载荷、重力、驱动力、风载荷、摩擦力等,以及各种不同工况下的载荷组合。通过仿真获取大摆锤设备运动过程中的运动学和动力学性能,以及关键部件的受力情况。(2)大摆锤运行测试与失效模式分析针对大摆锤的运行特点,搭建了运行测试平台,进行了应力、振动和人体加速度运行测试,考虑了满载、偏载以及空载等工况,验证了虚拟样机设计计算的有效性,并针对运行测试中发现的可能存在的失效模式,提出了风险预防措施。同时针对大摆锤典型故障,应用有限元分析、失效零件测试等方法对其进行了深入的失效分析,指出了失效发生的主要原因,并在此基础上提出了相应的改进措施。(3)基于零部件和危险源的失效知识库搭建通过对大摆锤关键零部件受力分析、测试研究和典型案例故障研究,实现了大摆锤失效知识的提取。从零部件失效分析和危险源失效分析两个角度设计了大摆锤失效知识库模型,实现了失效知识的表示和组织。并以前期研究充实了失效知识库,为后续的设计风险评估提供了强有力的知识基础。该知识库可推广应用到其他游乐设施中。(4)风险评估方法研究提出了游乐设施设计风险评估方法的理念和和基本程序。建立了一套适合游乐设施设计风险评估的方法,集成了基于零部件的失效模式分析法和游乐设施危险排除法。实现了自上而下排除系统危险源和自底向上排除零部件危险源,对于通过这两种方法发现的无法消除或控制的风险,本文提出从设备的概念设计中提出解决方案。详细说明了基于零部件的失效模式分析和游乐设施危险排除法的具体操作形式,提出了游乐设施故障控制方法与要求。以大摆锤游乐设施为例,说明本文提出的游乐设施设计风险评估方法和故障预防措施是有效的、适用的。(5)风险评估系统应用根据本文建立的游乐设施设计风险评估方法,开发了一套面向大摆锤的失效分析、失效知识库的风险评价系统。该系统使评价结果更加高效、客观和科学,实现了基于知识的大摆锤失效分析与预防的自动处理。

【Abstract】 The amusement rides are the carriers of passengers, the quality and safety of the amusement rides have a significant association with the passengers’ life and health. The products of amusement become faster, higher and more complex while the scientific researches in this area cannot advance with the times. In this case, the technology related with the safety of amusement rides must be improved. In this paper, a typical rides-large pendulum is studied for the risk assessment from the system dynamics simulation, finite element modeling, parametric testing in the actual working conditions and specific case analysis of the failure modes of the pendulum. The knowledge engineering theory is applied for the study of the risk assessment. The research method is verified the effectiveness and has important theoretical significance and application value.(1) Dynamic simulation of large pendulum based on the virtual prototyping technologyThe dynamics model is built applying the virtual prototyping technology based on the toppogy analysis of large pendulum, considering any possible working condition, such as live loads, gravity, drive force, wind load, friction and the combination. The kinematic and dynamic performances, as well as the key components stress are obtained by the simulation. This provides a data support for the further strength analysis and safety assessment.(2) The analysis of run test and failure mode of large pendulumThe testing platform is built for the real-time testing with the wireless data transmission way. Considering the operating characteristics of the pendulum, stress, vibration and human acceleration are tested in different working conditions, such as full load, partial load and no load conditions, to verify the effectiveness of the virtual prototype design. The risk prevention measures have been provided for the possible failure mode. The typical falses of pendulum are researched by finite element analysis and the failure parts testing. The main reason of the failure is appointed and the advanced measurements are suggested.(3) The failure knowledge database based on the failure analysis of components and dangerous sourceThe failure knowledge database is built from component failure analysis and dangerous source failure analysis based on the basis of the stress analysis and typical case failure research. The failure knowledge database provides the necessary data for the design risk assessment. (4) Research of risk assessmentThe idea and progress of the risk assessment of amusement are proposed. A new risk assessment method for the amusement rides is built combining the failure mode analysis of components and danger elimination method, which can eliminate the system risk source from top to down and eliminate the components risk source from down to top. The solutions can be found in the design concept, when the risk cannot be control or eliminate by the above two methods. For example of large pendulum, the proposed risk assessment approach and failure prevention measures are effective and applicable.(5) The application of risk assessment systemThe risk assessment system based on failure analysis and failure knowledge database of large pendulum is built according to the analysis of the design risk assessment method. The system makes the assessment results more effective and scientific, which achieve the automatic processing of failure analysis and prevention.


