

A Study on Kennedy’s Policy Toward Africa

【作者】 张现民

【导师】 沐涛;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 1960年,非洲大陆先后有17个国家宣布独立,历史上被称为“非洲年”。是年底,肯尼迪当选为美国第35任总统。非洲国家掀起的蓬勃发展的民族解放运动,以其变化之快,波及范围之广立即引起世界社会的广泛关注,特别聚焦了战后两大超级大国美苏的目光。在当时冷战背景下,美苏都希望通过自己的力量影响非洲国家独立后的发展道路,将非洲的独立运动纳入到各自的战略轨道上来,扩大自己在非洲的话语权、影响力和领导力,将对方排挤在非洲之外。肯尼迪上台后,他客观分析了世界历史发展的趋势,积极回应非洲国家在政治、经济和文化上的需求,提出了针对“新非洲”的对非新政策,达到了既团结非洲、又遏制苏联,同时也有效蚕食了欧洲前殖民国家在非洲的势力范围。本文主要从六个方面进行论述:第一章,简要回顾肯尼迪执政前夕的美国对非政策,也就是对六十年代前的美国对非政策有一个宏观的梳理。从总体上看,这一时期的美国对非政策是美国漠视非洲大陆事务,而将非洲管理权依托于欧洲同盟国。这种分析不仅对肯尼迪执政前夕的美国对非政策有一个背景的了解,而且也可以看出肯尼迪执政时期的美国对非政策的变化。第二章,主要考察肯尼迪“非洲观”的形成,系统分析肯尼迪在担任参议院议员和参议院非洲事务委员会主席期间就非洲大陆以及非洲事务所发表的有关非洲的观点和基本认识,并就肯尼迪非洲观的形成过程有一个总结和概括。肯尼迪是一位有思想见地、有活力以及个性较强的政治人物,其对外政策深深打上了他个人的烙印,研究肯尼迪执政前夕的非洲观对于我们深入了解肯尼迪执政时期美国对非政策有重要意义,其对非思想具有一定的继承性。第三章,主要分析肯尼迪执政时期美国对非洲政治诉求的回应。政治独立是非洲国家的第一需要。针对非洲国家民族独立的愿望,肯尼迪政府积极支持非洲国家的民族解放运动和民族主义在非洲的发展,容忍真正的、非洲部分国家所倡导的中立主义和不结盟运动,并通过总统个人外交拉近与非洲领导人以及与非洲国家之间的关系。同时,我们要看到,肯尼迪政府所追求的拉拢非洲和团结非洲的思想是美国与苏联进行争夺的需要,遏制苏联是美国对非政策的出发点和落脚点,本文选择了美苏在加纳、几内亚的争夺以及对非洲领空权的争夺这两个实例说明美苏在非的冷战。美国在非洲与苏联进行争夺的同时,也不希望与苏联国家在非洲出现争锋相对和剑拨弩张的程度,主要表现在限制军备竞赛在非洲扩张以及和平解决非洲内部危机问题等。第四章,主要研究肯尼迪执政时期美国对非洲发展需求的反应。非洲国家独立后都面临着发展民族经济和提高人民生活的重大任务。针对这一形势,肯尼迪政府将美国的对非援助思想由以前的军事援助转移到发展援助,增加发展援助的数量,扩大发展援助在美国对外援助的份额。肯尼迪政府还通过对外援助制度化以及增加对非援助的辐射面来试图影响非洲的发展。由于非洲基础薄弱以及外部环境的因素,肯尼迪政府的对非援助没有达到理想的目标,但对非援助却扮演了重要的政策工具。第五章,主要探讨肯尼迪政府对非洲国家独立后人才需求的满足,这也就是一项肯尼迪政府影响深远的政策决定——和平队的创建。本章对和平队的初创以及在非洲国家的初期活动做了一个系统的研究,指出,和平队组织者和参与人都反对和平队的政策工具作用,但和平队队员在异国他乡志愿服务的过程中,自然不自然的扮演了美国政策工具的角色,实现了工具性和社会性的统一。由于和平队是着眼于基层的民间活动,在一定程度上弥补了政府关系的不足,有效的传播了美国的民主和价值观。但和平队在其发展中也面临着仓促上阵和难以克服的文化差异的问题等。第六章,将肯尼迪的对非政策放在美国的全球战略以及美国对非政策的长时段进行评述。综合分析肯尼迪执政时期的美国对非政策对非洲大陆、对当时和未来美非关系以及对冷战局势以及未来世界格局的影响,同时将肯尼迪执政时期的美国对非政策放在美国的全球战略中来思考,从而得出结论说,肯尼迪时期的对非政策是现代意义上美国对非政策的开始,它倡导形成的理解、尊重和重视非洲的精神不仅达到了美国的冷战需要,而且为未来美国对非政策奠定了思想基础。肯尼迪政府时期的美国对非政策无论对美国的对非政策而言还是对非洲大陆而言都是一个重要的转型时期。肯尼迪政府时期的美国对非政策开创了现代意义上的美国对非政策的新篇章,而这一时期,非洲国家也是从殖民奴役转到独立自主的发展之路。因此研究这一时期的美国对非政策不仅对于我们全面认识美国对非政策的发展有一个清晰的理解,而且对于我国在复杂条件下,如何运作大国关系和发展与非洲国家之间的关系都提供了重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In1960, there had been17countries on the African continent declared independence, so it is historically known as the "Year of Africa". At the end of the year, Kennedy was elected as the35th president of the United States. The booming development of African countries’national liberation movement immediately aroused widespread concern in the international community, especially from two post-war superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union. Under the background of the cold war, both of the two countries wanted to affect the path of development of the independent African countries by their own strength, integrate the African independence movements into their own strategy design, expand their right of speech, influence and leadership in Africa as well as put the opposite party out of Africa.After Kennedy came to power, he objectively analyzed the development trend of the world history, responded positively to the political, economical and cultural demands from the African countries and proposed a new policy towards "New Africa". Thereby achieved the intention to unite Africa, contain Soviet Union and also effectively compress the former colonialist powers’influence in Africa. This thesis is mainly discussing from six aspects.The first chapter briefly reviews the US policy towards Africa on the eve of Kennedy administration. Generally speaking, the United States didn’t give too much attention to the business in the African continent but entrusted it to the European allies. This analysis not only introduced the background of the United States’policy towards Africa before Kennedy administration, but also analyzed the change of the US policy towards Africa during the Kennedy Administration.The second chapter mainly reviews the formation of Kennedy’s "Perspective on Africa", systematically analyzes Kennedy’s views towards the African continent and the business in Africa when he served as the senate and the chairman of the African Affairs Committee under the Senate Commission. Besides, summarizes the forming process of Kennedy’s "Perspective on Africa". Kennedy was a dynamic political figure with a thoughtful mind and strong character. Therefore, his foreign policy was deeply influenced by his personal character. So the analysis of the "Perspective on Africa" before Kennedy Administration will help us have a deeply understand the US policy towards Africa during the Kennedy Administration.The third chapter mainly analyzes the United States’response to Africa’s political aspirations during the Kennedy Administration. The political independence is the most important matter for African countries. In view of the national independence desire in African countries, the Kennedy administration positively supported the national liberation movement and nationalism in African countries, tolerated the existence of the neutralism and the Non-Aligned Movement which been advocated by some African countries. In addition, Kennedy also tried to keep a close relation with the African leaders through individual diplomacy. Meanwhile, we must see that the Kennedy Administration’s effort to unite the African countries is stemming from the competition with Soviet Union while how to contain the Soviet influence is the starting point of the US policy towards Africa. This thesis chooses the US-Soviet competition in Ghana and Guinea as well as the contest over the African airspace as two examples to illustrate the cold war in Africa. Although the United States was competing with Soviet Union in Africa, but it didn’t want to keep a hostile condition with Soviet Union there. This mainly manifested in the limitation of the armament competition in Africa and the resolution of the African internal crisis.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the Kennedy Administration’s response to Africa’s development aspirations. After obtaining the independence, almost all the African countries were facing the significant duty to develop the national economy and improve people’s living. In this regard, the Kennedy Administration transformed the mode of the aid to Africa from the military assistance to the development assistance and increased the shares of the development assistance in the US foreign aid. In order to affect the development of Africa, the Kennedy Administration also attempted to make the foreign aid been institutionalized and expanded the scope of the aid to Africa. Because of the weak foundation in Africa as well as the factors of external environment, the Kennedy Administration failed to achieve the ideal goal by the aid to Africa, however, the foreign aid had actually acted as an important policy instrument.The fifth chapter focuses on how the Kennedy Administration satisfied the African countries’demand for talent after they had achieved independence. That is one of the Kennedy Administration’s far-reaching policy decisions:the foundation of the Peace Corps. This chapter systematically studies the creation of the Peace Corps and its initial activities in African countries. It should be noted that both the organizers and the participants were opposed to make the Peace Corps became the policy instrument, however, during the process of the voluntary service in foreign countries, these team members unconsciously acted as the US policy instrument. Since the Peace Corps focused on the civilian activities in the grass roots, which to a certain extent made up the shortage of government relations and spread the US democracy and values effectively. But the Peace Corps also faced several problems in its development, such as inadequate preparation and formidable cultural difference.The sixth chapter discusses Kennedy’s policy towards Africa under basis of the US global strategy and its long-term policy. When we comprehensively analyze the influence of the Kennedy Administration’s policy towards Africa on the African continent, US-Africa relations as well as the cold war situation and the future world pattern, we should find that the US policy towards Africa during the Kennedy Administration should be considered on the basis of the US global strategy. Therefore, we may say, Kennedy’s policy towards Africa is the start of the US policy towards Africa in the modern significance. The spirit of understanding, respect and appreciation towards Africa which it had advocated not only met the needs of the United States during the cold war, but also laid the ideological foundation for the future US policy towards Africa. The US policy towards Africa during the Kennedy Administration is an important transitional period for the African continent as well as the United States’own policy. The Kennedy Administration’s policy towards Africa ushered a new chapter of the US policy towards Africa in the modern sense. During this period, the African countries which had been colonized also achieved their independence. Therefore, the study of the Kennedy Administration’s policy towards Africa not only contributes a comprehensive understanding of the development of the US policy towards Africa, but also provides one important reference for our operation and the development of the relationship with the big powers as well as the African countries.

【关键词】 肯尼迪非洲独立发展和平队
【Key words】 the Kennedy AdministrationAfricaIndependenceDevelopmentthe Peace Corps

