

A Comparative Study on Covert Gender Words between Chinese and Japanese

【作者】 陈叶斐

【导师】 高宁;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 隐性性别词语,是指字面上没有“男/女”、“阴/阳”、“雌/雄”、“乾/坤”等性别标记,但在实际使用中,却具有明确性别指向性的词语。本文分别以《汉语大词典》和[底辞苑]为汉日隐性性别词语的考察来源,选取这两本辞书里,词条释义中明确注明或以加括号的形式注明为某一特定性别使用、但在词语形态上没有性别标记的词语进行研究。从目前的研究成果来看,一方面,绝大部分论著未将“隐性性别词语”与带有“男/女”等形态标记的“显性性别词语”相区分,隐性性别词语或被遮蔽在研究视野之外,或被消解在显性性别词语的研究之中。将隐性性别词语作为独立考察对象的论著少之又少。另一方面,大多数涉及隐性性别词语的相关研究切入视角也较为单一。主要为性别歧视与性别差异。本文认为,隐性性别词语由于其性别指向的潜隐性,其中所包含的集体潜意识也更为隐蔽。这些集体潜意识以潜移默化的方式影响着人们。因此,有必要做进一步的挖掘,使其“彰显出来”。同时,由于隐性性别词语所包含的集体潜意识具有社会文化深层结构属性,因此研究视角就不能局限于性别歧视和性别差异。需要从语言、历史、文化等各方面展开考察。这样做既拓展了隐性性别词语的研究视野,反过来也能拓展这些领域的研究。站在外国语言文化教学与研究的立场上,笔者发现外语学习、翻译教学与研究、语言文化对比、辞书研究等方面均与隐性性别词语有着密切的关联。而隐性性别词语对比研究的缺失,也会形成上述领域的研究盲区或准盲区。另一方面,从迄今为止的研究来看,社会学、历史学、美学、民俗学研究论著中,虽然不乏中日对比的研究成果,但很少涉及隐性性别词语。由于语言与上述学科同样具有密不可分的联系,因此,未将性别词语、尤其是隐性性别词语现象纳入到大的文化研究之中,亦会有所缺憾。故本文以隐性性别词语作为切入点,将语言研究与文化研究相结合,从语言现象出发,深入到文化对比的层次,解读中日文化在性、恋爱、道德观、审美价值观等方面的集体潜意识差异,并将这些差异串连起来,形成系统的对比链,使相关的中日文化差异能以较为完整的面貌呈现出来。同时,微观语言研究与宏观文化研究紧密结合,也是语言对比研究的目标与意义所在。本文采取对比的方法、多角度探讨隐性性别词语。一方面,从社会、历史等视角讨论隐性性别词语,将隐性性别词语的研究与性文化、同性恋亚文化、女性主义、审美意识研究领域的理论探讨相结合。从文化集体潜意识的角度揭示隐性性别词语这套特殊的话语系统背后中日文化的根本性差异;另一方面,将语言学相关理论引入汉日隐性性别词语对比研究,分别从语言命名理据视角、认知语言学隐喻/转喻视角、辞书释义视角对汉日隐性性别词语进行考察和分析。总之,从多源视角来讨论隐性性别词语,不仅可以对其全貌有深入把握,也窃盼能够通过讨论,对上述相关领域的理论研究有所补益。本文研究的总体指导思想是从微观的语言现象入手,进而深入到宏观文化层面的对比。从语言研究出发,站在文化的立场上分析汉日隐性性别词语的差异,最后再回归到语言学问题之上。力求将语言的差异对比,放在更为广阔的文化背景之中进行,将语言差异的问题与文化大背景相联系,既讲清语言之间的差异表象,又要在深层次上揭示形成表象差异的集体潜意识。从目前收集到的语料数量看,汉日语用于指涉女性的隐性性别词语在数量上占优势,因此本文的论述视点主要以女性为中心加以展开。具体章节安排如下:首先是绪论,对本文的研究对象——隐性性别词语作出概念界定,并针对研究对象的来源、相关前期研究、隐性性别词语对比研究的必要性、研究意义、研究视阈等做系统梳理。第一章:女性的价值——汉日女性隐性性别词语对比研究。在前期研究中,笔者发现汉日指涉女性的隐性性别词语在数量分布以及所指方面存在较大差异。这显然与中日社会对女性的基本价值观有着密切关系。本章尝试从这类隐性性别词语入手,分析考察两种文化在女性评价机制上的不同之处。第二章:女性的身体——汉日“美女”隐性性别词语对比研究。本章在第一章研究的基础上,重点考察汉日语指涉女性的隐性性别词语之中,用于指涉美女的隐性性别词语。虽然这类词语均指向男权社会的某种共性:即女性是“被凝视的对象”——审美客体;但是,另一方面,汉日同类词语所展现出来的文化认知模式却又有所差异。本章将视点聚焦于这部分词语之上,讨论汉日文化不同认知模式在指涉美女的隐性性别词语这一话语系统中如何运作。第三章:女性的化妆——汉日古代女性眉妆隐性性别词语对比研究。“人类的身体装饰通过各种方式(服装、化妆、首饰、装饰品、文身、刺痕等等)表达了文化认同和社会参与的基本层面”①。文化在塑造人类精神世界的同时,也塑造着人类的身体。本章在第两章研究的基础上,通过考察汉日古代女性眉妆隐性性别词语,对汉日文化中的审美观念进行梳理和分析,指出两种文化的不同审美理念对身体装饰的影响。第四章:女性的婚姻——汉日“妻/妾”隐性性别词语对比研究。婚姻家庭制度体现了一个文化中女性群体的基本社会地位。本章将视角聚焦于家庭内部女性身份的定位问题。通过对比汉日“妻/妾”隐性性别词语来考察中日两种文化在婚姻家庭制度上的差异。第五章:女性和男性——汉日生殖隐性性别词语对比研究。“性”作为人类的基本活动,与人类文明相生相伴。对于性的基本观念从某种程度上说,将会影响一种文化、一个社会的基本走向。从逻辑上看,前面几章所讨论的问题,其背后多多少少有着性观念的影子。因此本章着重以以汉日语中指涉男根、月经的隐性性别词语为考察对象,探讨两种文化在基本性观念上的差异。并从性文化的角度观察汉日社会文化在集体潜意识上的不同。第六章:辞书之“性”——汉日隐性性别词语辞书释义对比研究。笔者发现,在目前收集到的隐性性别词语中,部分汉日隐性性别词语在各自的单语辞书及双语辞书中的解释,存在较大出入,该现象与隐性性别词语对比研究的缺失密切相关。另一方面,从文化研究的视角出发,辞书对于隐性性别词语的释义方式,是深层次文化主流价值观在词语释义层面上的体现。故本章的研究内容与前五章的讨论又有着密不可分的关系。最后为本文的结语。在对本论文进行理论总结,并反思本研究的不足之处。同时,力图从更为广阔的视角出发,思考今后隐性性别词语研究的价值指向和理论意义,勾勒的今后研究的可能空间。

【Abstract】 Covert genderlect is variety of speech and vocabulary that implies a particular gender. Although there is no morphological identification of sex in such words or phrases, the semantic association with a specific sex is generally accepted. This paper selects words or expressions from the Hanyu Da Cidian (《汉语大词典》) and the Kojien (『広辞苑』)that have gender-specific meanings or usages but whose forms do not imply genders, and conducts a comparative study of covert genderlect in the Chinese and Japanese languages.Most studies on genderlect, on the one hand, either simply ignore or do not distinguish covert genderlect from its overt counterpart, which has obvious sex markers. On the other hand, of the studies on covert genderlect, most focus on sexual discrimination and gender differences. My point of this paper is:because sex identification of covert genderlect is deeply hidden, the collective unconscious behind it, which has very subtle influence on people, is more obscure; therefore, it is necessary to dig deeper into and expose the true nature of such covert gender words. Meanwhile, because the collective unconscious has more profound socio-cultural roots, the perspectives of study, more comprehensive than merely sex discrimination or gender difference, should include that of linguistics, history, culture, etc.It is not difficult to find out that foreign language education, translation and study, linguistic and cultural comparison, hermeneutics, etc. are all closely related to covert genderlect. Although in the researches of sociology, history, aesthetics, custom, etc., great achievements have been made in Sino-Japanese comparison, few have touched the area of covert genderlect. Most of them are comparative studies on cultural phenomena. However, language and culture are so closely bonded that, to some extent, cultural studies failing to incorporate genderlect, especially covert genderlect, are not yet complete. Therefore, this paper starts with the language layer, to the cultural layer, and finally to the collective subconscious layer, which provides us with a better understanding of the differences between the Chinese and Japanese cultures in aspects of sex, love, marriage, family, sexual differences, time and space perceptions, and aesthetics. Integration of linguistic studies on a micro scale and culture studies on a macro scale is the purpose and value of comparative linguistics.Comparison and multi-perspective analysis are the key methods used in this paper. On the one hand, it studies the covert genderlect from multiple linguistic perspectives, including perspectives of hermeneutics, naming motivation analysis, cognitive linguistics (metonymic/metaphoric), and historical linguistics. On the other hand, it also discusses the subject from multiple socio-cultural perspectives, including those of feminism, homosexual subculture, and sex culture. In all, studying the covert genderlect from various angles makes it possible to comprehend the subject more thoroughly. And hopefully, this paper will also benefit the areas that are even remotely related to it.As a general principle, the paper starts with micro language phenomena, explores deeper to the macro cultural level, comparing covert gender vocabulary in Chinese and Japanese, and in the end returns to linguistics. The purpose is to compare language differences on a broader cultural basis, by doing which not only language differences are explained, but also the collective unconscious behind the language is revealed.As the reality of my research, covert genderlect referring to women is more greatly abundant in both Japanese and Chinese languages than those referring to men. That is the reason for this paper to be female-centric. The chapters are as follows:Introduction. It clarifies the subject and methodology of the research. A generalization of the preliminary studies, theories, and values of the paper is given in this chapter.Chapter1:Women’s value. From the cognitive linguistic perspective, compares different terms referring to female in the two languages. It is not difficult to find the covert genderlect in the two languages has obvious difference in quantity and semantic coverage. The fact is closely related to the difference in the value systems of the two cultures. From the comparison in general, this chapter analyzes such difference, because the value system towards women is the basis for perceptions of sex and relationship and the revelation of such perceptions in the male-dominant society.Chapter2:Women’s body. This chapter studies the words covertly referring to beautiful women. Although in both cultures women are the object of aesthetic evaluation, the two cultures have different cognitive models. This chapter conducts further studies on the covert gender words referring to beautiful women and, from the perspective of cognitive model, explores the more fundamentals of the cognitive models in the two cultures.Chapter3:Women’s makeup. This chapter compares the covert gender words referring to women’s eyebrow cosmetics, explores the difference in aesthetic standards in the two cultures and shows the realization of the aesthetic standards in women’s makeup and styling.Chapter4:Marriage:This chapter compares the covert genderlect referring to wife/concubine and, focused on the positioning of women inside a family, analyzes the difference in marriage and family systems in the two cultures.Chapter5:Femal vs. male. From the perspective of sex cultures, this chapter compares the words that covertly refer to penis and menstruation, and hence discusses the difference in the attitudes towards sex and reproduction in the two cultures and reveals the difference in collective unconscious in the two cultures.Chapter6:Sex in hermeneutics. As for the entries that are covert gender words, dictionary explanations vary greatly. I believe it is caused by lack of studies on the subject this thesis covers. On the other hand, there is great necessity in hermeneutic studies on covert genderlect, because dictionary explanations reveal the main stream value of the society.Conclusion:The conclusion summarizs the former chapters and shows the thinking and plan for further researches on covert genderlect.

  • 【分类号】H136;H36
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1005

