

A Study on the Cost and Benefit of Government and Farmers in the Household Registration System Reform

【作者】 赵文明

【导师】 戴思锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 长期以来,日渐扩大的城乡收入差距成为我国社会关注的一个重要话题,户籍改革的重要性也日渐成为我国社会各界广泛关注的重要研究课题。我国现行户籍制度在历史上曾经发挥了重要的社会、经济和政治作用,但从目前的情况来看,现有的户籍制度对于我国经济的可持续发展以及经济发展方式的转型形成了阻碍。从被批准成立全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区以来,重庆在户籍改革中先试先行,多部门联动,积累了重要的改革经验。本文以此为背景,以户籍改革过程中进城农民和政府为研究对象,讨论这两个主体在户籍改革中的成本与收益,并试图对户籍改革的进一步发展提供政策建议。一、主要研究内容本文在对我国户籍制度历史变迁和改革等进行归纳总结的基础上,对我国户籍改革中政府和农户的成本和收益进行理论与实证分析,主要研究内容安排包括如下几个方面:一是对我国户籍改革的相关理论进行梳理,主要包括人口迁徙理论、城镇化理论和成本—收益理论,对本研究依据的主要理论以及涉及的某些理论观点进行详细说明。二是对我国户籍制度的历史变迁进行归纳总结,说明户籍制度在我国经济、社会发展中的作用及存在的主要缺陷。三是对我国户籍制度改革的必然性、改革的目标、改革的思路以及相关主体的行为特征进行说明,试图说明在当前经济社会条件下我国进行户籍改革的重要作用。四是通过理论和实证结合,分析和测算了农民在户籍改革中的成本收益,比较了进城前后农民收入、支出、财产、福利和无形资产等的变化情况。五是讨论政府在农民进城中的成本与收益,将政府的成本收益从政治、社会和经济等不同角度划分为有形的与无形的成本收益等类型,结合实地调研资料进行分析。二、研究结论本文通过理论分析和实证研究,得到的主要结论如下:(1)我国现行户籍制度在历史上曾经发挥了重要的社会、经济和政治作用,但对于当下我国经济的可持续发展以及经济发展方式的转型形成了阻碍。目前的农转城工作是我国经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果,不仅有利于解决我国历史上形成的城乡二元结构和城乡居民收入差距过大的局面,而且有利于资源特别是土地资源配置效率的提高和内需提升,对于我国长期内经济又好又快发展而言有重要的战略意义。(2)我国当前的户籍制度改革面临的局面较为复杂,不仅要解决农民的后顾之忧,还需要解决农民进城后持续的生活和工作问题,这种局面需要社会多个部门的联合行动。农民是一个理性的群体,在面临进城与留守的选择之间会权衡短期利益与长期利益,年龄不同、受教育程度不同、乡土情结等因素都会影响到农民是否进城的决策,因此,农民进城是一个长期的工作,应尽量避免采取运动式进城或一刀切的方式组织农民进城。(3)通过对进城农民成本收益比较分析和影响进城农民收入提升的实证研究表明,提升农民收益的主要因素并不是他们从农村带入城市的财富(即弃农所得的各项补贴),而是由于知识技能和环境适应能力的提升,受教育程度更高和进城时间更久的农民能更好地适应城市环境。对农民弃农给予更多的补贴尽管在短期内能部分地解决进城农民收入低的问题,但并不是提高进城农民收入水平的根本性因素。(4)通过对户籍制度改革中政府成本收益比较分析表明,地方政府作为户籍制度改革的执行者,既要面临巨额征地拆迁补偿、城镇基础设施建设、城镇公共服务设施建设、社会保障等有形成本投入压力,也要面临征地拆迁引发农民矛盾、农民进城引发失业率增加、社会维稳成本提高、财政负重加剧等无形成本压力,但是通过户籍制度改革,政府不仅能享受土地资源的配置权增加、城镇及工业化进程加快、城乡差距缩小的有形收益,也能够享受投资环境和城镇人口年龄结构改善、产业结构优化、社会矛盾缓解等无形收益。权衡成本与收益,政府作为户籍制度改革的既得利益者,户籍制度改革增加了政府的利益,这将推动政府在户籍制度改革过程中发挥积极推动作用。三、创新点本文的创新点主要集中体现在以下三个方面:1.从发展视角系统考察了我国户籍制度的历史变迁,研究了不同时期我国户籍制度的主要元素以及户籍制度附着的经济利益。通过对户籍制度在新中国建国以来不同时期的作用与不同时期户籍制度改革的思路,指出了当代我国现有户籍制度改革的必然性。2.通过实证检验,转户前后人均总收入和家庭年平均总支出并没有因为转户而下降,而是保持稳定高速的增长,家庭平均固定资产和存款几乎是转户前的三倍,社会保障、主要劳动力的就业和补偿收益都因转户而得到了很大的提升和提高,仅社会资本在转户过程中流失非常严重,在户籍进城中政策落实到位的基础上注重进城农民社会资本的提升极为重要。3.利用实践积累的经验,分析了政府在农民进城中的经济、政治和社会方面成本与收益,研究发现农民进城中政府存在内在动机,通过加速农民进城的步伐,不仅有利于提高农民收入的增加,而且有助于社会稳定。

【Abstract】 For a long time, the widening urban-rural income gap become an important topic of concern for our society, the importance of the reform of household registration is also becoming important research topic in our theory and practice is widespread concern. The current household registration system in China has played in the history of the important role of the social, economic and political, but the current situation, the existing household registration system for ustainable development as well as the transformation of the mode of economic development of China’s economy formed hinder. Since been approved to establish the Urban and Rural Comprehensive Reform Pilot Area, the household registration reform in Chongqing in the first trial first, multi-sectoral linkage, has accumulated significant reform experience. In this background, migrant household registration reform process and the government as the research object, to discuss the costs and benefits of the two main household registration reform, trying to provide policy recommendations for the further development of the household registration reform.一、the main contentsIn this paper, on the basis of summarized historical change and reform of China’s household registration system, the costs and benefits of China’s household registration reform main theoretical and empirical analysis research arrangements include the following aspects:The first part is about China’s household registration reform theory research, including population migration theory, the theory of urbanization and the cost-income theory and a detailed description of the main theories on the basis of this study, as well as some theoretical perspectives.The second part is to summarize the historical changes in China’s household registration system, the household registration system in China’s economic and social development and a major drawback.Thirdly, the inevitability of the reform of China’s household registration system, the goal of the reform, the idea of reform as well as the behavior of the main characteristics described trying to illustrate an important role in the current economic and social conditions of the household registration reform.Fourthly, through theoretical and empirical analysis to discuss the cost-benefit of the farmers in the household registration reform, and the establishment of multiple regression econometric model, field research data of the main factors to affect the income of migrant upgrade be tested.The fifth part discusses the costs and benefits of the farmers into the city, divided into different angles of the costs and benefits of the government from the political, social and economic tangible and intangible costs and benefits, and other types of combination of field research data analysis.三、Innovation PointsThe innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:1. From a development perspective examines the historical changes of China’s household registration system, attached to the economic interests of the main elements of the different periods of China’s household registration system, and the household registration system. Household registration system since the founding of New China, the role of the different periods and different periods of the idea of the reform of the household registration system, pointed out the necessity of contemporary China’s existing household registration system reform.2. Econometrics empirical test examines the main factors affecting the peasants income. The study found that the opportunity cost is not the main factor affecting the farmers into the city, the length of time farmers into the city, and the resulting accumulation of social capital on peasant income has a significant effect.3. Practice and accumulated experience, analysis of the economic, political and social costs and benefits of farmers into the city, found that farmers into the city government there are intrinsic motivation, by accelerating the pace of peasants, not only help to improve farmers the increase in income, and contribute to social stability.4. By government cost-benefit analysis shows that the reform of the household registration system, the government as the implementation of the reform of the household registration system, it is necessary to face huge land requisition compensation, urban infrastructure, urban public service facilities, social security, and other tangible cost input pressure, alsofacing land acquisition and resettlement triggered farmers contradiction, the farmers into the city caused by the rise in unemployment, improve social stability maintenance costs, the financial weight exacerbate intangible cost pressures, but through the reform of the household registration system, the government can not only enjoy the right to the configuration of the land resources increase, the towns and the process of industrializationaccelerate the tangible gains, the narrowing of the gap between urban and rural areas can enjoy the age structure of the improvement of the investment environment and the urban, industrial structure optimization, social conflicts mitigation intangible benefits. Weigh the costs and benefits of the vested interests of the government as a reform of the household registration system, the reform of the household registration system, increase the interest of the Government, which will push the government to play a positive role in promoting the reform process of the household registration system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

