

On Custom Law and Its Educational Function of Hani Ethnic Group in Lvchun of Yunnan

【作者】 朱学文

【导师】 张维平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国的教育,受到举国上下的热切关注。如何规范教育,完善和制定好的教育政策法规,引起了近些年来数次人代会的高度重视。好的法律规章如何顺应民族地区的社会实际情况、文化传统和民族习惯,是教育法学研究的重要课题。在民族地区,要探索这些问题,必须从习惯法中寻求启示。本文试图从绿春县的哈尼族习惯法去获得启示,绿春哈尼族地区是否还存在着习惯法,习惯法是不是必然产生,有哪些内容。哈尼族是一个跨境而居的世界性的民族。在我国云南省,哈尼族人口163万,仅次于汉族和彝族。在对云南少数民族习惯法的现有研究中,学者关注的较多的是彝族、白族、傣族、纳西族等,而对哈尼族的研究相对较少。2009年春节刚过,我开始了对红河南岸哈尼族的调查。我首到的是红河哈尼族彝族自治州的绿春县。绿春县,是哈尼语标准音所在地,哈尼族人口占全县总人口的比例为88.2%,是全国哈尼族所占比例最高的县。2009年2月13日,我亲身经历了县郊十三个村落联合祭祀的“阿龙欧滨”。古老、庄重的祭祀仪式带有神秘色彩,对祭品顶礼膜拜的同时追求原始的公平和正义,整个县城民间与政府共享过年般的喜庆,整个县郊村落农民被强制要求享受“法”定假日,违规者会受到众人的责备和头人的罚款,等等。这种传统的习惯法规约还有哪些,内在结构是什么?这些习惯法是怎样产生的,对绿春县的民众会产生什么影响?带着这些问题,我开始搜集有关哈尼族和习惯法的研究文献,请教相关领域的学长和前辈。之后,我数次前往绿春、金平、元阳、红河、元江等哈尼族聚居的地方进行调查研究。在昆明,借工作的闲暇时间,以就读于云南民族大学的绿春哈尼族学生为个案进行深度访谈,对毕业的学生进行跟踪调查。经过四年多的努力探寻,在调查现存于绿春哈尼族地区的习惯法的基础上,梳理了哈尼族习惯法的内容和内在结构,考察了哈尼族习惯法产生的原因及其教育功能。哈尼人聚族而居,往往一个村落都是一个祖先的后代。一个村落,就有一个寨神“昂玛”,有一个头领“咪谷”,要举行每年一次的祭寨神仪式“昂玛突”。绿春县还存在多个村落因祭拜共同神灵而联合的社会组织,有共同的大咪谷作为头领。多村落每年联合祭祀的仪式神秘又庄重,有一整套习惯法规约和禁忌。哈尼族有自己的历法,有十月年、六月“矻扎扎”节等传统节日,还保留着刻木分水、从开秧门到吃新米饭一系列的农耕礼仪。哈尼族信奉万物有灵的原始宗教,基本内容是敬仰魂、祈求神、安抚鬼。宗教职业者“摩批”,在哈尼族社会中有较高的威望。哈尼族父子连名,实行幼子继承制,祭家祖时仍祭外祖,舅舅有很高的名望。婚事礼俗中保留着哭嫁的传统,丧事习惯法中又透射了豁达的生死观。哈尼人勤劳、朴实、温和、乐观,能吃苦、不好斗。哈尼人与壮观的高山梯田、秀美的绿色森林和谐相处。哈尼族社会,民族团结,各民族相处融洽。在绿春县,哈尼族习惯法对民众产生了重要的教育功能,这种影响和教育有别于现代教育体系中制度化的学校教育。在法的功能上,哈尼族习惯法和制定法具有很大程度上的一致性,对维系整个社会的良好秩序起到了积极的作用。但同时,哈尼族习惯法中也有一些消极的因素,如禁忌过多、男女不平等。习惯法中的消极因素进而也影响了制定法的实施。本文在调查习惯法成因的基础上,继而在绿春哈尼族社会中考察了习惯法的教育功能,得出了有益的启示。一、哈尼族习惯法植根于本民族文化,其规约已化成民众的自觉性。因地处我国西南边陲,受山地农耕经济的制约,其产生是长期的、必然的。二、哈尼族习惯法的产生历史悠久,被动迁徙时期的流离失所和安居哀牢山区初期开垦梯田的艰辛,锻造了哈尼族性格中的忍让和退让的色彩;进入安土乐居的文明时期后,生活条件的逐渐改善形成了当今哈尼人性格中的礼让元素。三、总体来说,哈尼族的习惯法对边疆地区的和谐稳定起了积极的作用。我国现行的民族平等政策是符合哈尼族地区发展需求的,哈尼族社会在和谐的社会秩序中稳步发展。四、哈尼族习惯法中过多的禁忌束缚了青少年的成长,频繁的祭祀活动对经济的快速发展是不利的。加快边疆哈尼族地区的发展,需制定更加完备的法律规章和制度,且要融合哈尼族习惯法中一些积极的因素。哈尼族习惯法对制定法和学校教育的积极和消极影响是客观存在的,本文结合实地调查,在总结哈尼族吸纳汉文化发展过程中的历史经验和多民族国家发展民族教育启示的基础上,对完善哈尼族习惯法的教育功能提出了相应建议。本研究的主要结论是:一、在现代社会,哈尼族地区的习惯法还广泛存在。哈尼族习惯法规约自成体系,其内在结构是:村落以咪谷为核心祭拜寨神、开展梯田耕种,以摩批为核心的鬼魂崇拜渗透在婚丧嫁娶等家庭礼俗中。二、哈尼族习惯法的文化基础是迁徙文化和稻作文明,已内化在哈尼族忍让、礼让的性格元素中,对边疆地区的和谐稳定做出了积极的贡献。三、完善习惯法的教育功能,需制定针对性的法律法规,加快少数民族教育立法就是最为重要的举措之一,借鉴哈尼族发展的历史经验和国外民族教育立法的经验,需进一步重视双语教育的发展和民族地区专业人才的培养,在教育发展的同时促进民族文化的发展。本研究的价值在于:一、围绕习惯法是什么、有什么教育功能,以绿春县为案例,以绿春哈尼族的习惯法为研究对象,试图揭示哈尼族习惯法的结构和产生原因。二、将习惯法与整个绿春民族社会结合起来考察它的教育功能。在学术上,本研究对教育法学研究作了有益的补充。在教育法学的研究中,使教育法学的研究视野向下,在研究教育法的文化基础方面作了大胆的尝试,以期对中国教育法学理论建设提供参考。在实践上,对绿春地区习惯法的教育应用进行了较全面评价,对学校教育的推进和改善,提供一些帮助。

【Abstract】 In the recent days, the school education was focused on by the whole nation. The problem, how to regulate the educational behavior and better the institutional environment, has been highlighted by the national congress many times. A good regulation shall be adapted to the social, cultural and ethnical situation of ethnic minority gathering area and is also the pursuit of educational law. To solve this problem surely is important and shall based on the custom law. This article tries to inspire the custom law of Hani ethnic minority.Hani is a kind of ethnic minority which spreads home and abroad. In Yunnan province, the Hani population reaches1.63million, which is only secondary to Han and Yi nationality. In the past research of custom law, most of scholars focused their attention on Yi, Bai, Dai and Naxi. After the spring festival of2009, I began the investigation on Hani ethnic minority, which lives in the south side of Honghe River. I reached Lvchun County first. Lvchun County is the place of standardized pronunciation of Hani language. In Lvchun County, the population of Hani takes88.2%of the whole. In the February13,2009,I experienced the ceremony of "alongoubin", which holds by13villages altogether. It is a mystery ceremony that pursuit the original justice during the religion procedure. During the ceremony, the whole county was immersed into a joy. All the peasants have to rest all day if he does not want to be blamed by others. How long this traditional regulation last? What is the inner contracture of the "law". How it produced? What influence it will be toward common people?In order to answer these questions, I began to collect documents and materials on Hani ethnic minority and its custom law. I returned there many times and finished my field work. In order to contrast Lvchun to other Hani gathering areas, I also investigated Jinping, Yuanyang, Honghe and Yuanjiang. I also had deep conversations with Hani students, which lives in Kunming. After four years efforts of investigation, I, finally, find out the content and inner construction of Hani custom law and put forward the function and explanation of it producing.Hani people likes living together and it is common for them to have one ancestor for a whole village. Each village has one "angma", god of the village, one "migu" the headman of the village. Each village will hold the ceremony of "angmatu" every year. There is social organization for holding the ceremony for several villages. The united ceremony of many villages is mystery and regulated by its custom law system and taboo. The Hani people have their own calendar and festivals, such as ten-month year and "kuzhazha" in June. Hani people believe that each object has its own soul according to their religion. The professional person of religion was called "mopi" who has great honor for whole village. There are many traditions in Hani’s daily life, such as patronymic linkage naming system and uncle right. The customary law for marriage includes free intercourse before marriage, wedding lament. The customary law for funeral includes lots regulations and ceremony and also shows their open mind to death. The Hani people are diligent, homeliness, optimistic and kept harmony relation to the nature for quite long time. The Hani society is also keeping a harmony situation, which is due to the traditional custom law. The function of custom law is different to school education. In its function, the custom law of Hani is in unify form with modern regulations and law and also takes positive effect on social orders. Meanwhile, it also has some negative influence, such as too many taboos, unequal social situation of male and female. The negative factor of custom law also influenced application of national laws.This article inspires as following:the first, Hani custom law comes out of their native culture and its regulations has formed the unconscious behavior of common people. The second, the period of wandering and hard working in their history formed the specific character of Hani people. The third, the custom law of Hani people has positive role to the harmony society. The forth, the taboos of Hani people actually regulated young people’s behavior too much. If we want to accelerate the development of Hani ethnic minority gathering area, more suitable regulations and institutions surely would be important, which also requires combine the positive factors of custom law indeed.It is an objective fact for custom law of Hani to influence national law and school education. This article, based on lots of field word, puts forward some advices to improve the educational function of custom law of Hani.The first, the custom law of Hani still exists in modern society extensively. The custom law has form a unique system and its inner structure is the worship of "angma", which is the core of village’s daily life, and ghost worship, which immersed in the ceremony of marriage and funeral. The second, the culture base for Hani custom law is the rice civilization and Hani’s history of migration, which formed the character of Hani people and also improved the harmony circumstance of area. The third, in order to better the educational function of custom law of Hani, we should accelerate the legislation procedure and focused on the talents training to improve ethnic culture’s development.The value of this article:the first, this article tried to find out the inner structure and its producing reason. The second, this article combined custom law with their background of society to explore its educational function, which riches the study of educational law. This article explored the cultural base of educational law, which could be compared by other theory study. In practice, this article evaluated the educational function of custom law and put forwards advices for school education’s improving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【下载频次】636

