

From an Attachment to Soft Governance

【作者】 冉源懋

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 欧盟作为目前最大的超国家政治、经济实体,在整个世界政治、经济发展中扮演着举足轻重的角色。以划分历史阶段的方式,对不同时期欧盟教育政策的社会背景、内容、特征和影响等方面进行分析和概括,可以获得对欧盟教育政策的一种整体性认识,进而挖掘欧盟教育政策发展的内部机制和逻辑。同时,通过对当前欧盟面临的主要问题和挑战加以梳理和反思,可以对欧盟教育政策未来发展进行预测和前瞻。基于这两个研究目的,对欧盟教育政策进行的考察和分析主要围绕这样几个方面展开:首先,欧盟教育政策的发展历程可以划分为几个阶段?划分的依据是什么?其次,各阶段教育政策的主要内容和特征是什么?其影响如何?再次,对欧盟教育政策未来发展产生影响的主要因素有哪些?它们会导致欧盟教育政策走向何方?具体而言,从二战结束到1957年,作为欧盟主要成员国的英、法、德、意等民族国家强化中央或地方政府对教育的管理权,在扩大高等教育规模与研究职能的同时重点发展职业教育以促进经济快速发展。这些国家层面的教育政策对欧盟教育政策的萌芽和发展产生了重要影响。但这一时期真正意义上的超国家层面的欧盟教育政策并没有出现,而是处于孕育之中。1957年《罗马条约》的签订标志着欧盟教育政策的真正肇始。自此至1986年《单一欧洲文件》的签署,欧盟教育政策经历了一个从产生时作为经济政策的附属而隐性生存到独立于社会、经济政策的显性发展的历史演变过程。与其他社会领域的政策相比,这一时期教育政策尽管在数量上有明显增加,但仍处于整个欧盟政策体系的边缘,而且大多停留在静止状态,并没有得到真正落实。尽管如此,其作为一种现实存在,在帮助成员国摆脱经济危机并制定本国职业教育政策的同时还为欧盟教育政策的后续发展奠定了基础。从1986年到2000年,欧盟教育政策开始从边缘向欧盟政策体系的中心迈进,其政策内容在三方面表现了这种动态变化:第一,拓展及细化职业教育;第二,强化高等教育领域的合作及流动;第三,落实教育的“欧洲维度”。这一时期欧盟教育政策的特征也十分明显,主要是:政策目标侧重于政治服务;政策执行由“软性”向“硬性”转化;政策内容则十分关注教育质量。这些变化使得这一时期欧盟教育政策的影响也不断提升,并主要表现在五个方面:鼓励和推动了成员国的教育决策;提升了欧洲工业化的竞争力;扩大了欧洲高等教育的国际影响;改变了欧洲大学校际合作的管理模式;促进了欧洲身份认同。从2000年至今,欧盟教育政策的总体特征是走向全面治理,具体表现为政策目标的欧洲化、政策内容的综合化和政策实施的强势化。但是,由于欧盟作为一个超国家联合体在推进欧洲一体化进程中的领导地位的合法性遭到质疑,欧盟通过其教育政策对欧洲教育的干预和影响只能是在“鼓励、协调和建议”的权限范围内的软性治理。因此,当前欧盟在教育方面的一项主要治理策略就是通过具有软性色彩的终身学习政策的逐步推进和完善,实现对成员国教育活动的干预。面对整个欧洲人口老龄化日益突出,欧盟政治信度持续下降,主权债务危机和欧元危机并发而文化同一性与多样性之间的冲突又日益严重等因素对教育及教育政策提出的严峻挑战,未来的欧盟教育政策仍将循着软性治理的道路继续发展,并将突出四种发展趋势:第一,追求政治认同;第二,兼顾质量和效率;第三,消弭差异推进均衡;第四,以终生学习计划带动教育的全面治理。概而言之,从正式产生开始,欧盟教育政策经历五十六年(1957—2013年)的发展,其意义和价值在整个欧盟政策体系中逐步得到认可和强化,实现了从最初附着于经济政策的隐性生存状态到当下致力于欧洲教育一体化建设的软性治理状态的历史演变。由于欧盟当前面临的诸多危机和挑战,在未来一段时间内,欧盟教育政策仍将保持这种软性治理的发展态势,并从政策目标、内容和实施手段等方面进行自我调适以应对这些危机和挑战。因此,从研究的意义和价值来看,这一研究过程和结果在理论上一方面可以改变已有研究横向整体描述有余而纵向历史梳理不足、政策内容局部挖掘充分而整体相关性研究不足的现状,另一方面可以在研究路径上为对欧盟教育政策的探讨提供一种历史分析和阐释的范式。而在实践上,除了可以为我国教育政策中的问题解决提供依据、借鉴和参考,还可以为类似的区域研究,特别是区域教育政策研究提供一种研究的实践案例。

【Abstract】 As the largest supranational politics and economic organization in the world at present, European Union plays a decisive role in world political and economic development. Through the way of historical stage dividing, it is helpful to get an overall understanding of the EU education policy, and furthermore, to find the inner mechanism and logic by the analysis and generalization of social background, contents, features and influence of the policy. Meanwhile, it is helpful to Forecast and prospect the future of the EU education policy by summarizing and reflecting on the problems and challenges which the EU is facing currently. Based on two research aims, this paper will be arranged in accordance with the following contents:firstly, how many stages the development course of EU education policy can be divided into? What are the basics of division? Secondly, what’s the main content and characteristic of the education policy of each stage? And how is the influence? What’s more, what are the main factors which may have an influence on the future development of European Union education policy? And what will happen to the European Union education policy?In detail, from the ending of the World War II to the year1957,the main members of European union, such as Britain, France, Germany and Italy, all adopt the policies of strengthening the centre government and local government’s management in education, expanding the scale of higher education and its research function,and giving a priority to the development of professional education and training so as to promote the rapid development of its economy. These education policies on the national level made great influence on the germination and development of the EU education policy. While, the true EU education policy on the super-national level did not come into being, but still was in its incubation period.The signature of the Treaty of Rome in1957marked the real beginning of the EU education policy. From then on to the year1986, the policy experienced a historical change from as a recessive attachment of the economic policy at the very beginning to as an independent dominant domain. Compared with the policies in other fields, the education policy during this period significantly increased in number, though walked in the edge of the whole system of EU policy, and mostly were only documents without being implementing. Despite, as a real existence, the EU education policy helped the member states in the survival of the economic crisis and in the making of their own education policies, and made a good foundation for the further development of itself.From1986to the year2000, the EU education policy began to enter into the center of the policy system of European Union. The contents of the policy has showed its dynamic change in three aspects:first, expand and refine the professional education and training; second, reinforce the cooperation and exchange in higher education field; third, carry out "the European Dimension in education". The features of European Union education policy in this period are also extremely obvious, of which mainly are the objectives of policy focus on political service, the implement transform from "soft" to "hard" and the contents pay close attention to the quality of education. These changes have constantly improved the influence of European Union education policy in this period, and mainly reflected in five aspects:encourage and boost the member states’ educational decision, enhance the competitiveness of the industrialization of European, expand the international influence of European higher education, change the management mode of intercollegiate cooperation among European universities and promote the identity of Europe.In the12years past recently, the overall characteristics of education policy are proceed with comprehensive governance, and specifically manifest in the Europeanization of policy objectives, integratelization of policy contents, and escalation of policy implementing. Because its role as the leader in the process of the integration of Europe is legally questioned, the EU’s governance on the Europe education by its education policy can only be realized within the competence purview of supporting, coordinating or complementary.Thus, the intervention on education of EU is a kind of soft governance. Through carrying forward step by step and improving of lifelong learning policy, the influence of European Union education policy is increasingly expanded, which, on one hand, reflect in the international regional education cooperation field, making European Union education policy a successful reference and leading the theory and practice of regional education cooperation, on the other, European Union education policy has been totally integrated into the member state’s education activities, playing a significant role in promoting the education development of the member state, even the whole Europe.At present, the contents of European Union education policy can be mainly summarized as four aspects:promoting the integration of processional education, deepening the internalization and quality of higher education, highlighting the core competence of basic education, and emphasizing the quality and guarantee of teacher’s education. Due to the problem of aging of population in whole European becoming increasingly prominent, the credibility of European politics continuous declining, sovereign debt crisis and euro crisis erupt simultaneously, and the conflicts between cultural identity and diversity becoming even serious, European Union education policy in the future will move forward in four directions:first, to seek political identification; second, to take both quality and efficiency into consideration; third, to eliminate differences and promote balance; fourth, to drive the comprehensive governance of education with the lifelong learning plan.In summary, through a56-year development from the formal start, the value of the education policy in the whole policy system of EU is recognized and strengthened gradually. And the role has been greatly changed from an attachment of economic policy to an independent soft governance instrument which is committed to the construction of European educational integration currently. For the present crisis and challenges, in the future, the EU education policy will still maintain such state of soft governance, and will make some adjustments in its goals, contents and implementing so as to adapt to these crisis and challenges. Therefore, the importance of this study performs in two ways. One is its theoretical value:it may change the reality that in the relevant research of EU education policy, the total description is abundant but the historical observation is lack, the introduction to the contents is rich but the thinking on the correlativity is thin. And it also offers an example for historical interpretation in the aspect of research method. The other is its practical significance:it supplys an model in regional research, especially in the regional education policy research,apart from providing basis,comparison and reference to the problem solving in the implementing of education policy in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

