

Crisis and Opportunity:a Study on the Hidden Curriculum Resources of Teaching Contingencies

【作者】 郑秀敏

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代以来,教育领域开始发生了重要的“范式转换”,即由探究普适性的教育规律转向了寻求情境化的教育意义。而这一转换使课堂教学的研究方向也发生了变化,人们开始由探究教学规律转向教学的情境性,由关注教学的必然性、确定性转向了教学的偶然性与不确定性。教学偶然事件被称之为“偶然”事件,但却是现实教学活动之中的“必然”事件。基于此,本文聚焦教学偶然事件,围绕五个问题展开研究:第一,教学偶然事件是什么?第二,教学偶然事件是教学的“危机”还是“良机”?第三,教学偶然事件是不是潜在课程?第四,教学偶然事件蕴藏着哪些潜在课程资源?第五,如何通过教师的课程化干预将教学偶然事件的潜在课程资源转化为教学实施中的课程?在正常的课堂教学过程中,会伴随产生一些偶然的、意外的教学事件,这些教学过程中动态生成的,超出教师预设之外的教学事件即为生成性的课堂教学偶然事件。从本体特征来看,教学偶然事件的发生具有偶然性,教学偶然事件的存在具有必然性,教学偶然事件的爆发具有突发性,教学偶然事件的表现具有危机性。教学偶然事件是发生在教学过程中的事件,其影响因素可能是教学中的任何一个要素。教师的专业素质、人格特征、教学风格、个人情绪和学生的人格、性格、性别差异是可能引发教学偶然事件的主体因素,课程目标、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价是可能引发教学偶然事件的载体因素,班级规模、座位编排、教室环境、教学设施、人际关系、教学氛围是可能引发教学偶然事件的环境因素。教学偶然事件产生于预设与生成的冲突。从外在表象看,教学偶然事件更多被认为是一种干扰教学的危机,对学生的健康成长,对教师自身和顺利开展教学活动造成不同程度的威胁,对完成教学任务带来了“干扰”。从内在本质看,教学偶然事件蕴藏着教学契机,是一种潜在课程。它对学生的发展有着重要影响,对学生的智育、德育、美育等方面都有着较大的推动作用。教学偶然事件作为一种潜在课程的形态存在。它通过解构原有的课程秩序,在师生的互动之中,共同重新建构新的课程秩序。其课程的开发与实施依据为课程标准提出的三维课程目标,与之相应,教学偶然事件的潜在课程资源以认知、方法和情意三种形态存在。基于认知目标的教学偶然事件潜在课程资源,不仅可以帮助学生拓展知识的深度与广度,还可以创生知识与建构知识,更可以培养学生的基本技能,提高其认知水平和能力。基于方法目标的教学偶然事件潜在课程资源,不仅可以引导促成精彩的教学过程,还可以帮助教师调整教学方法和引导学生掌握学习方法。基于情意目标的教学偶然事件潜在课程资源,可以和谐师生关系,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,可以影响和培养学生形成正确积极的情感、态度和价值观等,使学生成为兼具丰富智慧和情感的全面发展的人才。教学偶然事件可以作为潜在课程资源而存在,但要使教学偶然事件真正彰显价值,必须通过教学偶然事件的课程化干预,转变为实施中的课程。教学偶然事件的课程化干预需要教师树立基于事件的课程观,具有敏感性、课程生成意识和资源意识,并运用一定的方法和技术去感知、理解、确认与处理,对教学偶然事件做出机智的反应,彰显教学偶然事件的课程价值与力量,使整个课堂因教学偶然事件的存在而充满生机和活力。总之,本文通过研究发现,教学偶然事件是不可回避的必然教学事件,是不可或缺的潜在课程资源,教学偶然事件能够赋予教学鲜活的“生命力”。一个智慧的教师应该勇敢地面对教学偶然事件,变“危机”为“良机”,充分发掘和利用其中的潜在课程资源,让教师和学生双方在教学偶然事件的消解过程中共同发展,这样的课堂才是富有生命力和创造力的课堂。

【Abstract】 "Paradigm shift" has taken place in the educational field since the1970s, which is from the exploration of universal education law to the search of situational education meaning. Accordingly, the research paradigm of classroom teaching changes. People begin to pay more attention to exploring the teaching situations instead of the teaching roles and focusing on the contingency and uncertainty of teaching rather than its inevitability and certainty. Though teaching contingencies are called "accidental" incidents, they are "inevitable" events in real teaching practice. Based on this, this dissertation focuses on teaching contingencies and centers around five questions. First, what is a teaching contingency? Second, are teaching contingencies a crisis or opportunity in teaching? Next, are teaching contingencies hidden curricula? Forth, what curriculum resources do teaching contingencies contain? The last one, how to transform the hidden curriculum resources to the curricula in teaching practice through teachers’ curriculum intervention?Accidental and unexpected events usually happen in everyday classroom teaching. These dynamic and unexpected events become generative teaching contingencies. Teaching contingencies are featured by occasional and sudden occurrence, inevitable existence and crisis, Any factor in teaching may cause teaching contingencies. Professional competence, personality characteristics, teaching style and emotion of the teacher and the differences of students’personalities and gender are the principle factor, while curriculum objective, contents, implementation and evaluation are the stimulating factors. Environmental factors include the scale of a class, the arrangement of seats, classroom setting, teaching facilities, interpersonal relationship and teaching ambience.Teaching contingencies occur from the conflict between presumption and generation. Seen from the surface, teaching contingencies are often considered as a crisis which interferes with teaching and poses threat to students" growth, teachers and successful teaching to different degrees. But seen from the essence, teaching contingencies are a hidden curriculum containing opportunities for teaching. They are of great influence on students’ growth and can promote their comprehensive development.Teaching contingencies exist as a hidden curriculum. They deconstruct previous curriculum order and establish a new one in the process of interaction between teachers and students. The three-dimension curriculum objectives are the basis of curriculum development and implementation. Accordingly, the hidden curriculum resources of teaching contingencies exist with the feature of cognition, method and emotion. The hidden curriculum resources based on cognitive objective can not only help expand students’depth and breadth of knowledge, but also create and construct knowledge, cultivate students’ basic skills and raise their cognitive level. The hidden curriculum resources based on methodological objective can not only lead to wonderful teaching process, but also assist teachers in adjusting their teaching methods and make it easy for students to acquire the study methods. The hidden curriculum resources based on emotional objective can build harmonious relationship between students and students, ignite students’ interest in learning and help students to form positive attitude and right values, thus making students comprehensive talents rich in emotion and wisdom.Teaching contingencies can exist as potential curriculum resources. But in order to demonstrate its real value, we should intervene in by putting teaching contingencies into curriculum and then turn them into the kind of curriculum in effect. Such intervention requires teachers build up curriculum concept, be sensitive to have an awareness of curriculum-generating and resource-using, and react wittily towards teaching contingencies by applying some techniques and skills to perceive, comprehend, confirm and process, which manifests the value and strength of teaching contingencies, making the whole class full of vigor and vitality because of teaching contingencies.In conclusion, this thesis has found out that teaching contingencies is inevitable teaching activities and indispensable hidden curriculum resources, which gives teaching activities vigor and vitality. A wise teacher should be brave enough to face teaching contingencies, turning crisis into opportunities and fully exploring and utilizing the hidden curriculum resources, with an attempt to help both teachers and students develop together in the course of reduction of teaching contingencies. A class like that is what is called vigorous and creative one.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】G423
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1133

