

A Study on the Aesthetic of Poya Folk Songs of Zhuang Ethnic in Yunnan

【作者】 冯丽荣

【导师】 刘明华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 美学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 壮族擅歌,自古即“尚越声”,千百年来以歌为媒,依歌择偶,催生了具有独特民族风情的歌谣文化。在云南省富宁县坡芽村这块神奇的土地上,生息着55户壮族人家,据村中长老介绍,坡芽村民的祖先从清朝初年就生活在此,世代以农耕狩猎为生,因地处深山,极少受外来文化的影响,民风极为淳朴,壮族文化得到良性承袭,至今仍较完整地保存着传统的对山歌、祭竜等民族风俗。坡芽歌书就是坡芽村民世代传唱不衰的经典情歌集,2006年,它在一个偶然的机会被官方发现并组织力量挖掘整理出来,自此得以走出深山,走向城市,甚至漂洋过海,向世界展示自己独特的魅力风姿。坡芽歌书由81幅图案组成,每幅图案代表一首音形义固定的情歌,共81首,726行。歌书内容以爱情为主题,以一对青年男女的一见钟情为线索,通过两人对唱的形式,真实地反映了壮族的婚恋过程和价值取向,表达了壮族儿女勇敢地追求自由爱情和幸福生活的决心。不仅如此,歌书内容亦涵盖了壮族人民的生产、生活、宗教、审美情感等诸多层面,由此可以肯定,它源于生活而又超越生活本身。本论文从美学视角切入,所探索的仅仅是坡芽歌书全貌之冰山一角,拟从其产生的渊源,美的形态,美感,美的实践创造及其传播四个内容展开论述。首先,论述坡芽歌书产生的渊源。本论文认为在坡芽歌书产生和形成的过程中,地域性和民族性是两个影响极大的因素。坡芽歌书久唱不衰的秘密,在于它的诞生地是壮族文化的一方沃土。富宁县是壮族文化的富矿区,至今仍保存着许多完整的壮族传统习俗,在壮族民歌的传承上亦是独树一帜,至今仍在使用的20多种壮族民歌曲调,其丰富性、完整性在其他壮族聚居区中较为罕见,即便是诞生歌仙刘三姐的广西壮族自治区也望尘莫及;剥隘镇是有着千年文化底蕴的文化名镇,千百年来一直盛行的风流街催生了无数美妙动听的壮族情歌:坡芽村本身亦是山川秀美、民风淳朴、歌风盛行。正是这块神奇的沃土和浓郁的民族文化,孕育出动人心魄的坡芽歌书,并且赋予它得天独厚的灵性和生机。它的产生和形成,是壮族文化的地域性和民族性相结合的历史必然。接着,论述坡芽歌书之美的四个形态,即形式美、艺术美、自然美、社会美。从形式上看,坡芽歌书之美,在于材料、色彩、线条、形体及造型几个层面。其中,所选物质材料与壮民族长期以来的生存环境、生产生活、传统习俗和审美心理皆密切相关。材料有三:其一为白色的家织土布一块,长二尺、宽一尺二;其二为自制竹签一根,绘制时当做笔;其三为仙人掌果实一个,取其汁液为颜料,呈红色,浓烈艳丽,长期存放不易褪色。所绘制图案为色彩浓艳强烈的红色构图,线条构成流畅柔和,形体稳定完满,造型简洁生动。自然美的文本阐述是本论文关注的焦点之一,坡芽歌书中蕴含着以奄为标志的壮族生态自然美学思想,其中阐释壮族祭竜、敬重生命、万物有灵的文化意义,延伸至祭牛魂、水母鸡卜婚等壮族民间习俗的关注和探讨。艺术美中先是分析了构成坡芽歌书的物质媒介包含物理媒介和声音媒介等相关内容,然后论述其美感的特征:形象性。其中,又分为人物形象和物体形象,所有的形象都简洁、生动、直观。社会美则涵盖了人的外在美与内在美、多种图腾装饰的壮族服饰之美以及壮族人民在劳动生活中创造出来的物质产品之美等内容的论述。然后,论述坡芽歌书带来的美感,即审美感受。对坡芽歌书的审美感受之探究,从其美感所具有的特征展开,明确了游戏性、趣味性、文学性为其美感的三个特征并展开相应论述。接着论述的是审美认知,从理性认知和感性认知两个层面进行剖析,凸显了坡芽歌书蕴含的美学认知意义。最后,探讨目前坡芽人参与坡芽歌书的实践和创造这一问题,通过实证法展开研究,局部范围内探索壮族文化的继承与发展现状,及时对调查结果进行总结,并针对性地提出相应的建议和对策。同时,还对坡芽歌书当前的传承传播情况进行分层论述,壮族儿女对坡芽歌书的实践与传承,不仅仅是简单的情歌对唱,而是一个族群心灵深处生命激情的展示,是对壮族文化的再生产和再创造。坡芽歌书本身,是一种前所未有的文本范式,它集诗、书、画、歌为一体,同时,亦是壮族文化中至今为止独一无二的特殊文本,其诗浪漫、其书古朴、其画形象,其歌动人。而歌书中反映的生产劳动、民族风情、饮食服饰、宗教礼仪、道德规范、情感自由等系列文化,更是为我们提供了广阔的研究空间。

【Abstract】 Zhuang people are good at singing, like Yuesongs since ancient times. Songs have been the means for dating and marriage in thousand years, which lead to a unique ethic culture of singing. In Poya Villiage, Funing county, Yunnan province, there are55Zhuang families living at this magical land. Senior residents in the village tell us, the ancestors of Poya villagers lived here as early as the years of Qing Dynasty. They had been in hunting and farming for generations. As the village is located in the mountains, the traditions are rarely influenced by external cultures.Folkway is honest, Zhuang culture is benign, and it is still relatively preserved traditional folk songs for whole, offering dragon ethnic customs, etc. Poya Folk Songs is Poya villagers generation of the most classic love songs. In2006, it was discovered officially by chance following by a series of organized efforts to dig out songs from history dusts. Since then, the songs went through the mountains and arrived at cities. Some songs have been exported to overseas showing off their unique ethic charm to the world.Poya Folk Songs consist of81images, each pattern represents a phonological form and semantic fixed love song, a total of81, line726.The song is written in the theme of love, with a pair of young men and women falling in love at the first sight for clues.Through the two duet form, a true reflection of the marriage process and value orientation of Zhuang, expression of Zhuang children bold pursuit of free love and happiness life determination. Not only that, Poya Folk Songs also cover the Zhuang people’s production, life, religion, aesthetic emotion and so on many aspects, Certainly, it comes from life and above life itself.Starting from the aesthetic visual angle, this paper explores only a part of the full picture of Poya Folk Songs and investigates four contents, from the origin, forms of beauty, beauty, the practice of creating beauty and the dissemination of Poya Folk Song.Firstly, thesis discusses the origin of Poya Folk Song. this paper argues that region and nation are the two great influence factors in the process of forming Poya Folk Song. The paper introduces Funing County and Boai Town of generating Poya Folk Song, carries on the discussion from two aspects of geographical environment and national culture.lt is the magic of fertile soil and rich culture that gives Poya Folk Song be richly endowed by nature spirituality and vitality. Then, an overview of Poya Folk Song from four aspects, starting from the beautiful homes of Poya Folk Song geographical conditions and human environment of Poya village, then the main content and classification of Poya Folk Song stage, as well as the experts comment on Poya Folk Song.Then, discussing Poya Folk Song four forms, namely formal beauty, artistic beauty, natural beauty and society beauty.From the formal point of view, the beautiful things of Poya Folk Songs are at the aspects of material, color, line, form and shape. Among them, the selected materials with strong national long-term survival environmen, production and living, traditional customs and aesthetic psychology are closely related. There are three materials. First is the own woven white cloth piece, two feet long, one foot two wide; second, a self-made bamboo root, drawn as pen; third is a cactus fruit, getting the juice as pigment which is beautiful, strong, long-term storage does not fade. The drawing pattern strongly to a gaudy colours red composition, lines and smooth and soft, stable shape complete, concise and vivid.The natural beauty is one of the focus of this paper, Poya Folk Songs contains Zhuang ecological aesthetics in the dragon as a symbol of the interpretation of Zhuang, among them, offering dragon, respect life, animism cultural meaning, extend to the offering bovine soul, jellyfish chicken divination marriage Zhuang folk customs concerns and discussion. In the artistic beauty, the first analysis of the form Poya Folk Songs material medium contains the physical media and sound media and other related content. And then discuss its aesthetic characteristics:image. Among them, it is divided into the characters and objects in the image, which are concise, vivid, intuitive. The beauty of society covers the external and inner beauty, a variety of totem decorative beauty of the Zhuang costume and the beauty of material products of the Zhuang people created in the working life and so on discussion.Then, discussing Poya Folk Songs bringing aesthetic feeling, aesthetic feeling. Research on Poya Folk Songs aesthetic experience, expand from its aesthetic features, the game, interesting, literature into three characteristic of its aesthetics and corresponding exposition. Then discusses the aesthetic cognition, analyzes from two aspects of cognitive and perceptual cognition and rational cognition, highlights the aesthetic significance Poya Folk Songs contains.Finally, this problem on the practical and creation of Poya Folk Songs current in Poya people is discussed.Through the empirical study, the local scope of inheritance and development of Zhuang culture, timely investigation results are summarized, and put forward corresponding suggestions and countermeasures. At the same time, they are also stratified on inheritance propagation Poya Folk Songs current, Zhuang children practice and inheritance on Poya Folk Songs, not only sing a song but a group soul life passion display.It is the reproduction and recreation of the Zhuang culture.Poya Folk Songs enduring secret, lies in its birthplace of Zhuang culture which is a fertile soil.Funing County is a rich area of Zhuang culture, and still have lots of Zhuang Traditional custom. In Zhuang Folk Song’s inheritance is also becoming an independent school.They are in use20kinds of Zhuang folk tunes.Its rich, integrity are rare in other Zhuang minority area, even if born singer Liu Sanjie the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region also unmatched; Boai town is culture town with thousands of years of cultural heritage, for thousands of years the prevailing wind street has spawned countless beautiful Zhuang love songs; Poya village itself is beautiful, which contains simple folk custom, song prevailing wind. All the above reasons, the anemae core Poya Folk Songs and its formation, it is a historical necessity of Zhuang culture, region and nation phase to study.Poya Folk Songs itself, is a hitherto unknown text paradigm, which combines poetry, books, paintings, music as a whole.At the same time, it is also the Zhuang culture so far special text the one and only.His poems and romantic image, the book of primitive simplicity, its picture and its song are moving. And songs of Poya Folk Songs reflect the productive labor, ethnic customs, diet, clothing, freedom of religious rituals, ethics, emotion and so on series of culture, but also provides us with vast study space!

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

