

A Comparative Study on Ore-forming Setting and Metallogenic Regularity of Tengchong-Tanintharyi Tin-Tungsten Metallogenic Belt Across the Sino-Myanmar Border

【作者】 元春华

【导师】 翟裕生;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 锡钨是我国重要战略资源,“走出去”勘查开发锡钨矿产为我国资源可持续供应提供重要保障。本文以东南亚锡钨巨型成矿带的重要成矿地段—中缅边界腾冲-德林达依锡钨成矿带为主要研究对象,运用多学科、多信息资料集成及比较地质学方法,通过区域地质构造特征总结、典型矿床解剖,结合岩矿样品测试分析结果,开展研究区成矿背景和成矿规律对比研究,圈定找矿远景区,评价区域矿产资源潜力,为中国矿业企业进入缅甸和泰国进行锡钨勘查开发提供基础信息。系统收集了研究区与锡钨相关的地质矿产资料100余份,编制了研究区1:100万地质图,建立了研究区锡钨矿产地数据库,包含锡钨矿床点134处。对比分析了研究区花岗岩与锡钨成矿的关系,结合岩矿样品测试分析结果,提出S型花岗岩与锡钨成矿关系密切。实地研究境内外10个代表性矿床,较系统地总结了区域矿产的空间分布规律,以成矿的内在控制因素和矿产的空间展布为主线,结合地质构造背景条件,将研究区进一步划分了3个成矿带,分别为:腾冲-实皆-抹谷成矿带、三塔-拉廊成矿带和南奔-北碧成矿带。对研究区内的成矿时间演化进行了总结,认为研究区原生锡钨矿主要成矿期是侏罗纪-古近纪,残积-冲积型砂矿主要为第四纪,整个成矿带显示由南向北,由东向西,成矿时代由老到新的演变趋势。通过实地调查和成矿规律对比研究,圈定了5处境外找矿远景区,分别是:缅甸蒙米特-马打牙锡钨找矿远景区、缅甸彬文那-玫包锡钨找矿远景区、缅甸他颂央锡钨找矿远景区、缅甸-泰国比劳克锡钨矿找矿远景区和缅甸-泰国拉廊-万吉延锡钨找矿远景区。研究区内缅甸和泰国的矿产勘查和开发程度低,资源潜力较大,是我国“走出去”进行锡钨矿境外矿产勘查的有利地区。本文圈定的5处远景区可作为我国企业开展境外勘查的目标区,而研究获得的成矿规律认识对深入探索我国境内有关地区的锡钨矿成因也有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Tin and tungsten are significant strategic mineral resources in China. The exploration and development for tin and tungsten mineral resources in overseas target countries under the "Going-out" strategy can provide an important safeguard for China’s sustainable supply of resources. This paper has focused on the study of Tengchong-Tanintharyi tin-tungsten metallogenic belt across the Sino-Myanmar border, which is an important section of the giant Southeast Asian tin-tungsten metallogenic zone. By multidisciplinary information integration and geological comparison, the paper has summarized the regional geological structure features, analyzed the geological settings, and concluded the metallogenic regularities. With the results from the deep-probing anatomization of the typical mineral deposits, as well as the testing results of the rocks and mineral samples, the paper has also delineated the perspective prospecting targets and has evaluated the mineral resources potentials in the study areas. All these accomplishments have provided useful basic information for Chinese enterprises who are interested in tin and tungsten exploration and exploitation in Myanmar and Thailand as well as the neighboring areas.In this research, the author has systematically collected more than100items of geological and mineral resources data which are related to tin and tungsten resources of the study area, and has complied a sheet of1:1,000,000scale geological map, and has further constructed a tin-tungsten database for the study area which includes134tin-tungsten occurences and deposits. For theoretical research, the author has studied the relationship between granite rockbodies and the mineraliztaion of tin and tungsten; with the evidences from rocks and minerals testing results, the author concludes that S-type granite rockbodies show a closer relationship with the mineralization of tin and tungsten.The author has also researched ten domestic and overseas typical mineral deposits and systematically analyzed the regional spatial distribution regularites of the mineral resources in the study areas; according mainly to the internal ore-controlling factors and the spatial distribution of the mineral resources, as well as the geotectonic settings, the author has classified the study areas as the following3metallogenic belts:(1) Tengchong-Sagaing-Mogok Belt,(2) Three Pagodas-Ranong Belt, and (3) Lamphun-Kanchanaburi Belt. The author also concluded the temporal evolution of mineralization in the study area:the primary tin-tungsten metallogenic epoch is of Jurrasic-Paleogene; the eluvial-alluvial placer type metallogenesis is mainly of Quatenary; the metallogenic epochs of the whole metallogenic zone becomes younger from south to north and from east to west.According to field investigations and correlation of metallogenic regularities,5ore prospective areas were delineated, i.e. Mong Mit-Madaya W-Sn perspective area (in Myanmar), Pyinmana-Meibao W-Sn perspective area (in Myanmar), and Tha Sang Yang W-Sn perspective area (in Myanmar), Pilok W-Sn perspective area (from Myanmar to Thailand), and Ranong-Wan Guyenne W-Sn perspective area (from Myanmar to Thailand).The study area is of low degree of mineral exploration and resources exploitation; therefore, these areas have good mineral resources potentials. Right because of this, these areas are favorable choices for China’s mining companies, especially for exploring tin and tungsten resources. As for the5perspective targets delineated in this paper, China’s mining companies are encouraged to extend their activites in these areas. Understanding of metallogenic regularities obtained through the study has reference significance to probe the genesis of tin and tungsten resources within the territory of China.

  • 【分类号】P618.44;P618.67
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】213
  • 攻读期成果

