

Research on the Roof Disaster and Its Control Technique during Full Zone Mining in Ultra Close Coal Seams by Similar Simulation

【作者】 李建璞

【导师】 秦跃平;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 层间距很近的近距离煤层开采有单一煤层开采、分层开采和合层一次采全高开采等方式。本文通过对山西某矿超近距离9号和10号煤层合层开采的相关技术参数进行研究,得出了合层开采的可行性。通过实验室力学实验的测定,得出近距离上层9号煤顶板为坚硬顶板,后通过现场监测得出10号煤层31001工作面矿压规律及材料巷变形特征,后通过计算机数值模拟研究了单层和合层开采之间工作面老顶来压步距、围岩破坏范围、应力分布等方面的差异,最后通过相似模拟实验研究了合层开采工作面矿山压力显现的规律和特征,得出了合层开采过程中的老顶初次来压和周期来压步距、工作面围岩应力分布特征等数据,并与数值模拟结果相互验证。在此基础上,结合大采高合层开采工作面的特征,提出了防治合层开采工作面顶板灾害的技术措施,并进一步分析了工作面水灾、火灾、瓦斯和粉尘防治的一般措施。最终通过经济比较,得出合层开采在技术和经济上都可行,并可在相似矿井进行推广。

【Abstract】 There are several methods to exploit the close distance coal seams, for example, to exploit only one of the close seams, to exploit in slices, to exploit as a whole coal seam, and so on. This dissertation studies on the possibility and techniques of full zone mining in close coal seam No.9and No.10, and compares the full zone mining with the former one seam mining. It gets the superiority of full zone mining and analyzed the security problems of full zone mining and the points that should be paid attention during the exploitation. The underground pressure of the coal seam No.10is not very high, which is also not special, and the current support method can meet the working face’s demand. While the full zone mining is more complicated than the single coal seam mining, and the hard roof causes a higher working face pressure, which needs a stronger support strength and support techniques. The technique of full zone mining working face is similar with it of large height mining, and the preparing of major equipments and organization of producing techniques is also the same. After the on-site underground pressure observation, numerical simulation and similarity simulation experiments, the exploiting method, working face’s support parameter, and security technology related are acquired.


