

【作者】 白秀英

【导师】 姚远;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 科学技术史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 科学史上,爱因斯坦1905年创立的划时代的狭义相对论,使牛顿力学和电动力学相互协调,提出了时间、空间与运动的相对性关系,揭示了质量与能量的统一,建立了以实验事实为基础的适用于全部物理学和自然科学的新的相对时空理论,成为物理学、自然科学和哲学史上一次最伟大的科学革命。狭义相对论与10年之后爱因斯坦创立的广义相对论,在科学史上矗立了一座巍峨而永恒的丰碑。该理论在五四运动时期全面传入中国并迅速被接纳,深刻影响了国人的科学观、宇宙观和人生观,对中国近代科学尤其是物理学的发展产生了巨大影响。笔者在戴念祖、胡大年等学者已有研究成果的基础上,调查统计了1949年前介绍爱因斯坦狭义相对论、广义相对论、宇宙学的相关原始期刊文献135篇,译著、专著、工具书、教科书、传记等22部,基于新发现的《同济杂志》《国立武汉大学理科季刊》《北京大学日刊》《观象丛报》《北洋周刊》等10余种民国期刊原始文献的考证,结果表明:(1)在中国,爱因斯坦的狭义相对论传入时间正如戴念祖、胡大年等所言是1917年。但是,爱因斯坦广义相对论、宇宙观传入中国则是1920年。因此,相对论全面传入中国是1920年。(2)在中国,1949年前传播和研究相对论的先驱除李芳柏、夏元瑮、周昌寿、魏嗣銮、周培源和束星北外,通过大量原始史料考证,还有留学日本的文元模、吴南薰以及留学德国的潘祖武、留学美国并游学欧美的胡宁、留学法国的程茂兰和田渠。(3)在中国,爱因斯坦相对论的第一本译著是夏元瑮编译、商务印书馆出版的《相对论浅说》,该译著曾是20世纪30至40年代中国20所大学相对论课程教学用书。第一部国人编写的相对论教科书则是湖南大学田渠在其所授相对论课程讲义基础上编著的《相对论》,该书曾在台湾再版6次。笔者独辟蹊径,从科学传播视角勾绘出相对论经由期刊在中国传播的脉络,提出以下新观点:(1)1949年前相对论在中国的传播经历了三个时期。第一个时期是1917年至1920年,爱因斯坦的狭义相对论、广义相对论、宇宙观等零星引进中国,改变了国人的科学观、时空观和宇宙观。第二个时期是1920年至1928年,由于受到五四运动、罗素访华、爱因斯坦途径上海以及来自日本的“爱因斯坦波”的影响,相对论在中国的传播达到高潮。第三个时期是1928年至1949年,中国学者开始通过高等物理教育学习相对论,通过留学欧美研究、验证相对论学理,在广义相对论、宇宙观和统一场的研究方面做出了科学贡献,中国人开始步入到国际上后相对论研究的近代物理学前沿领域。(2)1949年前在中国传播和研究相对论的学者主要是留学欧美和日本的归国留学生,他们以北京、上海、武汉三个城市为中心,通过邀请罗素、爱因斯坦等西方科学名人来华等活动,借助报纸、期刊、图书等媒介介绍爱因斯坦相对论,以发行专号、举办学术演讲、编译图书以及编写教材、教学等传播相对论学理,使相对论成为20世纪20年代影响中国社会发展的科学事件,让学术最幼稚的国人,也无人不知这相对论名词,深刻影响了国人科学观、时空观和宇宙观的形成。(3)相对论在中国的传播,首先是由留日学生在国外盲目习得并引入中国,继而是国入主动出国学习并将之引入高等物理学课程体系,最后是积极参与研究、发展爱因斯坦的相对论学理。中国人毫无质疑的接纳、吸收相对论并迅速纳入到物理课程体系中,促进了理论物理学作为一门独立学科在中国的兴起,大大缩短了我国高等物理教育与世界物理前沿的距离。(4)相对论1949年前迅速在中国传播,受到第一次世界大战的国际社会背景、中国五四新文化运动的政治因素以及在国外接受了系统科学知识和科学方法,力图“科学救国”的大批归国留学生等诸多社会因素的影响。而爱因斯坦在中国以及相对论在中国的传播反过来又影响了中国的科学教育,尤其是影响了高等物理学系的创建、物理学系的课程设置等,促进并完善了中国高等物理教育的体制化建设与发展。

【Abstract】 The theory of relativity is about the motion of matter and the time and space theory, is one of the important theory foundation of modern physics and science and technology. Its establishment is one of the greatest discovery in twentieth Century of science, has a far-reaching influence on physics, astronomy and philosophy. The theory is introduced to China in1917, influenced by the western learning spreading to the East and five four new culture movement, the Chinese people rapidly without any doubt accept this theory, and then transmission and absorption, become the western scientific theory in the typical case of Chinese communication, he profoundly change our view of science, cosmology and view of life, have a great effect on Modern Chinese society and the modernization of education.The author based on the newly discovered TUNG-CHI-MONATSSCHRIFT, National Wuhan University of Science Quarterly, Journal of Peking University, Northern Weekly,Science and other periodical literature of a large number of original documents and secondary literature as background,from physics history, history of ideas, communication history, history and other periodicals perspective, outlining the context of relativistic spread in China. The results showed that:(1) In China, Einstein’s special theory of relativity incoming time as Dai Nianzu, said Hu Danian in1917. However, Einstein’s general theory of relativity, cosmology is introduced to China in1920. February1920,"Oriental magazine" edited by Hu Yuzhi entitled "gravitational attraction of the new light that can be said," Einstein’s theory of general relativity was first introduced in1919and first reported total solar eclipse experiments verify the results. In the same year, students studying Wenyuan die in the "Arts" published "because modern scientific revolutionaries Aiyinsitai new cosmology", the first time Einstein limited boundless universe into China. So far, Einstein’s special theory of relativity, general relativity, cosmology fully into China.(2) In China, Relativity,the Special and the General Theory(Popular Exposition) which was the first translation Einstein’s theory of relativity by Xia Yuan-li, Theory of Relativity wasThe first Chinese university textbooks which was Compiled by Tian Qu. Xia Yuan-li was Einstein’s students, who followed Albert Einstein at the Berlin University in1919-1921, he translated the popularity of Einstein’s theory of relativity edited Reader in the spring of1921, April1922,Relativistic Explanation which was first edition by the Commercial Press, Xia Yuan-li added Einstein’s cosmological and Biography in this book, This translation book was textbook by Department of Physics before1948years, Theory of Relativity was compiled by Tian Qu and published by the middle of the field drainage bookstore in1948, the book has reprinted six times in Taiwan, Theory of Relativity is the first relativistic Chinese textbook.(3) In China,1949years ago, the pioneer of the theory of relativity dissemination and research in addition to Hu Danian said of Li Fang-bai, Xia Yuan-li, Zhou Chang-shou, Wei Si-luan, Zhou Pei-yuan and Shu Xing-bei, through an analysis of a large number of historical data, complementing the studied in Japan Wen Yuan-mo, Wu Nan-xun, Zheng zhen-wen and study in the U.S. and Europe study Tour Hu Ning, studying in France Cheng Mao-Lan and Tian Qu.By supplementing the relevant historical documents, combing Einstein’s theory of relativity was spreading in China context, the author of the previous studies based on the following observations:(1)1949years ago, Relativity dissemination and development in China has gone through three periods. The first period was from1917to1920, Einstein’s theory of special and general, cosmology etc. was comprehensive introduction in China. The second period was from1920to1928, due to the May Fourth Movement, Russell’s visited to China, as well as Einstein pathway Shanghai from Japan and "Einstein wave of Japan effected, relativistic spread in China reached a climax. The third period is from1928to1949, Chinese scholars began through the system of higher education and learning relativistic physics courses, study abroad in Europe and America through research, validate theoretical relativity, general relativity, cosmology and unified field of research to make a scientific contribution.(2)1949years ago, dissemination and research scholars in China had studied abroad Japan or Europe and America. By the author of the historical data analysis and statistics, spread relativistic scholar in China had studied abroad in Europe and America had Xia Yuan-li, He Yu-jie, Wei Si-luan, Gao Lu, Xu Zhi-mo,Yang Quan, Wang Guang-qi, Wang Chong-zhi, Shen Yi, Wu Zhao-hao, spread relativistic scholar in China who Xu Chong-qing, Li Fang-bai, Zhou Chang-shou, Wen Yuan-mo, Wu Nan-xun, Pan zu-wu, Zheng Zhen-Wen, Zhang Yi-Hui, etc. had studied abroad in Japan, after they returned home through faculty lectures, speeches relativity, or editing and publishing periodicals and books, etc. make a contribution in accepted and studied relativity. The scholar as Zhou Pei-Yuan, Hu Ning, Shu Xing-bei, Cheng Mao-Lan also had a history of study in Europe, in the international phase of the study after the theory of relativity, make a contribution in development Einstein’s theory of relativity. Study of relativistic spread in China for a strong case support which Overseas Students make great contribution for development of natural science in China.(3)1949years ago, spread relativity in China was is Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan as the center of the country in the process.Xia Yuan-li, He Yu-jie, Zhang Yi-Hui, Wen-yuan mo,and Zhou Pei-Yuan etc.was professor at Peking University or Beijing Higher Normal School (predecessor of Beijing Normal University) or Tsinghua University introduced relativity through lectures, teaching, published an article (Beijing University Journal etc.) or the publication of books,Zhou Chang-shou, Xia Yuan-li, Zheng Zhen-Wen, Wei Si-luan and Shu Xing-bei etc. introduced relativity in Shanghai through Eastern magazine,Young China, LA REKONSTRUO, Wisscn und Wissenschaft and other periodicals, they was teached relativity in Da Xia University, Tong ji University, Fu dan University, Zhe jiang University and Shanghai Jiaotong University; while who was teached relativity as Li Fang-bai, Wu Nan-xun, Pan Zu-wu and Zheng Ya-yu etc. in the Wuchang Higher Normal School (predecessor of Wuhan University), Wuhan University, Wuchang Higher Normal School Mathematics and Physics Association and Quarterly Journal of Wuhan University of Science became dissemination relativistic major journals. Theory of relativity in China’s geographical spread of these scholars is the city where the center, and gradually to the northwest and southeast extension of the process.(4)1949years ago, Chinese people accepted the theory of relativity was very rapid Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Maxwell’s major works in1910was still not a fully introduced into China. With the spread of classical mechanics in China compared to the relativistic time incoming Chinese fast (only15years to fully introduction), transmission extensive (journals, books, visit, study and other means), disseminate diverse content (translation with, scientific papers, scientific drama, biographies and other forms), communication impact is large (up to the scientists, down to the ordinary people, no wonder the relativity of the term), spread with remarkable results (eight years later in1928, Zhou Pei-yuan published research papers of general relativity in the American Mathematical Monthly). And the Chinese people is no doubt accepted in full, and quickly incorporated into the physical education curriculum of higher, allowing Chinese Higher Physical Education began to enter into the realm of modern physics in the1920s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

