

Study on Construction of Ecological City Based on Material-energy Metabolism

【作者】 沈丽娜

【导师】 马俊杰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 自然地理学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市人口日渐增多,人口密度日趋增加,在这样一个人口高度集中,人工建成环境为主导的现代城市中,人们从大自然中摄取的能源和材料越来越多,向自然生态系统中排放的废物远超过其负荷承载能力,致使城市周围环境恶化、资源枯竭,自然生态系统退化,城市生态系统代谢失衡。本文试图从城市物能代谢研究入手,通过城市物质和能量代谢过程和机理分析,寻求城市物质流和能量流的生态化途径,为生态城市建设提供依据。本文在国内外城市物质流、能量流的发展动态和国内外生态城市建设的基础上,参照欧盟统计局《物质流账户及指标—方法导则》和国际能流图,构建了中观层面的城市物质流、能量流分析框架;提出了城市物质流、能量流生态化评价指标体系和评价方法;以西安为例进行了西安市2001—2010年物质流和2011年能量流分析,绘制了西安市2010年物质流全景和2011年能流图;开展了西安市2001—2010年物质流生态化和2011年能量流生态化评价;最后从城市规划角度探讨了西安市生态化建设的途径和对策。具体研究结论包括以下几个方面:(1)城市物质流分析。构建了适合城市层面的物质流分析框架以及核算指标。对西安2001~2010年的物质流进行初步分析,绘制了西安市物质流的全景图。并从资源投入量、污染物排放量、物质消耗强度、污染物排放强度、物质生产力、资源效率和环境效率七个方面对西安市物质流进行分析,得出西安市近十年来物质流的发展趋势。结果表明,西安市近十年来。物质消耗强度不断加快,污染物排放强度稳步增加。(2)城市能量流分析。本文研究了城市能流图的绘制,在此基础上对西安市2011年能源数据进行了统计、分析、计算和研究,绘制出西安市2011年能源平衡表和西安市能源流动图,并且通过能流图分析西安市能源利用现状,首先,西安市能源消费以煤炭和石油为主,可持续能源利用较少;其次,西安四大能源消费终端(民商和交通47%、工业占31%、交通运输占20%)消耗能源量多,利用效率低;最后从减少工业、民用商用和交通运输能耗提出解决这一问题的建议,从而为基于能量流动角度建设西安生态城市提出新的可参考方法。(3)城市物质生态化研究。在物质流组成与特点分析的基础上,根据“人口一社会一经济复合生态系统”理论和“压力-状态-响应”模型,依据物质流生态化方案提出其评价指标体系。并运用群组层次分析法,建立了一套完整的城市物质流生态化建设指标体系。对西安市2001~2010年物质流生态化情况进行评价,结果表明,西安市物质生态化健康发展;最后,提出了城市生态化建设的生物物质、金属矿物、工业矿物、建筑材料、污染物等的生态化途径与方法。(4)城市能量生态化研究。通过西安市能量流动图的分析研究,建立了城市能源供应、能源加工转换、终端消费部门和终端用能效率为二级指标的评价体系。对西安市的能流角度城市生态化建设进行了综合评分,得出结论西安市属于能流角度城市生态化建设的后期准备阶段。指出了西安市能量流动中存在能源结构不合理,可持续能源开发利用度低,能源的利用效率低等问题。提出了城市能源供应体制生态化、供热供电生态化、能源副产品资源化利用、能源利用生态化四个方面的能源生态化途径与方法。(5)结合物质流和能量流的城市空间生态化研究。按照输入(资源)和输出(废物)都最小化的原则提出了城市的生态环境循环系统。从能量流动的角度提出了西安在城市生态化建设的过程中应完善城市道路交通体系;优化土地利用模式;完善空间景观格局;对城市余气余热的回收利用、中水循环使用:大力发展节能建筑。从物质流动的角度提出了西安城市生态化建设的过程中应对城市固体废弃物进行综合利用;产业集群生态化,减少产品生产过程中对物质、能量的浪费;从意识形态的角度转变人们的传统观念,形成人与自然和谐相处的伦理道德观念。

【Abstract】 Along with the increasing rate of urbanization in our country, the population living in cities are gradually growing.The population density is increased. In such a highly concentrated modern city, which is mainly directed by artificial built-environment, people are importing more and more resource from the nature, while exporting wastes which highly excess the load-capacity of the natural ecological system, leading to the environmental degradation in the surrounding area, resource depletion, degradation of natural ecosystem and imbalance of urban ecosystem metabolism. Based on the study of material and energy metabolism, through the analysis of the process and mechanism of material and energy metabolism, seek the ecological way of material and energy flow in city, provide the basis for the construction of ecological city.Based on the sufficient analysis and study of dynamic development about urban metabolism, material flow and energy flow together with the present situation of eco-city construction at home and abroad. According to Eurostat "material flow account and index-Guidelines" and international energy flow chart, Construct the flow analysis framework of material and energy flow; Put forward the evaluation index system and evaluation method in ecological of material and energy flow; Analysis material flow in2001-2010and energy flow in2011of Xi’an, Draw material flows overall view in2010and energy flow chart in201of Xi’an City; Conduct ecological evaluation of material flow from2001to2010and energy flow in2011of Xi’an; Finally discusses the approaches and Countermeasures of ecological construction of Xi’an. Specific research conclusions include the following:(1) Analysis of Urban Material Flow. Material flow in Xi’an from2001to2010are analyzed. Material flow structure in city scale and calculation indicators are established and modified to get adaptive to the situation in Xi’an. The material flow in Xi’an are analyzed from seven respects, namely quantity of imported resources, quantity of pollutants, intensity of material consumption, intensity of discharged pollutants, material productivity, resource efficiency and environmental efficiency, which contributed to the drawing of panoramic picture showing material flow in Xi’an. It is indicated that the industrial structure needs further adjustment to meet the requirements for the construction of ecological city.(2) Analysis of Urban Energy Flow. Based on the analysis of energy flow diagram, energy data in Xi’an from2001to2010are collected, analyzed, calculated and studied, resulting in the drawing of energy balance table and energy flow diagram for Xi’an. At the same time, the present situation of energy utilization in Xi’an is analyzed through energy flow diagram, which implies the first four end-consumers of energy, including industry, Commercial energy use and transportation, as well as low energy utilization efficiency. Suggestions, related to urban planning, are made to resolve these problems and thus new referable methods can be proposed for the construction of eco-city in Xi’an from the perspective of energy flow.(3) The Study about Material Ecologicalization in City. According to the theory of "population-society-economy compound ecological system" and the model of" pressure-state-response", based on the composition and characteristics of material flow, the indicator-system for assessing ecologicolization of urban materials are proposed in accordance with the scheme of material ecologicalization scheme. Moreover, an integrative indicator-system for ecological construction of urban material flow is built up by applying group analytical hierarchy process. The situation of material-flow ecologicalization in Xi’an from2001to2010is evaluated in this paper. In addition, methods and approaches for the construction of eco-city, regarding to biomass, metal minerals, industrial minerals, architectural materials, pollutants etc, are raised(4) The Study about Energy Ecologicalization In City. Through the analysis of energy flow diagram in Xi’an, Established city energy supply, energy processing and conversion, the terminal consumer sector and Energy End-use efficiency is two level evaluation index system. After giving comprehensive score to the ecological construction in Xi’an from the perspective of energy flow, the conclusion, that Xi’an is on the late stage of ecological construction from the energy flow perspective, is reached. There are several problems existing in the present situation of energy flow process in Xi’an:the energy structure is unreasonable, the utilization rate of sustainable energy is low, the energy consumption efficiency is disappointing, etc. Methods about modification for ecology of energy supply system, ecology of energy for heat and electricity supply, utilization of energy byproduct and cascade utilization of energy are all put forward in this paper.(5) The Study of Urban Space Ecologicalization Integrating Material flow and Energy Flow. In accordance with the principle of minimizing the inputs(resources) and output(waste), the circulation system of ecological environment in city is proposed. From the perspective of energy flow, it is suggested that, during the process of ecological construction in Xi’an, urban transportation system should be perfected; land use pattern should be optimized; spatial landscape structure should be consummated; the redundant air and heat should be recycled and reused together with the reclaimed water; and energy-efficient building should be highly developed. From the perspective of material flow, comprehensive utilization of solid waste, ecologicalization of industry cluster, reduction the waste of material and energy during the producing process are proposed. The ethical and moral concept about the harmony between human and nature can be reach by altering the traditional view from ideological perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

