

【作者】 石红溶

【导师】 常云昆; 王忠民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 西方经济学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,外出农民工为城市经济发展做出了巨大贡献,却难以在城市获得就业、居住、社保、子女教育等方面的平等权利,大多数农民工未能在城市实现稳定定居。这是我国城乡收入差距过大、内需增长乏力的根本原因。多数学者将城市劳动力市场分割体制的原因归结为户籍制度的存在。进入新世纪以来,各级政府在一定层面推进了户籍制度改革,采取了不少有利于农民工的政策措施,尽管取得了一定的成效,但农民工仍不能完全享有大中城市的市民化待遇。本文认为,在现有体制下,地方政府为农民工提供公共产品的意愿与财力不足,是农民工在城市难以获得市民化待遇的根本原因。改变地方政府行为模式及其激励机制是解决农民工问题的突破口。在经济分权体制下,各级地方政府产生了独立的经济利益,具有推动经济增长的强烈动机。1994年分税制改革后,财权上收,支出责任下放,地方政府更有动力在扩大财源、促进经济增长的同时,限制公共支出的范围和力度。为了推动经济高速增长,城市政府需要农民工进城从事城里人不愿做或者不具有比较优势的工作,如许多劳动力密集型产业与服务性工作。同时,为了不增加公共产品的供给责任,通过继续执行带有计划经济特征的城乡分割体制,严格限定公共品供给的人群范围。即在利用农民工经济价值的同时尽量不增加对其的支出责任和公共服务水平,从而形成对农民工既利用又限制的制度安排与政策取向。这是农民工大量进城却难以在城市定居下来的根源。在地方政府利益最大化动机与财政分权制度框架约束下,存在两类对农民进城定居具有不同影响的制度体系。一类构成农民工进城定居的制度障碍,即由户籍制度等城乡分割制度决定的城市二元教育、医疗、社会保障、住房、就业制度。另一类是对农民进城具有支持性作用的制度体系,包括改革以来逐步建立并趋于完善的市场制度环境,相对灵活的劳动用工制度,是农民工进城的经济动因和制度条件。支持性制度体系与阻碍性制度体系共同作用的结果,形成目前农民工进城就业的微观制度结构。这一结构决定了农民工在城市的现实境遇:暂时性就业几乎不受限制,农民工已经实现了在全国范围内的大规模流动;在某些地区出现劳工供给不足即“民工荒”时,当地政府还可能出台一些鼓励性措施。但从总体上看来,农民工市民化的制度与政策措施缺失,人口城市化的深度不足,农民工难以融入城市主流社会。这些制度安排的缺失导致农民工对未来的收入和经济地位缺乏稳定的预期,多数处于流动状态而非在城市定居下来。人力资本积累不足,消费水平偏低,储蓄倾向过高。通过确立事权与财权相统一的原则,改变地方政府的行为激励,强化中央政府的支出责任,加快阻碍农民工市民化的微观制度体系的改革,进一步完善支撑农民工市民化的支持性制度体系,才能改变农民工在城市的不利处境,逐步消解城乡二元结构。本文的创新之处在于:(1)本文得出分权体制下的地方政府行为是农民工限制性制度得以维持和固化的根源。突破了以往狭隘的研究视角与思维方式,找到了农民工制度长期维持的路径和关键所在。(2)现有文献通常只侧重农民工限制性制度的研究,本文通过研究财政分权体制和中国地方政府行为,指出在现行制度与政策规约下,农民工面临的双重制度安排,即限制性制度安排和支持性制度并存,是农民工进城的基本制度结构。(3)本文阐述了深度城市化的制度基础,通过实证分析指出地方政府行为对深度城市化的影响,提出了实现深度城市化的制度与政策措施,提出了完整的深度城市化的理论体系。(4)提出改革财政分权体制,改革转移支付制度,激励地方政府为农民工提供公共服务。完善农民工支持性制度体系,重构农民工进城的微观制度基础,才能改变农民工在城市的不利处境,逐步消解城乡二元结构。

【Abstract】 Since China implemented its reform and opening up policies, migrant workers made great contribution for economic development of urban area, but it is difficult to obtain the equal rights in employment, residence, social security, education of children and other aspects, most of migrant workers do not realize to settle down stably in cities. This is at the root of income gap in urban and rural, and lacking growth in domestic demand.Most scholars think the segmentation system of urban labor market due to the existence of the household registration system. Since the beginning the new century, government at all levels have push forward reform of the household registration system for some degree, taken a lot of measures to promote employment for migrant workers. Although they have achieved some results, migrant workers can’t obtain equal right of social welfare and public service no less than cities people, so they can’t settle down in large and medium-sized cities.The article reviews in the existing system, migrate workers can’t settle down in the cities due to the local government lack of financial resources to provide public products. The breakthrough to solve the problems of migrant workers is changing the behavior model and incentive mechanism of the local government.In the economic system of decentralization, the local governments at all levels produce the independent economic interests and the strong motivation of promoting economic growth. After the tax reform in1994, central authority take back fiscal rights on income and devolve the responsibility, so local government have more impetus in expanding the financial resources and promote economic growth, at the same time limiting the scope and the force of public spending.In order to promote economic growth, the government in cities need migrant workers engaged to the works that urbanite do not want to do or it do not have a comparative advantage, such as labor-intensive industry and service jobs; on the other hand, In order not to increase the supply of public products liability, government limit strictly the scope of public product supply through continue the economic features of urban and rural segmentation system. In other words, the local government take advantage of migrant workers’ the economic value at the same time reduce the expending responsibility and public service as far as possible, so as to form the system and policy orientation of exploit and restrictions to migrant workers, which is the root of difficult to settle down in the cities.Under the restriction of local government maximizing the interests and the fiscal decentralization, there is two types system on the migrant workers settling down in the cities. One system constitutes a barrier to migrant workers settling down in the cities, that is the dual system determined by household registration and rural-urban segmentation such as education, health care, social security, housing, employment system. The other is a supportive system for migrant workers into the cities, including the market system established gradually since the reform and relatively flexible labor employment system is the economic motivation and institutional conditions of the migrant workers flocking to cities.The result of supporting system and hindering system form the microscopic structure for employment of migrant workers in cities. This structure determines the reality of the situation of migrant workers in the city:temporary employment is almost unlimited, migrant workers has been achieved in the country’s large-scale flow; in some areas, when they lack of labor supply what is called "labor shortage", the local government may also take some incentive measure.However, from the overall opinion, the institutional and policy measures for urbanizing of migrant workers still lack, the depth of the population urbanization is insufficient, migrant workers are difficult to integrate into the urban mainstream society. The lack of these institutional arrangements leads to migrant workers lacking stable expectations of future income and economic status, the majority in the flow state rather than settling down in the city. The institutional arrangements may also make accumulation of human capital deficiency, consumption on the low level, tendency of savings too high.Only by establishing a beneficial institution and policy arrangement for migrant workers and the depth of urbanization, can we really solve the problems of migrant workers in China. First, by establishing the principle of the unity of rights and financial power, reforming the fiscal decentralization system, adjusting the financial relationship between the central and local government, reforming the system of transfer payments, reconstructing and improving the evaluation system of local government, change the local government behavior patterns and incentives, stimulate local governments provide equal public services for migrant workers.Second, the local government need improve public expenditure responsibility for migrant workers. The central government may enact a policy of equal employment laws and regulations in the aspects of the basic education, social security, affordable housing and so on, to share the cost of city government, establish the internet-based information and payment system covering urban and rural, transfer and continue the social security system.Third, through a series of institutional change and legislative reform, it is necessary to re-construct the relationship between local government and the migrant workers, to guarantee the basic rights for migrant workers.In short, only by reforming the system of impeding migrant workers settle down in cities, improving supportive institutional system for them, re-constructing the micro-institutional basis for them enter into cities, can local government change the unfavorable situation of migrant workers in cities, gradually eliminate the urban-rural dual structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

