

【作者】 胡世強

【导师】 賈三強;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中國古代文學, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 明代十五世紀文學研究,主要指明代明惠帝建文朝(1399-1402)、明成祖永樂朝(1403-1424)、明仁宗洪熙朝(1425)、明宣宗宣德朝(1426-1435)、明英宗正統朝(1436-1449)、明代宗景泰朝(1450-1457)、明英宗天順朝(1457-1464)、明憲宗成化朝(1465-1487)、明孝宗弘治朝(1488-1505)。因文學發展不可能截然而分的特性使然,加之一些作家成長和世代累積型作品的特殊性,寬泛而言均有超出十五世紀的時間斷限。本時期内明朝在君主政治統治和思想控制強化總體背景下,到了正統十四年(1449)“土木堡之變”,從鼎盛進入轉折階段,皇帝執政懈怠、宦官用事、內閣領導力削弱,王朝控制力下降。理學出現“白沙心學”,世風變遷,文人心態也與王朝產生疏離。文學領域因文學自身體裁、觀念,作者身份、經歷、創作態度,受社會環境影響程度等諸多因素作用下,各種文體經歷了不同的發展面貌。詩文方面,由永樂至正統年間歌頌國家太平盛世的臺閣體,到成化、弘治年間出現了在朝文人重天真興致的茶陵派、在野文人重自然真性情的山林派,以及于謙、郭登、韓雍個性作家,詩文轉向吟詠個人性情。詞和散曲方面,因其感而多思、失意牢騷的作家心態減弱,本時期總體較為沉寂。但在成化、弘治年間,南京樂王陳鐸詞曲兼擅,馬洪詞含吐珠玉,吴中沈周、唐寅以詞和散曲才情自娱,詞和散曲逐漸有所起色。在本時期發展過程中,詞雅、曲俗界限也逐漸淡化。小說方面,長篇小說出現了蔣大器《三國志通俗演義序》針對歷史演義類的專門批評;文言短篇小說出現了李昌祺的《剪燈餘話》、趙弼的《效顰集》;文言中篇小說出現了李昌祺的《賈雲華遗魂記》、邱濬的《鍾情麗集》。本時期小說創作和批評既推動了小說的發展,又與戲曲相互作用,小說的影響力進一步擴大。戲曲方面,在雜劇逐漸形成宮廷、藩王、文學侍從雜劇的同時,南戲的影響力逐漸擴大。南戲在吸取雜劇規範化的基礎上,在成化、弘治年間邱濬《五倫全備記》和邵璨《香囊記》的出現,標誌着南戲發展演變為明傳奇。明傳奇逐漸成為明清戲曲代表。而在此過程中,南戲從民間逐步變為文人傳奇。之後,文人傳奇又逐漸案頭化,成為重要的文學樣式。藩王身份特殊,非君、非民,又與一般大臣不同,自成體系,本時期朱權、朱有燉創作別屬一類。朱有燉和朱權散曲較為典雅,雜劇多節令慶壽劇、神仙道化劇、節義教化劇,注重宏大的場面,體現了藩王受政令影響較多、生活優越以及逃避現實的無奈心境。在重視全局,注重文學本位和文學批評及文學傳播的關照下,考察明代十五世紀文學,既有對前代的模仿、改编、文獻的保存,又有新的作品創作,並有對後世作家的培育、文學理論的啟發、文學創作的引領之功。在此過程中,既有文學内部各種體裁發展不盡一致性;也有總體從貴族化審美、民間化審美逐步走向文人化審美的趨勢;在作家個人情志與所處時代社會以及文學規範化相適應過程中,文人文學逐漸發展,將貴族化強力色彩和民間粗糙感逐漸退去,從而更具有文學藝術審美特徵。當然本時期文學也存在諸多不足。但是,文學發展不單純是簡單的“進化論”和藝術水平高低決定論所能涵蓋。以“同情心”研究文學,通過考察時代社會環境、作家個人身份和經歷、各種文體所在歷史發展階段,本時期最終呈現在文學領域中的作家、作品有着時代特徵之外,也有文學演變的繼承、發展意義。

【Abstract】 The researches on Ming Dynasty of15th century literature mainly refer to Ming Hui Emperor Jianwen Dynasty (1399-1402), Ming Cheng Emperor Yongle Dynasty(1403-1424),Ming Ren Emperor Hongxi Dynasty(1425), Ming Xuan Emperor Xuande Dynasty(1426-1435), Ming Ying Emperor Zhengtong Dynasty (1436-1449),Ming Dai Emperor Jingtai Dynasty(1450-1457),Ming Ying Emperor Tianshun Dynasty (1457-1464), Ming Xian Emperor Chenghua Dynasty (1465-1487),Ming Xiao Emperor Hongzhi Dynasty(1488-1505) in Ming Dynasty. Since the characteristic of literary development is impossibly diametrically dictated, researches are off limits beyond the time of the15th century, when they are combined with the growth of a lot of writers and the special nature of the works of generations. Under the background of political rule and ideological control of the monarchy to strengthen, this period of the Ming Dynasty to Zhengtong Fourteen years (1449)"Tu Mubao" entered its turning point. Emperor’s ruling slacked while eunuch strengthened and the Cabinet leadership weakened. The dynasty’s controlling declined, Chen Bai-sha’s appeared in Confucianism, and social atmosphere changed,literati mentality generated the centrifugal force of dynasty. Literature for literature’s own styles, ideas, the author identity, experience, creative attitude and the social environment influenced, such as various stylistic, have experienced different development outlook under the influence of many factors.In terms of poetry and prose, from extolling the nation of the peace and prosperity of the officialece style in Yongle and Zhengtong Dynasty, to the officers of Chaling Group literati paying attention to naive interest and no-officers of the Chen-Chuang Group literati paying attention to naturally true in the Chenghua and Hongzhi Dynasty, and at the same time there appeared other personalized writers, such as Yu Qia、Guo Teng、Han Yong. Poetry changed to personal temperament.In terms of Ci and Sanqu, this period was overall more silent because of the losing of its sense of frustration and discontent. But Ci and Sanqu, as Chen Duo, Mahong, Shen Zhou,Tang Yin gradually improved in the Chenghua and Hongzhi Dynasty. In the process of development in this period, the boundaries between Ci and Sanqu gradually faded.In terms of fiction, there appeared novels such as Jiang Daqi’s "Three Kingdoms Criticizing " criticizing historical novels, classical short stories such as Li Changqi’s "Jian Deng Yu Hua" and Zhao Bi "Xiao Pin Ji", classical novella such as Li Changqi’s "Jia Yunhua Resurrection" and Qiu Jun’s" Zhong Qing Li Ji". This period novel creation and criticism has not only promoted the development of the novel but also interacted with the opera. Fiction influenced further.In terms of opera, the influence of Southern Opera gradually expanded as the miscellaneous drama gradually formed the court,prince mansion, literary attendants. On the basis of standardized lessons miscellaneous drama, Qiu Jun’s "Wu Lun Quan Bei Ji" and Shao Can’s "Xiang Nang Ji" marked the Southern Opera evolution to Ming Romance in Chenghua and Hongzhi Dynasty. Ming legend gradually became the representative of the Ming and Qing opera. During this process, the Southern Opera’s gradually became civilian literati literature and an important literary style.The regional Prince identity was special and did not belong to a class of self-contained.Sanqu of Zhu Youdun and Zhu Quan were more elegant. Their miscellaneous drama were more festive celebration, mythology and morality, affecting more of order, superior life and avoiding from reality.Attaching great importance to the global focus in literariness,literary criticism and communication, studying of15th century literature in the Ming Dynasty imitates, adapts and preserves literature of previous generations. At the same time, there are cultivation to later writers, inspired literary theory as well as leading to literary creation. In this process, both literary internal development of various characteristics are not consist, and the overall literary aesthetic has a general tendency from the aristocrat and civilian aesthetic towards literati aesthetic. In the process of author’s personality with time of modern society and literature standardization, the literati literature gradually developed. The strong color of aristocrat and civil rough gradually receded so that there are more literary and aesthetic characteristics.The literature of the period, of course, existed many deficiencies. However, the development of literature is neither a simple "evolution" nor the artistic level of determinism. Studying literature with "compassion", by investigating the social environment, the individual identity and experience of writers, there are the inheritance of literary evolution and development significance. All kinds of writers and works in literary field have both features of the era and the heritance of the literary development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

