

【作者】 任萌

【导师】 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 公元前一千纪前后是世界文明史的重要发展阶段。在这一时期,欧亚大陆大部分区域进入了青铜时代晚期和早期铁器时代,古代东西方农耕文明中心的文化和社会都已发展到了一定的高度,并开始了相互之间的早期交流与沟通。与此同时,欧亚大陆腹地的草原地带,随着气候的剧变,游牧经济和游牧民族开始逐渐出现,并不断对农业文明区域进行着冲击。在这样的背景下,位于古代东西方文明中心之间、游牧地带与农业地带交汇之处的中国新疆东部、天山东段南北两麓的东天山地区,这一时期的文化也开始进入繁荣阶段,出现了既富于地方特色,又有广泛来源的区域文化,内涵丰富、构成复杂、富于变化。但是目前,国内考古界对东天山地区这一时期文化面貌和文明进程的全面研究非常缺乏,很多问题存在争议,并有大量的研究盲区。有鉴于此,本文以近年来作者在东天山地区亲自参与的各种调查、发掘或整理而收集的第一手新资料,结合当地以往的各种发现作为主要研究对象,使用各种考古学的研究方法,并参考大量的相关研究成果,对公元前一千纪东天山地区的考古学文化遗存各个方面进行了综合性的研究。全文共分五章。在第一章,作者首先分析了东天山地区的自然环境极其对文化的影响、当地考古学的研究简史和一些基本概念的讨论。还对东天山地区公元前一千纪的遗存进行了界定,并发现根据遗存特征和共存关系,这一时代在当地存在着两类既有联系、又有区别的考古学文化遗存,并分别命名为“红山口——石人子沟一期遗存”与“红山口——石人子沟二期遗存”。在第二章,通过对这两类文化遗存的各类遗迹遗物分别进行分析,再加上年代学的研究,认为红山口——石人子沟一期遗存的年代约在公元前13至公元前2世纪前后,而红山口——石人子沟二期遗存的年代约在公元前3世纪前后至公元后,分别属于时代前后相继的两类考古学文化。并使用考古地层学和类型学的方法,将延续时间更长、分布范围更广的红山口——石人子沟一期遗存分为3期和3个地方类型。第三章在上一章的基础上,使用文化因素分析法,将东天山地区两类文化遗存的各类文化因素与周边乃至更远区域的文化进行对比,探讨他们的不同来源、地位,并由此推断两类遗存的形成过程和方式。认为红山口——石人子沟一期遗存是公元前二千纪以来在欧亚草原中西部地区文化和甘青地区文化的扩张、碰撞下于当地形成,并在不同的时期吸收了不同的文化因素。而红山口——石人子沟二期遗存的人群则是来自蒙古高原及其周边地区,经过暴力征服等手段来到当地,逐渐替代了红山口——石人子沟一期遗存,并吸收了红山口——石人子沟一期遗存和其他地区的部分文化因素而形成。第四章使用了聚落考古和环境考古的方法,以大量的调查资料为研究对象,分别对两类遗存的聚落和聚落群的选址、级别、形态、内涵等特征进行了分析,并通过聚落探讨了两类遗存的社会组织结构。同时,结合各种发现和科学鉴定分析,对两类遗存的时期的生产生活和社会经济状况作出分析。认为红山口——石人子沟一期遗存时期,社会有了一定程度的分化,在其早期阶段,经济方式以定居农业和畜牧业为主,而到了中期之后,游牧经济所占的成分在逐渐加大。而红山口——石人子沟二期遗存时期,社会分化状况更加复杂,而经济生活方式已完全转变为游牧经济。最后一章主要使用历史考古学的方法,通过对照历史文献记载和考证,结合考古发现研究,认为这两类文化遗存所处的时代和地理位置,分别和汉代文献中的月氏、匈奴等民族或部族的年代和地望相对应。并且,红山口——石人子沟二期遗存取代红山口——石人子沟一期遗存的时间,也和历史上匈奴打败月氏,并占领月氏故地的时间相合。最后,还对公元前一千纪前后东天山地区考古学文化的地位和研究意义进行了总结。

【Abstract】 Around1,000B.C. is an important period for the development of the world’s history of civilization. In this period, most regions in Eurasia entered the later Bronze Age and the early Iron Age. The cultures and societies had developed into a certain level in ancient eastern and western farming civilization centers and early communications had begun. Meanwhile, with a sudden climate change in the hinterland of Eurasia, nomads and pastoral economy appeared gradually and had been impacting the regions of agricultural civilization.Under this background, the civilization in Eastern Tianshan Mountain region (consisting of eastern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the southern and northern foots of eastern Tianshan mountain chain and the surrounding areas), which sat between the ancient eastern and western civilization center, came into a booming period around1,000B.C. Meanwhile, the regional culture abounding with local characteristics and extensive origins appeared. The regional culture had plentiful connotations, complex structure and was full of changes. However, in China’s archaeological circle, there is a heavy lack of a comprehensive research on cultural characteristic and civilization development in Eastern Tianshan Mountain region around1,000B.C., and there are disputes on many questions and lots of blind areas in research;Considering these questions, this thesis makes a comprehensive research on archaeological cultural remains of the Eastern Tianshan Mountain region in the period around1,000B.C. in all aspects. The research, taking various previous local discoveries as the major targets, is made with the usage of archaeological research methods and the reference of many research results concerned. For the research, the thesis also collects some firsthand documents that include a variety of researches, excavation reports and collections concerned with the local investigations in which the writer himself participated in recent years.The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter analyzes the natural environment of the Eastern Tianshan Mountain region and the environment’s influence to the local culture. It introduces a brief history of the local archaeological research and discusses some basic concepts. It also makes a specific definition of the remains there around1,000B.C., discovering from the remains’ characteristics and co-existent relations that in the aforementioned period there were two categories of archaeological cultural remains having connections and differences and can be denominated as "the cultural remains of the first category" and "the cultural remains of the second category".The second chapter, with the analysis of relics from the remains of the two categories and chronological research methods, thinks that the age of the remains of the first category is probably from around13th century B.C. to around2nd century B.C., and the age of the remains of the second category from around3rd century B.C. to after the Christian era, and that the archaeological culture of the second category followed that of the first category. With research methods of archaeological stratigraphy and typology, the thesis also classifies the remains of the first category into3periods and3local types, since the remains last longer and spread more extensively.Based on the second chapter, the third chapter, with analysis methods relating to cultural factors, compares the cultural factors of the two categorical remains in Eastern Tianshan Mountain region with cultural factors in the surrounding areas and even areas farther away. The chapter also discusses the different sources and positions of the cultural factors and thus infers the processes and ways of the two categorical remains’formation. It is considered that the remains of the first category was formed locally from cultural expansion and collision in central and western Eurasian steppe, Gansu and Qinghai from2,000B.C., and absorbed different cultural factors in different periods. The crowds of the second categorical remains came from eastern Eurasian steppe and conquered the regions of the first categorical remains. Thus the remains of the second category are considered to have formed by replacing those of the first category and absorbing partial cultural factors from the remains of the first category and other regions.With the methods of settlement archaeological and environmental archaeology, the fourth chapter, which considers plenty of investigation documents as research targets, analyzes the selection, grades, shapes, connotations, etc of settlements and settlement groups of the two categorical remains and discusses the social organizations and structures of them according to the settlements. It is considered that the society was differentiated to a certain extent in the period of the first categorical remains:the economic ways of life were primarily settled agriculture and animal husbandry in the early stage; pastoral economy was expanding increasingly after the middle stage. In the period of the second categorical remains, the social differentiation was more complicated and the economic way of life had almost been transformed into pastoral economy.Using methods of historical archaeology, the last chapter, after consulting historical documents, textual researches, archaeological discoveries and researches, thinks that the ages and geographical positions of the two categories’cultural remains respectively correspond to those of Yuezhi, Xiongnu and some other nationalities recorded in documents of the Han Dynasty. Besides, the time when the second category’s remains replaced the first category’s remains also coincides with the time when Xiongnu and other nationalities conquered Yuezhi and occupied the latter’s territory. In the end, the thesis makes a conclusion on the position and research significance of the archaeological culture of the eastern Tianshan Mountain Region in the period around1,000B.C.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期

